The 2024 MLB Draft - Discussion Thread

Not sure NIL played a major role there, though. The kid couldn't be getting much more than what, $200k? I can't imagine that college baseball NIL is touching seven figures. So, it is a benefit, but the gap in money is so large that it doesn't seem like the motivation was monetary. He may have just wanted to go the college route. There have been those guys in past drafts that just preferred the college route for one reason or another, and they got nothing from the school (legally, at least) to do it.
But it still happened, doesn’t really matter the reasons why just like someone the other day said if drafted there is no way Rat our transfer would make it to TN. Either way some guys want to go to college, some will get some NIL money to make it somewhat worthwhile to do so. In the end this was a 1st rounder who most likely isn’t going to help his stock a ton that decided that going to LSU was what he was going to do and NIL is one of those factors even if not the biggest factor.
Hate to be this guy... and maybe it was already posted, if so just direct me to it.

Cliff notes on who we lost to the draft (HS recruits too)
Like Ben McKee said, if we can keep the high schoolers signing to 5 or less, you are absolutely thrilled.

I think main priority is to get one of Kuhns or Seibert. Hopefully both lol.
But even if we lose both...Krenzel, Hayse, and Strickland are still elite recruits as pitchers. We're in good shape no matter what happens.
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If MLB's draft tracker is close to accurate the pick value's are all about to drop under a million....would think we have a competitive enough NIL to keep guys that aren't first 2 round drafted.
Don’t put thoughts in my head….too late

LF: Fischer
CF: Ensley
RF: Tears


Yeah, I was delusional before the CWS thinking DD, Hunter, and Tears would all return... DD went off and the MLB rewarded him, but Hunter & Tears would be epic to return.

I wanna BELIEVE. Tears returning could for sure have a huge season and put himself in the first round next draft.
Yeah, I was delusional before the CWS thinking DD, Hunter, and Tears would all return... DD went off and the MLB rewarded him, but Hunter & Tears would be epic to return.

I wanna BELIEVE. Tears returning could for sure have a huge season and put himself in the first round next draft.

I suspect Tears will be off the board after the 3rd round today, so I don’t think there will be much of a shot of him returning lol.
Yes, NIL changes this for sure. I mean look at the LSU kid William something. He’s most likely a 1st rounder and he told everyone yesterday to not even bother to pick him because he was going to LSU. Most likely he just turned down millions just to go to LSU and most likely a 1st round pick. So yes NIL makes a big difference compared to what it did years ago, it’s a whole new landscape! Be interesting to see how many high schoolers we do end up losing.
William Schmidt doesn't make a damn lick of sense. Lowest slot value for the 1st rnd is just under $3 mil. There is not a chance in hell he's getting that in NIL from LSU. And if he somehow is, then no one can compete with their baseball NIL program.
But it still happened, doesn’t really matter the reasons why just like someone the other day said if drafted there is no way Rat our transfer would make it to TN. Either way some guys want to go to college, some will get some NIL money to make it somewhat worthwhile to do so. In the end this was a 1st rounder who most likely isn’t going to help his stock a ton that decided that going to LSU was what he was going to do and NIL is one of those factors even if not the biggest factor.
Right...I guess I was just refuting the idea that as you originally put it, "NIL makes a big difference" as a blanket statement regarding kids projected as 1st rounders. The money they're turning down in the form of signing bonuses isn't likely anything close to whatever money they're making in NIL, so I can't picture it being a huge draw. Most likely, the majority skipping the draft were going to go the college route, anyway. Guys were making this same decision before NIL existed. In both cases, it's still pretty rare.
William Schmidt doesn't make a damn lick of sense. Lowest slot value for the 1st rnd is just under $3 mil. There is not a chance in hell he's getting that in NIL from LSU. And if he somehow is, then no one can compete with their baseball NIL program.
He may also have some smart advisors who were plugged into the state of affairs of the how the draft would play out, and they advised him to get out in front of the scenario by essentially opting himself out rather than take his chances of slipping into the 2nd round. When the consensus top prep arm (Caminiti) doesn't go off until the 24th pick to Atlanta, there was maybe a good chance that Schmidt wasn't as much of a 1st rd lock as some originally thought. This was thought to be a down draft, in general, but especially in the prep player department.
He may also have some smart advisors who were plugged into the state of affairs of the how the draft would play out, and they advised him to get out in front of the scenario by essentially opting himself out rather than take his chances of slipping into the 2nd round. When the consensus top prep arm (Caminiti) doesn't go off until the 24th pick to Atlanta, there was maybe a good chance that Schmidt wasn't as much of a 1st rd lock as some originally thought. This was thought to be a down draft, in general, but especially in the prep player department.
In the boards I was following last night some guys had Schmidt ahead of Caminiti but it was close, but I did hear that quite a few teams had Schmidt above Cam, so I do think he would have went in the 1st and that’s a dang huge amount of money to turn down. But NIL softens that blow, plus them being able to take out an insurance policy, however I just dont see a 1st rounder turning down the money he most likely did without having at least a pretty good NIL payment coming his way, because he’s now locked himself into at least 2 years at LSU(I can’t remember his age and of it allows him chance to go as a soph) but either way 2 years as a pitcher to possibly throw your arm out and go from a 1st rounder to maybe undrafted is crazy.
In the boards I was following last night some guys had Schmidt ahead of Caminiti but it was close, but I did hear that quite a few teams had Schmidt above Cam, so I do think he would have went in the 1st and that’s a dang huge amount of money to turn down. But NIL softens that blow, plus them being able to take out an insurance policy, however I just dont see a 1st rounder turning down the money he most likely did without having at least a pretty good NIL payment coming his way, because he’s now locked himself into at least 2 years at LSU(I can’t remember his age and of it allows him chance to go as a soph) but either way 2 years as a pitcher to possibly throw your arm out and go from a 1st rounder to maybe undrafted is crazy.
It would be interesting to know the numbers of his NIL deal, but like I said before, there's almost no way that he's touching the number he turned down. No one is spending 7 figures on college baseball players that I've heard, so it's probably fractional, at best. Even $500k, while good money, is paltry compared to what he could've made if he was a guaranteed 1st rounder. And you're right, he's taking a big risk by going to school. He can maybe double, perhaps triple his slot value in 2 or 3 years, but he'd have to go top-10 to do it.

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