The 1/6 Hearings

So the answer is no only minor Traffic violations? The point is that real rank and file officers never testify or agree to testify in that manner outside a truly devastating incident. These who were “chosen” to testify and to cry about a normal crowd control incident months later were either political hacks or given something in return.

Can you back that up with any evidence?
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It seems I've hit a nerve.

How about this: Just admit that you choose your sources based on what you want to hear whether or not it actually meets a basic standard of quality. Simple, easy, elegant. Say that, and I'll leave you alone about your addiction to sources that no reasonable reader would find worth their time.
I'll admit this. This is your brand of debate. Someone makes a claim, your response: "Oh look another conspiracy theorist." If you think that's an intelligent response to debate someone you're a genius in your own mind only. As far as good sources, you're probably the biggest source of false information and fake news on this forum.
Shown to be bullsh!t because Pelosi's staff says it is. Lol, you love to believe nonsense. 1/6 committee is a complete sham.
Do you approve of what happened at the Capitol on January 6th? Do you think it Antifa? Was Pelosi's fault?
I'll admit this. This is your brand of debate. Someone makes a claim, your response: "Oh look another conspiracy theorist." If you think that's an intelligent response to debate someone you're a genius in your own mind only. As far as good sources, you're probably the biggest source of false information and fake news on this forum.

Are you willing to put yourself on the line and analyze/diagram a news article I post and demonstrate how it is fake?

Here you go. Most recent link I've posted. Pull it apart. Explain how it is fake.
Seeking Immunity From Suit Over Jan. 6th Attack, Rep. Mo Brooks Tells Judge He Was Simply 'Cooperating' with the 'White House'
Are you willing to put yourself on the line and analyze/diagram a news article I post and demonstrate how it is fake?

Here you go. Most recent link I've posted. Pull it apart. Explain how it is fake.
Seeking Immunity From Suit Over Jan. 6th Attack, Rep. Mo Brooks Tells Judge He Was Simply 'Cooperating' with the 'White House'
I've read that. You think that's a big deal and it's most certainly not. Mo Brooks is being dumb for his claim of what happened on 1/6. His claim ought to be the dismissal of the suit on the basis that 1/6 was a protest were some violence occurred. He's an idiot that is caving to the uniparty in admitting 1/6 was anything other than this. Go ahead and spread more misinformation and claim that 1/6 was anything other than that.
It seems I've hit a nerve.

How about this: Just admit that you choose your sources based on what you want to hear whether or not it actually meets a basic standard of quality. Simple, easy, elegant. Say that, and I'll leave you alone about your addiction to sources that no reasonable reader would find worth their time.
I'll say this regarding quality. It is next to impossible these days to find any news that's doesn't at least have a slant or agenda. This makes the entire lot garbage though admittedly to varying degrees.

I don't trust any of the media. I don't trust either party. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I know when things don't feel right..... And things don't feel right, haven't for some time now.
I've read that. You think that's a big deal and it's most certainly not. Mo Brooks is being dumb for his claim of what happened on 1/6. His claim ought to be the dismissal of the suit on the basis that 1/6 was a protest were some violence occurred. He's an idiot that is caving to the uniparty in admitting 1/6 was anything other than this. Go ahead and spread more misinformation and claim that 1/6 was anything other than that.

That wasn't the challenge. Do you even know how to analyze and diagram a source?
I'll say this regarding quality. It is next to impossible these days to find any news that's doesn't at least have a slant or agenda. This makes the entire lot garbage though admittedly to varying degrees.

I don't trust any of the media. I don't trust either party. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I know when things don't feel right..... And things don't feel right, haven't for some time now.

What you've just said is right on the money. My issue with the other poster is the resistance to admitting bias and the use of ad hominem attacks when asked to deep dive into their thought processes. Asking simple questions such as why one thinks a particular source is more reliable than another shouldn't result in a primal response.
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That wasn't the challenge. Do you even know how to analyze and diagram a source?
Of course not, according to you music professor. Of course who actually cares what your opinion is on sources when your retort to information posted is, "Oh look, another conspiracy."
What you've just said is right on the money. My issue with the other poster is the resistance to admitting bias and the use of ad hominem attacks when asked to deep dive into their thought processes. Asking simple questions such as why one thinks a particular source is more reliable than another shouldn't result in a primal response.
Claims the guy that exclaims everything is fake unless it's the AP, CSM, reuters, or BBC world.
Of course not, according to you music professor. Of course who actually cares what your opinion is on sources when your retort to information posted is, "Oh look, another conspiracy."

Take a deep breath, back off the attempts at ad hominem, and try again.
I'll say this regarding quality. It is next to impossible these days to find any news that's doesn't at least have a slant or agenda. This makes the entire lot garbage though admittedly to varying degrees.

I don't trust any of the media. I don't trust either party. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I know when things don't feel right..... And things don't feel right, haven't for some time now.
If you post something he doesn't support, you'll most definitely be labeled a conspiracy theorist.
Claims the guy that exclaims everything is fake unless it's the AP, CSM, reuters, or BBC world.

I've not used the epithet "fake news." I've previously described in detail how to examine a source for veracity and reliability. Sources exist on a spectrum, not on a binary scale.
I've not used the epithet "fake news." I've previously described in detail how to examine a source for veracity and reliability. Sources exist on a spectrum, not on a binary scale.
Your claimed expertise of the validity of sources is a farse. You offer no real facts about the ranking of sources except, "it uses big words and bold text, it has an insulting tone. Only I can do this when I attempt to debate on VN when I have no facts to back up my side."
Your claimed expertise of the validity of sources is a farse. You offer no real facts about the ranking of sources except, "it uses big words and bold text, it has an insulting tone. Only I can do this when I attempt to debate on VN when I have no facts to back up my side."

Find and link the post where I said that, thanks.
Can you back that up with any evidence?
Ask yourself why only those officers were selected and chose to testify. Out of what 300-400 there that day? They have used this incident to either “retire” early on federal dime or they are politically inclined to do so. This type of incident is something that officers (especially in large cities) have experienced several times and to a much worse extent.

Go ask any other officer what they think is going on with a federal officer who willingly testifies in a political hearing before Congress on tv and cries about their experiences on a regular 10-72 call
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Ask yourself why only those officers were selected and chose to testify. Out of what 300-400 there that day? They have used this incident to either “retire” early on federal dime or they are politically inclined to do so. This type of incident is something that officers (especially in large cities) have experienced several times and to a much worse extent.

Go ask any other officer what they think is going on with a federal officer who willingly testifies in a political hearing before Congress on tv and cries about their experiences on a regular 10-72 call
Good chance they with be drawing full disability for PTSD with six months
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Marjorie Taylor Greene Letter to Capitol Police: Pelosi Used You as ‘political pawns’

Escalating her war with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the one-sided investigation of the Jan. 6 pro-Trump riots at the Capitol, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene charged that the top Democrat used the U.S. Capitol Police as “political pawns” to target Republicans and smear former President Donald Trump.

From blocking reinforcements to help control the Jan. 6 crowd to having the police enforce new mask rules on House grounds, Greene said on Thursday that “I am concerned that USCP officers are being used as political pawns by Speaker Pelosi and other party leaders.”

In a sympathetic letter to Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, the Georgia Republican suggested that by denying requests for help in advance of Jan. 6, top Democrats got “precisely the ‘optics’ desired” and a riot that led to the second impeachment of Trump for “incitement of insurrection.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene letter to Capitol Police: Pelosi used you as ‘political pawns’
Marjorie Taylor Greene Letter to Capitol Police: Pelosi Used You as ‘political pawns’

Escalating her war with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over the one-sided investigation of the Jan. 6 pro-Trump riots at the Capitol, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene charged that the top Democrat used the U.S. Capitol Police as “political pawns” to target Republicans and smear former President Donald Trump.

From blocking reinforcements to help control the Jan. 6 crowd to having the police enforce new mask rules on House grounds, Greene said on Thursday that “I am concerned that USCP officers are being used as political pawns by Speaker Pelosi and other party leaders.”

In a sympathetic letter to Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, the Georgia Republican suggested that by denying requests for help in advance of Jan. 6, top Democrats got “precisely the ‘optics’ desired” and a riot that led to the second impeachment of Trump for “incitement of insurrection.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene letter to Capitol Police: Pelosi used you as ‘political pawns’
I will say this about the subject. If you think Trump was full aware of what his words and deeds would lead to that day you must also admit that the words and more importantly deeds from Pelosi also led to the events that day.

If you believe Trump had no clue something like this could happen then you can't in good faith argue Pelosi did and is responsible.

You simply can't have it both ways. I think they both knew exactly what they were doing and both played with fire knowing the consequences. Pelosi is no better than Trump IMO. Our government no longer serves our interests, they must go.
I will say this about the subject. If you think Trump was full aware of what his words and deeds would lead to that day you must also admit that the words and more importantly deeds from Pelosi also led to the events that day.

If you believe Trump had no clue something like this could happen then you can't in good faith argue Pelosi did and is responsible.

You simply can't have it both ways. I think they both knew exactly what they were doing and both played with fire knowing the consequences. Pelosi is no better than Trump IMO. Our government no longer serves our interests, they must go.
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