The 1/6 Hearings

I'm fine with this inquiry as long as we treat the other insurrections throughout the country with equal importance. Police officers across the nation should be brought in to tell their stories, federal officers in besieged federal buildings with explosives going off all around.

None of this happened in a vacuum, all these events are interconnected. We should be studying the failures that led up events at every level.

But that won't happen, because these politicians are more interested in scoring political points and inciting the divide so we won't wake up. I'm sick of it.
I'm fine with this inquiry as long as we treat the other insurrections throughout the country with equal importance. Police officers across the nation should be brought in to tell their stories, federal officers in besieged federal buildings with explosives going off all around.

None of this happened in a vacuum, all these events are interconnected. We should be studying the failures that led up events at every level.

But that won't happen, because these politicians are more interested in scoring political points and inciting the divide so we won't wake up. I'm sick of it.
Consistency is the most basic measure that should be expected in any of this. And lack of it as weve seen all thru 2020 and up to Jan 6 is why many including myself just tell them to f$&@ off.
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^^^^ Tweets of this nature are not great for the Republican Party. Until January 6th, Republicans had successfully branded themselves as the party of law and order, who were protecting society from violent extremists, and who had nothing but respect for law enforcement officials. It was the Democrats who were being sympathetic to rioters. That whole narrative looks so disingenuous now. The Republican relationship with the police is purely transactional, just like everything else.
^^^^ Tweets of this nature are not great for the Republican Party. Until January 6th, Republicans had successfully branded themselves as the party of law and order, who were protecting society from violent extremists, and who had nothing but respect for law enforcement officials. It was the Democrats who were being sympathetic to rioters. That whole narrative looks so disingenuous now. The Republican embrace of the police is transactional, just like everything else.
Wait.......You thought Republican politicians were sincere? Nope, the are just like the Democrats.
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Party shenanigans is why you have to look at people as individuals. Unless they are waving the party flag and spouting some nonsense like "I am the party!", in which case they've asked to be cast in that die.
She has no accomplishments in all her time in Congress, both as a rep and Senator. She can't articulate or discuss in detail any policy issue. Her whole shtick is fear mongering.

To be fair neither can AOC. I mean AOC went on a snowflake diatribe about the phrase pulling yourself up by your boot straps.
To be fair neither can AOC. I mean AOC went on a snowflake diatribe about the phrase pulling yourself up by your boot straps.

Likely because the phrase was originally meant to be a joke; it's impossible to lift yourself by pulling up on your own shoestrings.

Nothing snowflake about reality.

Unfortunately, the phrase was appropriated by people who didn't have the intelligence to get the joke and it propagated onward.
She has no accomplishments in all her time in Congress, both as a rep and Senator. She can't articulate or discuss in detail any policy issue. Her whole shtick is fear mongering.
In the 117th Congress alone she has sponsored or cosponsored 293 bills and resolutions. So I guess she just rubber stamps all that and doesn’t read them? Sure that sounds legit.

Your retort is vague and general and could lazily be applied to any member of Congress. Just like you did here.

Marsha Blackburn
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Your conflation is disinteresting to me. The reasons behind the social justice riots and those of 1/6 are both different and distinct - one revolves a different set of justice rules for American citizens and the other was a direct assault on a pillar of our Republic.

Dude, you don’t even believe the **** you’re posting
In the 117th Congress alone she has sponsored or cosponsored 293 bills and resolutions. So I guess she just rubber stamps all that and doesn’t read them? Sure that sounds legit.

Your retort is vague and general and could lazily be applied to any member of Congress. Just like you did here.

Marsha Blackburn
How many of those have become meaningful legislation?
How many of those have become meaningful legislation?
I don’t know but the 117th is still in session. Click on the link I think there were 38 pages of bills and resolutions for her time in Congress?

I mean hey it’s easy to claim she doesn’t meet your purity test, few of us do. But she has been far from lazy and inactive it would appear.
^^^^ Tweets of this nature are not great for the Republican Party. Until January 6th, Republicans had successfully branded themselves as the party of law and order, who were protecting society from violent extremists, and who had nothing but respect for law enforcement officials. It was the Democrats who were being sympathetic to rioters. That whole narrative looks so disingenuous now. The Republican relationship with the police is purely transactional, just like everything else.
And Dems have been screaming "defund the police" yet are now claiming them as allies. It baffles me how none of you, and my you extends to all who clearly believe one party to be better than the other, see how the arguments clearly go both ways. Both sides have shown their hypocrisy, yet each side ignores their own while screaming about the others. It's foolish and absurd.
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Likely because the phrase was originally meant to be a joke; it's impossible to lift yourself by pulling up on your own shoestrings.

Nothing snowflake about reality.

Unfortunately, the phrase was appropriated by people who didn't have the intelligence to get the joke and it propagated onward.
As far as making excuses goes....that's kind of weak.

AOC has imbedded herself into the system and doesn't believe in compromise, a key tenant in founding this country. And she openly brags about it. That's not admirable in any way.
I don’t know but the 117th is still in session. Click on the link I think there were 38 pages of bills and resolutions for her time in Congress?

I mean hey it’s easy to claim she doesn’t meet your purity test, few of us do. But she has been far from lazy and inactive it would appear.
Never claimed she was lazy
No, he makes sense.
Not really. Riots aren't protests. Those who looted, did property damage, even killed people, they deserve to be punished, just as those who stormed the Capitol deserve to be punished. Neither side should get away with their actions, and both sides should be condemned for them. Lot of people ignore that.

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