A little more on the topic:
The Red-Green Alliance: Muslim Brotherhood, ANSWER Battle Mubarak
(Links to what the MB is saying, above)
It should come as no surprise, then, that the hard
left aligned always with elements of the most radical
Islamists against US interests are joining the battle
on the side of the Muslim Brotherhood.
This repeats the pattern begun during the 1979
Iranian Revolution, as leftists like Michel Foucault
serenaded Ayatollah Khomeini and the promise of
a theocratic regime in that country. That a
homosexual like Foucault would prefer the Shariah-
adherent totalitarianism that was unleashed in Iran
to the more pro-Western Shah is testament to the
hard lefts fetishization of the post-colonial narrative:
anything but America, and the more militantly anti-
American, the more legitimate. Dinesh DSouza
argued, I believe convincingly, last year that
Obama is similarly predisposed.
Personally I think anyone who doesn't agree with
the final sentence of the above quote is either
delusional or terminally dense.
Here is a little background on Foucault:
Michel Foucault was one of the many horrible
French thinkers unleashed on the world in the
French post-colonial period. He was particularly
disgusting (he was not just a homosexual, but
was involved in SM and had nasty theories
supporting his practices), but he wasnt alone.
They hated France, they hated Western civilization
in general, they idealized - or even idolized - the
brutal non-Western savage and regarded any hurt
inflicted upon France or upon the West as cause
for celebration. They hated Christianity (which,
like Nietzsche, they regarded as a slave religion)
and exalted the brutality and cruelty of Islam.
They were all radical leftists, but theres no
contradiction at all between Islamic beliefs and
a Communist-style centralized and collectivist
economy controlling a population. Islam is very
collectivist, and like all socialist economic theories,
permits the party chiefs (the mullahs and sheiks)
to live a life of luxury. Theyre special, after all.
Incidentally, homosexuality, particularly tinged with
sadomasochism, is quite acceptable among the
powerful in the Muslim world, and pederasty is not
even a crime; thats what young boys are for, isnt
Sadly America is nowadays eaten up with just
such the same sort of nonsensical thinking and
So we should see the same thing happening in
America in the future as is now happening in Egypt.
Perhaps not in exactly the same manner, for one
thing we don't try to marginalize the MB in America,
we are trying to mainstream it, particularly since
A couple of examples:
AUGUST 2010 The Obama WH announced
the 'Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations
associated with the Muslim Brotherhood,' will bring
25-30 Muslim leaders of 20 national Muslim groups
August 31 to Washington, DC.
The Muslim groups will attend a special workshop
presented by the White House and US Government
agencies, including Agriculture, Education, Homeland
Security, HHS, etc., to provide the groups tax funding,
government assistance and resources. "The August
31 workshop will provide special access for the Muslim
Brotherhood organizations. We pledge to provide direct
access and cut through red tape. " "The US Government
and the Muslim groups will hold an Iftar dinner breaking
the fast of Ramadan after the workshop. " SOURCE
The Muslim Brotherhood in America
CBN News ^ | Sept 21, 2010 | Stakelbeck
FR Posted on Friday, September 24, 2010
by bronkburnett
The Muslim Brotherhood is a group that's committed
to jihad, sharia law and establishing Islamic domination
in the U.S. The organization shares the same goals as
al Qaeda, but some experts believe -- as a long-term
threat to American security -- the Brotherhood is more
dangerous than Osama bin Laden's followers.(Excerpt)
Read more at cbn.com ...