The All Things Cycling Thread

efficiency, as in aerodynamics? i guess what i am trying to ask, is from point A to point B, a guy is racing a xerox copy of himself. one on a road bike, the other on a hybrid bike. who wins? having only ridden mnt bikes, a hybrid is obviously much more comfortable for me, but speed is what is pushing me to leave mnt bike in the first place.

Road bike wins every time. It's not just aerodynamics, but the position you're in puts more power to your legs on a road bike. You have about 5 positions you can place your hands on the bars, too, that makes it more comfortable vs. just one place on a hybrid.
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orange is really working on that bike.. you sure you are gonna be able to part with it?

Thanks. And yes, easily knowing that I'll actually profit from the sale of it and upgrade to something even better. I'm excited to see what the 2012 models will be like.
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what jerseys are you guys rocking? saw the pic of hohens T jersey.

Right now I just have a cheap jersey from Dunhams but I'll be putting in an order for 2-3 more soon. I also ordered a Reddit jersey but that won't be here until September.
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tnt, how you liking the new bike?
Loving it. :dance2:Road 36.4 miles back and forth to work. As VT said brakes need replaced especially noticed in last 5 miles when it started pouring down rain.... Handled great even in the rain, smooth shifting, not sure what speed was as have yet to get new computer since old one got left on the street. But by timing the route I was riding faster than what it felt like. Will send pics later after dinner.
Loving it. :dance2:Road 36.4 miles back and forth to work. As VT said brakes need replaced especially noticed in last 5 miles when it started pouring down rain.... Handled great even in the rain, smooth shifting, not sure what speed was as have yet to get new computer since old one got left on the street. But by timing the route I was riding faster than what it felt like. Will send pics later after dinner.

great to hear tnt.
any you other ladies get any saddle time in today? just overtime at work for me.. *sigh* i h ate losing these precious evenings before it gets ridiculously hot.
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So. Hot. I'm near over heating and I'm pretty sure my friend already has. He cramped completely up about 200 feet from the restaurant we are at now. I'm having trouble breathing. We are about 15 miles from home. Lol. This was a very bad idea. And we aren't even going to make 100 miles.
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So. Hot. I'm near over heating and I'm pretty sure my friend already has. He cramped completely up about 200 feet from the restaurant we are at now. I'm having trouble breathing. We are about 15 miles from home. Lol. This was a very bad idea. And we aren't even going to make 100 miles.
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at least you have the common sense to stop.. with all the cyclists here, i should start a stranded biker taxi service. regular cab fare plus one component off your bike.
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at least you have the common sense to stop.. with all the cyclists here, i should start a stranded biker taxi service. regular cab fare plus one component off your bike.
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Lol. Yeah.

We went 75 miles and had to stop about 5 times, once so he could get hosed down. It was like 98* and 80% humidity. I had some respiratory problems near the end, too.
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I should quit eating right before riding. At the top of hill number 2 I blew chunks all over a construction sign...
35 miles yesterday morning. Bagged a new mountain 2100+ feet. Wasnt as tough as i thought it was going to be. know I was going 40+ mph coming down but I forgot my computer. Stupid.
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35 miles yesterday morning. Bagged a new mountain 2100+ feet. Wasnt as tough as i thought it was going to be. know I was going 40+ mph coming down but I forgot my computer. Stupid.
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There are some hard core bikers out here. I don't think I've ever been in the condition some of them are in. They take 4-5000' elevation increases in stride.
There are some hard core bikers out here. I don't think I've ever been in the condition some of them are in. They take 4-5000' elevation increases in stride.

That is true. Had some friends who are good athletes vacationed in Boulder. Came back saying the best cyclists and runners in our area would be average over there. That high altitude training is no joke.
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That is true. Had some friends who are good athletes vacationed in Boulder. Came back saying the best cyclists and runners in our area would be average over there. That high altitude training is no joke.
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i bet most pros make there way there to train.
i dont know the correct nomenclature, but i was looking at a vintage schwinn last week and you could brake from the aero? position and if you have your hands on top of the handle bars. is that an extinct option, because looking at picutres of newer bikes, it just looks like you can brake from the aero? position.
i dont know the correct nomenclature, but i was looking at a vintage schwinn last week and you could brake from the aero? position and if you have your hands on top of the handle bars. is that an extinct option, because looking at picutres of newer bikes, it just looks like you can brake from the aero? position.

entry level road bikes, touring and cyclocross bikes have that setup. Most bikes don't due to aerodynamics and weight.
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i dont know the correct nomenclature, but i was looking at a vintage schwinn last week and you could brake from the aero? position and if you have your hands on top of the handle bars. is that an extinct option, because looking at picutres of newer bikes, it just looks like you can brake from the aero? position.

Ah. Suicide brakes. Trying to brake on the tops didn't give enough braking power to stop at higher speeds. It also made it pretty unstable.

Like tri said, the system has been redesigned to incorporate completely separate brake levers on the top that the brake cables just run through. Pretty nifty.
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Hey, Tri. Here's a neat vid of slick rock riding down around Moab. Thought you might enjoy. If you make it out here and are interested, this was shot off Kane Creek. Going south on 191, you drive just past the entrance to Canylands Nat. Park on your left, Kane will be the next right turn. Any bike shop in Moab can tell you exactly where to go to get there.


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