The 1/6 Hearings

^^^^ Tweets of this nature are not great for the Republican Party. Until January 6th, Republicans had successfully branded themselves as the party of law and order, who were protecting society from violent extremists, and who had nothing but respect for law enforcement officials. It was the Democrats who were being sympathetic to rioters. That whole narrative looks so disingenuous now. The Republican relationship with the police is purely transactional, just like everything else.
Republicans are idiots but only one party consistently has had the majority of the anti-police, anti-religious, anti-constitutional rights, anti traditional family, anti capitalist and generally anti American views the past 25 years or so.
Sure. But there's an added layer of hypocrisy here. Trump, and his supporters, have pretended to be the most pro cop people on earth. They aren't here. Which they shouldn't be. But they also openly mock the Capitol cops.
Not all police are the same just like not all criminals are the same. You are trying to pigeon hole a lot of different issues into one black and white one
How many of those cops have ever faced what those cops did? My brother is a retired cop. A professor at UGA. Former GBI agent. And owner of several business. He's never seen anything like that.
I’ve dealt with similar incidents at least 50 plus times in my career. Not the sheer number of people but violent riot situations either on the scene of a shooting or similar incidents. Not all those officers were given the same type training orders and not all handled the different levels of issues the same that day
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Trespassing is a crime.

Jump the gate at the WH and there's a high likleyhood you'll wind up in Federally issued bracelets for "being where you're not supposed to be." Telling the 1A sent you is not an acceptable response.
Glad you finally admit trespassing is a crime worthy of arrest
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Kinzinger expects 'significant number' of subpoenas issued in Jan. 6 investigation

Rep. Adam Kinzinger said Sunday that he expects "a significant number of subpoenas for a lot of people," including members of his own party, over the investigation into the Jan. 6 riots at the United States Capitol.

Rep. Liz Cheney and Kinzinger are the two Republicans selected by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to preside on the bipartisan select committee investigating the causes and buildup to the riots earlier this year. During an interview on ABC's This Week, Kinzinger revealed that he would even support subpoenaing House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy if necessary.

Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, has suggested that Cheney and Kinzinger could essentially be spies for the Democrats, noting that they were appointed by the Democratic House leader.

The Jan. 6 committee will convene virtually before the House breaks for August recess, with additional plans to meet with Justice Department officials next week, according to Chairman Bennie Thompson.

Kinzinger expects 'significant number' of subpoenas issued in Jan. 6 investigation
Entrapment, how so?

Simple, If you let a behavior ride, neglect the legal consequences, sometimes even support it, then it's reasonable for others to think the crime and punishment no longer apply. Selective enforcement is entrapment - bait and switch (enforcement) if you prefer. Why do you think we have a problem at the southern border and people get in an uproar if someone tries to plug the hole? There are clear rules for requesting amnesty, but they've been ignored so long that the de facto rule is forget the first safe crossing and country shop.
Simple, If you let a behavior ride, neglect the legal consequences, sometimes even support it, then it's reasonable for others to think the crime and punishment no longer apply. Selective enforcement is entrapment - bait and switch (enforcement) if you prefer. Why do you think we have a problem at the southern border and people get in an uproar if someone tries to plug the hole? There are clear rules for requesting amnesty, but they've been ignored so long that the de facto rule is forget the first safe crossing and country shop.
still not entrapment
Sure. But there's an added layer of hypocrisy here. Trump, and his supporters, have pretended to be the most pro cop people on earth. They aren't here. Which they shouldn't be. But they also openly mock the Capitol cops.
Well,… they did launch flash bangs before all of the S hit the fan.
I rewatched it this weekend after I saw your post. That fight (and Pitt talking to Manson crew before the fight) is great.


Brad Pitt and his dog from ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’. Andrew Cooper/Sony Pictures

Pitt won Academy Award Best Supporting Actor
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Third Capitol riot cop, 43, commits Suicide: DC Metropolitan Officer and father-of-three kills himself six months after Jan 6 assault on Congress

A third police officer who clashed with Capitol rioters on January 6 has killed himself.

DC Metropolitan Officer Gunther Hashida, 43, took his own life on July 29, his family announced in a GoFundMe account. DC Metropolitan Police have confirmed his death.

It's unclear how he killed himself and his family have not attributed his death to the riot on January 6. He leaves behind a wife and three children.


DC Metropolitan Officer Gunther Hashida, 43, took his own life on July 29, his family announced in a GoFundMe account. DC Metropolitan Police have confirmed his death.

Third Capitol cop commits suicide: DC Metro Officer Gunther Hashida kills himself | Daily Mail Online

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