The American polity is cracked, and might collapse. Canada must prepare

You're saying because you perceive that we have a left-wing imbalance with cancel culture, then the dictatorship won't come from the right? I think that's non-sequitur.

I don't think either side is likely to produce a dictatorship anytime soon, but it seems much more feasible that it would come from the side that gets the most support from the military and LEO's, and whose voters are armed to the hilt.

It isn't an imbalance in cancel culture. It is just cancel culture. And the ones controlling culture and cancellations are of a progressive bent. Politics follow culture. It is why a drooling hospice patient is president right now. The culture of Anti-Trumpism at any cost gets us a guy who thinks we are nothing more than lab rats in his public health policy experiment. We may quibble over whether or not he is a dictator or is the predecessor of a dictatorship, but he is close enough that it makes me very uncomfortable. That isn't an endorsement of Trump either. I think he had an authoritarian bent as well, but I don't think in my wildest dreams he would've been proposing the power grab that the Biden Admin and the democrats are proposing in the name of "public health". And the means and methods they and the corporate media and corporate pharm companies have used to come up with the "justification" for such public policy power grabs is suspect at best and possibly nefariously crooked.

I just see much more momentum and magnitudes of political/cultural power coming from the left than the right. Sure red folks have guns, but Dems, cultural elites, and the leaders of our institutions all seem to be enablers of the authoritarianism of this admin, and the admin. has Navy Seals and drones and weapons of mass destruction.
odd that it has been left wing administrations that: spied on journalists, assassinated a US citizen while refusing to state the legal justification for doing so, blackmailed HC companies into "donating" to government propoganda on ACA, mandated medical procedures for the majority of citizens, jailed government leakers, etc.

if you want to know why the polity is cracked it is because folks like the author view everything from their political lens and then write about it as if it were objective truth. maybe the author believes what he wrote but that doesn't make it correct.
You never stated in 2022 specifically but you seem to indicate it would be through the force of LEO and military if it occurred. My point is that’s not how this war is being fought and it may already be lost

All I said was that it's not likely to come from the side that's not backed by the military and LEO's. I didn't say it couldn't come from that side. I also said it's not likely to come from either side.
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odd that it has been left wing administrations that: spied on journalists, assassinated a US citizen while refusing to state the legal justification for doing so, blackmailed HC companies into "donating" to government propoganda on ACA, mandated medical procedures for the majority of citizens, jailed government leakers, etc.

if you want to know why the polity is cracked it is because folks like the author view everything from their political lens and then write about it as if it were objective truth. maybe the author believes what he wrote but that doesn't make it correct.

Let’s not forget spying on a sitting president based on Russian propaganda
All I said was that it's not likely to come from the side that's not backed by the military and LEO's. I didn't say it couldn't come from that side. I also said it's not likely to come from either side.

Right. And I’m saying in the 1950s that’s how a coup worked. But if you control the institutions you don’t require the sentiment of the majority of soldiers, LEO, etc
Moreover, when violent left wing groups decide they want something Canadian citizens have and hop across the border which is just as porous as our southern border, they can't and won't stop them either. In short, during a civil war in the United States, Canadian areas and citizens easily accessible from the former United States will become their bitch regardless of political party.
That is an interesting scenario you've spelled out.
It isn't an imbalance in cancel culture. It is just cancel culture. And the ones controlling culture and cancellations are of a progressive bent. Politics follow culture. It is why a drooling hospice patient is president right now. The culture of Anti-Trumpism at any cost gets us a guy who thinks we are nothing more than lab rats in his public health policy experiment. We may quibble over whether or not he is a dictator or is the predecessor of a dictatorship, but he is close enough that it makes me very uncomfortable. That isn't an endorsement of Trump either. I think he had an authoritarian bent as well, but I don't think in my wildest dreams he would've been proposing the power grab that the Biden Admin and the democrats are proposing in the name of "public health". And the means and methods they and the corporate media and corporate pharm companies have used to come up with the "justification" for such public policy power grabs is suspect at best and possibly nefariously crooked.

I just see much more momentum and magnitudes of political/cultural power coming from the left than the right. Sure red folks have guns, but Dems, cultural elites, and the leaders of our institutions all seem to be enablers of the authoritarianism of this admin, and the admin. has Navy Seals and drones and weapons of mass destruction.

It's 1976. Somebody writes a thinkpiece saying within 10 years, we're going to fall to a left-wing dictatorship. There is absolutely no chance that your response is, "Well, the right is leading the way with cancel culture."

And it sounds like you're saying cancel culture is all on the left now, which I don't even know how to engage with you on that. That's just too biased to even comprehend.
Although I am steadfast in believing a RWD is not in our future and America is morphing into a Democratic Socialist country, it is interesting the author came to the conclusions he did. I saw virulent left wing groups forming "occupied
zones" recently. I had never seen that before. One could conclude the left wing dictatorship is in the testing phase given what we've seen.
That is an interesting scenario you've spelled out.

True though. Do you think places like Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto would be "safe" during an extended period of civil strife in the United States? Or any number of smaller border towns that become ripe targets for the hungry masses with nothing to lose coming across the border looking for food, fuel, fresh water or supplies?

The Canadian military only has 100,000 total with reservists and the Canadian Army only 40% of that. That really isn't a large enough number to "secure" Canada from any kind of violence that comes across the border. And besides that, they really are the 51st State and what happens to us will happen to them eventually as well and they will delve into civil disorder themselves. This isn't 1861 when they were a protectorate of the British and could call on the Crown for aid. They are wide open now and furthermore, they have the same kind of geographical and political divisions we have. The Quebec independence movement, the Western Provinces not getting along with the Eastern Provinces and feeling unrepresented, etc.

Canada is really in the same boat as we are when it comes to this sort of thing.
It's 1976. Somebody writes a thinkpiece saying within 10 years, we're going to fall to a left-wing dictatorship. There is absolutely no chance that your response is, "Well, the right is leading the way with cancel culture."

And it sounds like you're saying cancel culture is all on the left now, which I don't even know how to engage with you on that. That's just too biased to even comprehend.

Maybe we're defining cancel culture differently. In my opinion, cancel culture is specifically related to the era of social media and the effects it has on "informing" the masses and leading theses masses to form very uniform opinions.
Maybe we're defining cancel culture differently. In my opinion, cancel culture is specifically related to the era of social media and the effects it has on "informing" the masses and leading theses masses to form very uniform opinions.

To me, cancel culture is a recently adopted term that explains a social pressure mechanism that has existed for a long time. Social media is where a lot of it happens, but that's not a requisite component. My Dad never said on FB that he was boycotting Subway, but he's said it to many people, and it's still an attempt to cancel.
To me, cancel culture is a recently adopted term that explains a social pressure mechanism that has existed for a long time. Social media is where a lot of it happens, but that's not a requisite component. My Dad never said on FB that he was boycotting Subway, but it's still cancel culture.

OK that's fine. The social media component of cancel culture is what I'm specifically referring to because it has a much greater impact on public opinion than your Dad saying to his group of buddies at poker night that he is boycotting Subway.
To me, cancel culture is a recently adopted term that explains a social pressure mechanism that has existed for a long time. Social media is where a lot of it happens, but that's not a requisite component. My Dad never said on FB that he was boycotting Subway, but he said to many people, and it's still an attempt to cancel.

we've discussed prior but I'll just reiterate that to me cancel culture is the conscious attempt to cancel something; to stop it from existing or to cause it harm for some offense. boycotts are a mechanism that could be used to cancel but in and of themselves are not canceling. if you Dad decided he would no longer patronize Subway he isn't necessarily trying to cause harm to Subway. Now if he organized a boycott and attempted to harm Subway or force them to make some changes he wanted then he'd be moving closer to cancel culture.
I avoided this place for like two months, not sure I've really "bragged" about it. My bad, next time I'll keep my mouth shut and not post or talk about anything. That better?

Dude that is a liberal posts an article he agrees with, my God the horror!
What exactly do you agree with in the article
To be honest, there are a few guys on the right that scare me just as much as these leftists.

3 types of politicians that scare me the most.

#1. The Obama type. Great speaker. Can inspire a crowd. Seems like a likeable enough guy. So much so, he can literally run on “Fundamentally transforming America” and the masses cheer! I mean, the guy kills kids with drones and gets to keep his Nobel peace prize. He’s untouchable because of his race. A media darling. Etc. These types are truly dangerous as is he.

#2. The AOC type. A complete idiot that the kids love. The 18-35 demographic is easily persuaded to buy into terrible ideas because they haven’t lived life yet. The young politicians like her only need charisma to get by. Lucky for the rest of us, these types are normally so ignorant they can’t get anything done. See Bernie Sanders career. While he’s done well for himself, he hasn’t gotten squat passed into law.

#3. The spineless Republican. Paul Ryan, Romney, Boehner etc. come to mind. They believe they are helping by trying to “Work across the aisle” on major legislation but they usually end up getting bent over and taken advantage of.
Oh yeah, he's so spot on

When does the nazi comparison go away? It's in no way useful to any decent conversation

After Donald Trump lost the election and attempted a coup, I think words like wannabe dictator and fascist are accurately applied to him and numerous Republicans. Calling them Nazis is probably a stretch, but we do not know how low they will sink. Republicans appear to have no bottom.

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