The 1/6 Hearings

NYT reporter Deletes Tweets urging Trump supporters to be called 'enemies of the state' amid Backlash

Katie Benner claims her original tweets were 'unclearly worded'

New York Times reporter Katie Benner deleted tweets calling for Trump supporters to be considered "enemies of the state" after she faced viral backlash from critics.

Amid the first hearing of the Jan. 6 committee on Capitol Hill, Benner suggested that in order to "combat" national security threats within the country, the solution was to target the voters of the former president.

However, the Times' Justice Department reporter later took down the tweets, claiming they were "unclearly worded."

The Times did not respond to Fox News' multiple requests for comment, including an inquiry about whether Benner deleted the tweets at the direction of the paper.

In the original tweets, Benner stressed that the Jan. 6 committee "underscores" what she indicated was the ongoing threat within the U.S.

"Today's #January6thSelectCommittee underscores the America's current, essential natsec dilemma: Work to combat legitimate national security threats now entails calling a politician’s supporters enemies of the state," Benner wrote.

Benner explained, "As Americans, we believe that state power should not be used to work against a political figure or a political party. But what happens if a politician seems to threaten the state? If the politician continues to do so out of office and his entire party supports that threat?"


NYT reporter deletes tweets urging Trump supporters to be called 'enemies of the state' amid backlash
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Color me shocked you think he was lying under oath. But you believe scum bags like Tucker and Trump.
I certainly don’t agree with anyone using the word but what does that have to do with national security or the election? It’s a horrible thing to say but it’s a word. When large groups of any type of people gather to protest you get increased stupidity no matter the people or the cause.
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Its hard. Reading some of these comments makes me sick. These are the same people who just a few months ago were slamming democrats for "defund the police" and waving "Blue Lives Matter" flags and now these officers are being called drama queens and cry babies by people who were not there and did not listen to their testimony.
The same is true in reverse. Not pointing to you specifically, but both sides flipflop constantly, displaying their hypocrisy. Most people only ever call out the side they're not aligned with. It's always "the other side" that's the problem, when it's normally both sides creating the chaos.
Believe what you will, but that has been the Dem game plan for the last 5 years.

Well, it is really hard not to when Trump makes it all about Trump. When he kicks off his presidential run by literally saying that he is the ONLY person that can save America.
The people who stormed the Capitol committed a crime. I'm not sure how that's even an argument. How severe a crime is up for debate. Not nearly the **** storm Dems have made it out to be (for purely political reasons), but also not a nothing burger like the Pubs are trying to make out. Punish the offenders in a reasonable manner. Not everything needs to be a political witch hunt. Both parties are ramping up their bases to where they're frothing at the mouth, and some of you guys, on both sides, have bought in. Calm your tits already.
Well, it is really hard not to when Trump makes it all about Trump. When he kicks off his presidential run by literally saying that he is the ONLY person that can save America.
Ah, so the answer is to stoop to his level...Doesn't that make them as bad as Trump?
There was cameramen/women strategically placed throughout the Capital that day. If this truly happened there would be video of it.

It didn't happen.
Yeah it's completely unbelievable that a bunch of Confederate flag waving morons might have dropped a racial slur to impress each other. No way that could happen
There was cameramen/women strategically placed throughout the Capital that day. If this truly happened there would be video of it.

It didn't happen.

The level of denial you guys are committing to is actually kind of impressive.
I think everyone should be forced to watch it. Personally for me, having heard what those officers went through straight from their mouths and then coming hear and reading people who didn't even listen to it come out and try to discredit their statements or come out and call it a "soap opera"....well its infuriating. Its ****ed up.
I can’t wait to hear future similar statements from you when police officers when they shoot a black violent felon again
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National Police Association Slams Jan. 6 probe as ‘dog and pony show,' calls for Investigation of Floyd Riots

The National Police Association on Wednesday slammed Congress’ investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as a politically motivated "dog and pony show" that has no intention of uncovering the truth of what really happened that day.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, association spokeswoman Betsy Brantner Smith, a retired police sergeant who describes herself as a conservative, said Congress should hear from the thousands of police officers who were injured during the George Floyd riots last year.

"People need to see that police officers go through horrible things, and Jan. 6 was a horrible thing for some of those officers," she said. "But, quite frankly, I find this whole Jan. 6 Commission, frankly, a dog and pony show. It doesn’t tell the whole story."

"Myself, like millions of Americans, sat there watching the testimony thinking, ‘Wait, where are the police officers who appeared – appeared – to let some of the protesters in?" she asked. "Where is the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt? In fact, why aren’t we talking about Ashli Babbitt? I mean there’s so much more here."

National Police Association slams Jan. 6 probe as ‘dog and pony show,' calls for investigation of Floyd riots
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National Police Association Slams Jan. 6 probe as ‘dog and pony show,' calls for Investigation of Floyd Riots

The National Police Association on Wednesday slammed Congress’ investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as a politically motivated "dog and pony show" that has no intention of uncovering the truth of what really happened that day.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, association spokeswoman Betsy Brantner Smith, a retired police sergeant who describes herself as a conservative, said Congress should hear from the thousands of police officers who were injured during the George Floyd riots last year.

"People need to see that police officers go through horrible things, and Jan. 6 was a horrible thing for some of those officers," she said. "But, quite frankly, I find this whole Jan. 6 Commission, frankly, a dog and pony show. It doesn’t tell the whole story."

"Myself, like millions of Americans, sat there watching the testimony thinking, ‘Wait, where are the police officers who appeared – appeared – to let some of the protesters in?" she asked. "Where is the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt? In fact, why aren’t we talking about Ashli Babbitt? I mean there’s so much more here."

National Police Association slams Jan. 6 probe as ‘dog and pony show,' calls for investigation of Floyd riots

Disagree. WE dont need any more stinkin investigations. We know what caused both.
National Police Association Slams Jan. 6 probe as ‘dog and pony show,' calls for Investigation of Floyd Riots

The National Police Association on Wednesday slammed Congress’ investigation of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot as a politically motivated "dog and pony show" that has no intention of uncovering the truth of what really happened that day.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, association spokeswoman Betsy Brantner Smith, a retired police sergeant who describes herself as a conservative, said Congress should hear from the thousands of police officers who were injured during the George Floyd riots last year.

"People need to see that police officers go through horrible things, and Jan. 6 was a horrible thing for some of those officers," she said. "But, quite frankly, I find this whole Jan. 6 Commission, frankly, a dog and pony show. It doesn’t tell the whole story."

"Myself, like millions of Americans, sat there watching the testimony thinking, ‘Wait, where are the police officers who appeared – appeared – to let some of the protesters in?" she asked. "Where is the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt? In fact, why aren’t we talking about Ashli Babbitt? I mean there’s so much more here."

National Police Association slams Jan. 6 probe as ‘dog and pony show,' calls for investigation of Floyd riots
When I think about the soldiers of Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and the police of the riots of the summer of 2020 and thousands of others who have done their duty by stepping into harms way and then went on their way in life, I want to throw up over the fawning and posturing that is being done in this charade of a hearing. I will absolutely grant you that the situation was stressful and dangerous but come on!!! These idiots actually think the Boston Tea Party was about the Tea!!

Yeah, those cops look like they've been really traumatized to the point of having bad dreams at night and having emotional & mental distress from all the heavy fire extinguisher beat-downs that came down on them. Hey, said one cop to the other, this is fun ... let's just stand down like Pelosi told us to do & to not get involved with her hate for Trump.

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