The 1/6 Hearings

Your usually pretty level headed...explain to me the distinction??? For me i feel both were based on emotional reactions to media stoking fires....and all withouy statistical proof that what they were rioting about..

What I bolded in your reply is right on the money for what is actually going on and took the wind out of the sails of how I was thinking of replying.

The truth is, I see a lot of similarities to both the BLM riots and the 1/6 event. I believe both are actually predicated on real, long-standing issues where the instigators feel unheard and disrespected. The difference is one group has never had the upper hand in this country and the other group has historically held at least some power and influence.

In both cases, you also have a media landscape - conservative and liberal - who see opportunities to exacerbate the issue for the sake of increased viewership and increased ad revenue.

You're never going to see the leading edges of either side holding hands and singing KumBahYah, but they're the ones responsible for the other 90% of their side looking bad.
As far as making excuses goes....that's kind of weak.

AOC has imbedded herself into the system and doesn't believe in compromise, a key tenant in founding this country. And she openly brags about it. That's not admirable in any way.

I actually wasn't trying to take up for her. I'm an open and proud nerd when it comes to language and aphorisms.
What I bolded in your reply is right on the money for what is actually going on and took the wind out of the sails of how I was thinking of replying.

The truth is, I see a lot of similarities to both the BLM riots and the 1/6 event. I believe both are actually predicated on real, long-standing issues where the instigators feel unheard and disrespected. The difference is one group has never had the upper hand in this country and the other group has historically held at least some power and influence.

In both cases, you also have a media landscape - conservative and liberal - who see opportunities to exacerbate the issue for the sake of increased viewership and increased ad revenue.

You're never going to see the leading edges of either side holding hands and singing KumBahYah, but they're the ones responsible for the other 90% of their side looking bad.
I Agree...only thing i may slightly differ that we are now divided more by race them ever....and early 2000s that wasnt the case entirely...i feel then that 10% was basically ignored and thought of as irrelevant while everyone else got along....Obama really started and pushed hard identity politics and stoked a racial divide.......then was exacerbated by MSM under Trump and Biden is pushing identify politics even more....idk if it will ever be able to be overcome...most divides like this end in a war...
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What I bolded in your reply is right on the money for what is actually going on and took the wind out of the sails of how I was thinking of replying.

The truth is, I see a lot of similarities to both the BLM riots and the 1/6 event. I believe both are actually predicated on real, long-standing issues where the instigators feel unheard and disrespected. The difference is one group has never had the upper hand in this country and the other group has historically held at least some power and influence.

In both cases, you also have a media landscape - conservative and liberal - who see opportunities to exacerbate the issue for the sake of increased viewership and increased ad revenue.

You're never going to see the leading edges of either side holding hands and singing KumBahYah, but they're the ones responsible for the other 90% of their side looking bad.
Again, riots are not protests. Violence, property destruction, killing people....all these things are against the law and are not protected under the right to protest. Those involved in these actions are just as deserving of punishment as those who engaged in trespass, property destruction, or other unlawful acts at the Capitol. Both sides need to simply admit the truth of this and stop trying to justify the breaking of laws.
Again, riots are not protests. Violence, property destruction, killing people....all these things are against the law and are not protected under the right to protest. Those involved in these actions are just as deserving of punishment as those who engaged in trespass, property destruction, or other unlawful acts at the Capitol. Both sides need to simply admit the truth of this and stop trying to justify the breaking of laws.
What property besides the doors where babbitt got shot was damaged? And how much was the property damage???
Never claimed she was lazy
Look you can’t stand Trump and she is in his corner. That’s it or it’s a big part of it. Which is fine it’s your opinion and there’s no reason to be cagey on it. Plenty of people on here take exception to anybody supporting him its not like it’s a unique opinion.

But the fact is since Jan she has clearly been very active in her job and from the link even in the prior Congress too. I’d like to have them just churning thru items and steadily taking care of business instead of grandstanding on one or two flashy bills and then spending time on a victory lap. But that’s just me.
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What property besides the doors where babbitt got shot was damaged? And how much was the property damage???
Was property stolen as has been reported? Did someone really take a dump in pelosi's office? Property was reported damage. You don't help your legitimacy by denying it. Like I said, this goes both ways. Both parties have been bad actors in all of this.
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I Agree...only thing i may slightly differ that we are now divided more by race them ever....and early 2000s that wasnt the case entirely...i feel then that 10% was basically ignored and thought of as irrelevant while everyone else got along....Obama really started and pushed hard identity politics and stoked a racial divide.......then was exacerbated by MSM under Trump and Biden is pushing identify politics even more....idk if it will ever be able to be overcome...most divides like this end in a war...
We're not more divided than ever. When was the advent of social media? You guessed it. The early 2000s. Social media has only made it seem worse. Plus, SM has stoked the flames
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We're not more divided than ever. When was the advent of social media? You guessed it. The early 2000s. Social media has only made it seem worse. Plus, SM has stoked the flames
Eh I hope we’re not a bimodal distribution yet but the standard deviation has definitely got larger.

Yes social media is a big part of that. But it’s very effective at stoking very real divisions I think too.
Did you complain when Trump said what should be done "when the looting starts?" If not you have no right to have issue with what happened to that woman.
Does that logic work in reverse? I'm just curious, if you were pissed when Trump said that, shouldn't you also be pissed Babbitt was shot? And if you're not, does that mean you had no right being pissed by Trump's statement? Not trying to be argumentative, but just what are the acceptable rules?
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Fatal shooting in Portland

Aaron "Jay" Danielson, 39, was shot to death on Aug. 29 in Portland. Danielson, of Portland, was part of a group of people who described themselves as Trump supporters who came to Portland en masse and clashed with protesters. Friends said he was also a supporter of the right-wing group "Patriot Prayer."

Last Thursday night, a 48-year-old Washington man wanted in Danielson's death was fatally shot when a federal task force comprised of FBI and U.S. Marshals attempted to arrest him. Authorities allege the suspect, Michael Reinoehl, pulled a gun on the federal agents as they moved in to take him into custody in Lacey, Washington.

Protester fatally shot in Austin

Fatal Seattle hit and run

Fatal shootings at Seattle's protest zone

Retired police captain fatally shot

Allegedly shot dead by one-time family friend

Run over by FedEx truck at freeway protest









Why haven't there been congressional hearings on all of the senseless riots across America where at least 25 people were killed/murdered, where police departments were told to stand down, and an UNARMED woman was shot and killed by a policeman?
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Was property stolen as has been reported? Did someone really take a dump in pelosi's office? Property was reported damage. You don't help your legitimacy by denying it. Like I said, this goes both ways. Both parties have been bad actors in all of this.
I wasn't denying it was I was asking...seriously I haven't researched it in depth
Does that logic work in reverse? I'm just curious, if you were pissed when Trump said that, shouldn't you also be pissed Babbitt was shot? And if you're not, does that mean you had no right being pissed by Trump's statement? Not trying to be argumentative, but just what are the acceptable rules?
Yes I am pissed. I absolutely can't stand when unarmed citizens are killed by cops. Problem is, a lot of the people who are concerned about what happened to Ashley, agreed with a POTUS saying what trump said.
Yes I am pissed. I absolutely can't stand when unarmed citizens are killed by cops. Problem is, a lot of the people who are concerned about what happened to Ashley, agreed with a POTUS saying what trump said.
Agreed, but how many people that were pissed by Trump's statement are calling for action on Babbitt's shooting?
Ah see...i didnt research property damage of BLM i litterally uneducated my self on both sides...nice try..but I will
But you knew there was property damage from those riots, correct? That's what a riot is. Did you just assume that there would be no damage from people storming the Capitol?
Agreed, but how many people that were pissed by Trump's statement are calling for action on Babbitt's shooting?
It's a problem on both sides. But many Trump fans just now give a **** and have not denounced his comments about rioting. Seems to me they only give a **** when it's one of there's. And yes there are many on the left who have no problem with her being killed but champion others. Hypocrites all around. I try to call both sides out when I see it.
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