The 2024 MLB Draft - Discussion Thread

it isnt, but nowadays 'finding onesself' in College is an expensive endeavor. There has to be a plan. Kids dont get to really get to enjoy not having that pressure, taking College classes in HS. Having to hit ground running, knowing their general major before they hit campus.

Things are so expensive now, you have to hit a bullseye. No room for error.

If a kid pursues a STEM major, they are going to do just fine. Business is probably okay, too.

Humanities or something similar…not worth much IMO.
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You have degrees that actually gave you a marketable skill. Many degrees today just don't. If you are pursuing a STEM degree, law, accounting, medical, yes, college is valuable. With many other degrees, kids would be better off getting four years of actual work experience in a field that interests them.

You nailed it.
His injury was initially diagnosed as a flexor strain in April according to that article. If it’s no worse than that, he should be okay next year.
Either the writer of that article hates Tennessee, hates Anson, or both. They made him sound like a high school freshman

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