The All things Lane Kiffin Car Accident Thread (merged)

I guess Lane may need to contact Tiger for some tips....of course on the bright side I'm sure a football doesn't hurt nearly as bad as a iron.
Doug Mathews on the Plaster TV show here in Nashville just said that there is about to be some personally embarrassing stuff come out. It sounds like there is something to all this stuff.

I wish it would come out soon. As difficult a time as he had with questions on O's recruiting of EE's, I'd love to see him explaining all this stuff if true.
I have been thinking all along that we need to let a sleeping dog lay.
We could be burned by all of this in the end.

That is true. As bad as I want to nail this guy for as much as possible, I could see how this could come back to haunt us also. Well maybe USC will be hit with some big punishment from the NCAA soon....:birgits_giggle:
I have been thinking all along that we need to let a sleeping dog lay.
We could be burned by all of this in the end.

He's gone now, thank god. So we need to move on.

Sounds like Memphis basketball fans last year during the Rose events. :lolabove:
leaving the scene of an accident

sure would be nice if he was brought in for questioning in next couple weeks. Be a nice pre-NSD surprise that there is a warrant for his arrest. would his USC recruits scamper
there has been no proof of any transgressions, none, it is just bitter people wanting to create drama, move on and enjoy your new wonder kid Dooley!

Either you are dillusional or I am talking to Lane Kiffen. In either case USC has got a mediocre coach with a record to prove it. If you think he looks good after Carrol, Ihate to think what Carrol ha
s done.
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The guy will hang himself, he doesn't need our help. All we will do is make ourselves look bad. Let him go.

I agree, in the longrun it was better to see his character now when we can take our losses and move on than to be on probation for the violations that were bound to come.Kiffen was right LA is a better fit for him, they are used to actors (posers).
Posted via VolNation Mobile
had he simply ran away and gave the university time too heal alittle before he started running his mouth i would be cool with letting it settle.hell calling the recruits and spinning it as letting them know their options? it's time the spoiled brat is accountable for some of his actions. had people not looked the other way his entire life it probably would not have came too this. this may all be rumors to begin with if not? it's his problem,daddy and o wont be getting him anymore jobs.
i have one request mods. came we do away with this :crazy: i am sick of seeing it and the op having nothing to back it up with only this :crazy:
Spoke with the guy at work and he said he will talk to the girl and see if she will come out... I doubt it but you never know...
Me thinks there is plenty to it and would like to see the weasel get what is coming to him.
And Dooley didn't do the same thing to LA Tech? It's a business people. A business.

pretty sure la tech isn't going to lose several top recruiting prospects like ut is. other than coach dooley taking the job less than 3 weeks to signing day like kiffin did, the situations aren't as similar as you're implying it to be. there are alot of other things to consider.
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pretty sure la tech isn't going to lose a several top recruiting prospects like ut is. the situations are different.

Oh ok ... so b/c some recruiting site doesn't rank them with as many 4 and 5* recruits, then it makes that OK. That program isn't as important as UT basically right? You can't have it both ways bud. The situations are not different. To be clear though, I don't care that Dooley accepted the job for the same reason that I don't blame Kiffin. It's their careers, and they are both making moves that, in their opinion, will make them happier and more fulfilling.
pretty sure la tech isn't going to lose several top recruiting prospects like ut is. other than coach dooley taking the job less than 3 weeks to signing day like kiffin did, the situations aren't as similar as you're implying it to be. there are alot of other things to consider.

How is it different? What else should I consider? I'm all ears. In fact, one could argue that Dooley leaving LA Tech is worse than Kiffin leaving UT b/c of Dooley being their AD as well.

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