The 1/6 Hearings

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So, since Pelosi's statement how many police officers have come forward saying they want to testify but have not been allowed?
What? There was a claim made, they said it was false and then would not give any details that would backup stating the claim was false. Like a fool, you believed them.
What? There was a claim made, they said it was false and then would not give any details that would backup stating the claim was false. Like a fool, you believed them.

The thing about making a false statement is that people can challenge it. What proof can they provide other than saying not true. We are first taking testimony of those on duty and then any others? Like a fool you fall for fake meme news every time.
The thing about making a false statement is that people can challenge it. What proof can they provide other than saying not true. We are first taking testimony of those on duty and then any others? Like a fool you fall for fake meme news every time.
So, you're making a claim on something I posted was false without any evidence whatsoever. That's supposed to give any value to your claim other than you can post some argument that it's bullsh!t on a forum. LOL, OK.
So, you're making a claim on something I posted was false without any evidence whatsoever. That's supposed to give any value to your claim other than you can post some argument that it's bullsh!t on a forum. LOL, OK.

So, where are the public statements by the banished officers responding to Pelosi's statement. Mind you, your bs meme was from a month ago. And crickets from the excluded DC police. Stop being so gullible.
So, where are the public statements by the banished officers responding to Pelosi's statement. Mind you, your bs meme was from a month ago. And crickets from the excluded DC police. Stop being so gullible.
Firtst, the image is from statements is not a meme, so that part of your statement is a total lie. Secondly, the only thing that claims it's a false statement is a statement from Pelosi's people. If you think that's good enough for the truth, have at it. Don't expect any sane person to share your view.
So, where are the public statements by the banished officers responding to Pelosi's statement. Mind you, your bs meme was from a month ago. And crickets from the excluded DC police. Stop being so gullible.

Don't worry, someone will post a RIVETING EXPOSE from ConservativeFunhouse or KingKamehameha's Telegram account that explains how the Illuminati and Weather Underground played 4D chess to make this all happen. I'm sure it will be SHOCKING.
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Don't worry, someone will post a RIVETING EXPOSE from ConservativeFunhouse or KingKamehameha's Telegram account that explains how the Illuminati and Weather Underground played 4D chess to make this all happen. I'm sure it will be SHOCKING.
You should stop stalking my posts. Just makes you look dumb.
If you think I'm stalking your posts, you've got a massive ego problem. I'm just seeing which conversations are active and replying. To ClearwaterVol in this case.
You're replies are immature and have the substance of a petulant child and always trail a damning revelation against your side. Before you claim, I don't have a side, it's clear that you do. If you have something intelligent to add feel free, if you want to be lauded as comic relief continue posting nonsense. Don't get too touchy when I hammer on your massive ego.
You're replies are immature and have the substance of a petulant child and always trail a damning revelation against your side. Before you claim, I don't have a side, it's clear that you do. If you have something intelligent to add feel free, if you want to be lauded as comic relief continue posting nonsense. Don't get too touchy when I hammer on your massive ego.

I absolutely have a side: not dumpster diving in the back alleys of internet "news". Sure you may occasionally find a piece of filet mignon, but you still pulled it from a dumpster.
I absolutely have a side: not dumpster diving in the back alleys of internet "news". Sure you may occasionally find a piece of filet mignon, but you still pulled it from a dumpster.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I will never be with you and your views as a citizen of this country. Continue to embarrass yourself with your asinine comments trying to refute things that are going on. Keep on being a hypocrite in taking the stance of intelligence all the while making comments that are devoid of it.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I will never be with you and your views as a citizen of this country. Continue to embarrass yourself with your asinine comments trying to refute things that are going on. Keep on being a hypocrite in taking the stance of intelligence all the while making comments that are devoid of it.

It seems I've hit a nerve.

How about this: Just admit that you choose your sources based on what you want to hear whether or not it actually meets a basic standard of quality. Simple, easy, elegant. Say that, and I'll leave you alone about your addiction to sources that no reasonable reader would find worth their time.
So, where are the public statements by the banished officers responding to Pelosi's statement. Mind you, your bs meme was from a month ago. And crickets from the excluded DC police. Stop being so gullible.
You obviously have never been around actual police officers or have seen them regularly testify in court lol
Seen lots of them testify in ticket cases, but usually they don't show up.
So the answer is no only minor Traffic violations? The point is that real rank and file officers never testify or agree to testify in that manner outside a truly devastating incident. These who were “chosen” to testify and to cry about a normal crowd control incident months later were either political hacks or given something in return.

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