The Arab Revolts

I think the fallacy underlying this situation is that it is a pure democracy movement. I would bet that various factions such as the MB are simply pouring gas on disrest to whip the susceptible into a protest frenzy. I'm not at all convinced it is a widespread demand for democracy.

I think the fallacy underlying this situation is that it is a pure democracy movement. I would bet that various factions such as the MB are simply pouring gas on disrest to whip the susceptible into a protest frenzy. I'm not at all convinced it is a widespread demand for democracy.

Here is an Egyptian - American that agrees with you.

Michael Youssef - Michael's Blogs - America's Role In The EgyptCrisis

Thirty-two years later, America, Israel, and the world are paying a price for that ill-informed and ill-conceived response. We should have learned a valuable lesson from that experience, but instead, the Obama Administration is repeating the same verse in the same chapter of the same book.

The problem with freedom and democracy in the Muslim world is that it is a figment of the imagination that only exists in the minds of Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton.

I also agree with Youseff that Mohamed El Baradei will be used as the cat's paw in Egypt as Abdulhassan Banisadr was used in Iran.

What the American people are being told:

As usual, the MSM doesn’t tell the facts that aren’t convenient to the narrative.

The AP headline, “Egyptian reform leader calls for Mubarak to resign”, is typical of the MSM dissembling being foisted upon an unwary public. If you don’t know whom Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei is then you would think this is a yearning for freedom and individual rights, and you would be wrong.

In 2009 President Barack Obama met secretly in Washington DC with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood. What did they talk about? The weather? Global Warming? We can only assume it was about their plans to overthrow the government of Egypt.

The bottom line as far as the current US administration goes is that Obama is either one of two things, incompetant or is an islamist himself. I lean toward the latter.

Muslim Brotherhood: ?Prepare Egyptians for war with Israel'
A leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt told the Arabic-language Iranian news network Al-Alam on Monday that he would like to see the Egyptian people prepare for war against Israel, according to the Hebrew-language business newspaper Calcalist.

Muhammad Ghannem reportedly told Al- Alam that the Suez Canal should be closed immediately, and that the flow of gas from Egypt to Israel should cease “in order to bring about the downfall of the Mubarak regime.” He added that “the people should be prepared for war against Israel,” saying the world should understand that “the Egyptian people are prepared for anything to get rid of this regime.”

Ghannem praised Egyptian soldiers deployed by President Hosni Mubarak to Egyptian cities, saying they “would not kill their brothers.” He added that Washington was forced to abandon plans to help Mubarak stay in power after “seeing millions head for the streets.”
I think the fallacy underlying this situation is that it is a pure democracy movement. I would bet that various factions such as the MB are simply pouring gas on disrest to whip the susceptible into a protest frenzy. I'm not at all convinced it is a widespread demand for democracy.

It's not.

Geo-politically, it's a disaster.

Iran/Lebanon 2.0.
I think the fallacy underlying this situation is that it is a pure democracy movement. I would bet that various factions such as the MB are simply pouring gas on disrest to whip the susceptible into a protest frenzy. I'm not at all convinced it is a widespread demand for democracy.


That's what scares me.
Pro-Mubarak supporters are fighting with the Anti-Mubarak crowd.

Tanks are encircling the crowd.
King of Jordan has sacked his government in the wake of street protests and has asked an ex-army general to form a new Cabinet.

King Abdullah asked his former ex-military adviser Marouf Bakhit to form a new cabinet.


I believe I also read that Syria has put the squelch on the internet.

Egypt, Syria and Jordan are among the countries who have banned the MB, basically because of MB efforts to overthrow the governments of those countries in the past.

Olympia Snowe has reintroduced legislation to give Obama the power to shut down internet activity in the US.
King of Jordan has sacked his government in the wake of street protests and has asked an ex-army general to form a new Cabinet.


I believe I also read that Syria has put the squelch on the internet.

Egypt, Syria and Jordan are among the countries who have banned the MB, basically because of MB efforts to overthrow the governments of those countries in the past.

Olympia Snowe has reintroduced legislation to give Obama the power to shut down internet activity in the US.

Olympia Snowe is an idiot. Not just to give Obama the ability, but to give any President after the ability, too. You want America's youth to really riot? Take away their WoW and porn.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
You mean Susan Collins is pushing to reintroduce such legislation, right?

Yep, I shot the wrong rino!!

(at least I got the right state!) :)


Here's an idea, we trade Barack for Mubarak,
no doubt most Egyptians would be ever so

Then too Barry could probably run for pres
there in 2012 if elections are delayed that long,
they probably don't have a citizenship clause
in their constitution.

Barry is really giving Jimmy for his money in the
'worst president' race.

Jimmy lost the Panama canal and it looks like
Barry is going to lose the Suez.

For comparison's sake, my mistake wasn't nearly
as bad as Obama's main thrill fan. :loco:


I have to wonder if that was a freudian slip?
Olympia Snowe is an idiot. Not just to give Obama the ability, but to give any President after the ability, too. You want America's youth to really riot? Take away their WoW and porn.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

WoW? Maybe it's a bigger phenomenon than I give it credit for.
Olympia Snowe is an idiot. Not just to give Obama the ability, but to give any President after the ability, too. You want America's youth to really riot? Take away their WoW and porn.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I'm more of a Counter-strike, Ultima-online guy my self.
because he's gay?

I just posted that to be funny but there is some truth to that conjecture.

Egyptians want more Islam in politics, according to Pew poll | Analysis & Opinion |

Respondents also showed quite high levels of support for traditional Islamic punishments such as stoning for adulterers, cutting off thieves’ hands and death for apostates from Islam.

And of course under islamic sharia law death is the penalty for homosexuality.

In Iran gays are subject to public humiliation before their execution by hanging.
Listened to Michael Savage while driving today. I never listen to his type mind you, but he made some interesting points. According to him, the entire Egyptian Military high-command was in Washington when the protests were initially started (By the Muslim Brotherhood).

Another interesting note: Muslim Brotherhood wants end to Egypt-Israeli peace deal | World | RIA Novosti

Egypt's banned Muslim Brotherhood movement has unveiled its plans to scrap a peace treaty with Israel if it comes to power, a deputy leader said in an interview with NHK TV.

Rashad al-Bayoumi said the peace treaty with Israel will be abolished after a provisional government is formed by the movement and other Egypt's opposition parties.

"After President Mubarak steps down and a provisional government is formed, there is a need to dissolve the peace treaty with Israel," al-Bayoumi said.
Listened to Michael Savage while driving today. I never listen to his type mind you, but he made some interesting points. According to him, the entire Egyptian Military high-command was in Washington when the protests were initially started (By the Muslim Brotherhood).

Another interesting note: Muslim Brotherhood wants end to Egypt-Israeli peace deal | World | RIA Novosti

Certainly interesting, the Muslim Brotherhood is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I believe they have been biding their time waiting for the cards to play into their hand. The Egyptian people had better be careful who they allow into power, the very thing that makes the country powerful and wealthy (tourism and the oil trade/Suez Canal) will be decimated.

Whether or not the Muslim Brotherhood is the main factor responsible for the turmoil is rather doubtful but they are certainly playing a part. Mubarik is playing right into their hands by blaming western journalist and interferance from America. By doing this he has laid the groundwork for the Muslim Brotherhood and their agenda, some will not buy into it but enough will find it credible enough to give them the foot in the door they need.
Certainly interesting, the Muslim Brotherhood is a wolf in sheeps clothing. I believe they have been biding their time waiting for the cards to play into their hand. The Egyptian people had better be careful who they allow into power, the very thing that makes the country powerful and wealthy (tourism and the oil trade/Suez Canal) will be decimated.

Whether or not the Muslim Brotherhood is the main factor responsible for the turmoil is rather doubtful but they are certainly playing a part. Mubarik is playing right into their hands by blaming western journalist and interferance from America. By doing this he has laid the groundwork for the Muslim Brotherhood and their agenda, some will not buy into it but enough will find it credible enough to give them the foot in the door they need.

That's what I have been trying to say for years,
that and we shouldn't be giving them leverage
here in the USA. We had better be more careful
here in America also.

The muslim brotherhood website is advocating
the support of the Palestinians (hamas and
hezbollah) and increasing oil prices to America.

William Ayers has been a guest at the White House
at least five times since Obama took office.

American Thinker Blog: Bill Ayers's 'Crystal Chaos'

In the way of background, a little more than a
year ago Ayers and 1400 of his radical pals from
around the world descended on Egypt like a plague
of frogs. Egypt was to be a staging ground for
their proposed "freedom ride" to Gaza.

The Mubarak government allowed only 100 of the
activists to board the busses, but the noisy 1300
left behind, including Ayers and wife Bernardine
Dohrn, made Mubarak wish that he had gotten
one-way tickets for the lot of them.

Whether the organizers of Egypt's recent "Day
of Rage" were paying homage to the Weathermen's
notorious 1969 "Days of Rage" is unclear, but the
sentiments Ayers expressed about those days could warm a Jihadist heart.

"The streets became sparkling and treacherous with
the jagged remains of our rampage," wrote Ayers of
his window-breaking spree through the streets of
Chicago. He then waxed nostalgic, describing the
mayhem as "crystal chaos."

Thirty years before the Weathermen did Chicago,
Nazi thugs staged their own days of rage in Germany.

They called their window-breaking spree "Kristallnacht"
or "Crystal Night" in English. Ayers is too
sophisticated not to know what he was saying.

Blast from the past.

"Brotherhood" Invited To Obama Speech By U.S. - Marc Ambinder - Politics - The Atlantic

A sign that the Obama administration is willing to
publicly challenge Egypt's commitment to parliamentary democracy: various Middle Eastern news sources report
that the administration insisted that at least
10 members of the Muslim Brotherhood
the country's chief (outlawed) opposition party,
be allowed to attend his speech in Cairo on

Other fellow travelers were Code Pinko who allied
themselves with the muslim brotherhood.


Barry posing with Code Pinko cofounder Jodie Evans.


Birds of a feather do flock together.

Some code pinko agitators (aka in PC terms as
'community organizers') posed as journalists while
in Egypt.

Code Pinko also invited the muslim brotherhood to
join their demonstrations, laying the groundwork
for what is happening today.

And Mubarak is correct when he says interferance
by the Obama regime does make things worse.

That might not be the right thing to say but it
is the truth.
The US Report - The US Report - Expert on Middle East predicted current instability inEgypt

Phares suggested there could be “enormous”
implications—not just for Egypt but for the world.
He told Dow Jones Newswires, "It all boils down
to who controls what. When you have a broken-
down situation like this, the Suez Canal will not
be completely protected by Egyptian armed

One third of oil supplies come through the Suez.

The US Report - The US Report - Déjà vu for Democrats in the Egyptian civilunrest
(a very good read, a few excerpts:)

The Brotherhood began as a small movement, but
ultimately expanded power to gain seats in various
government bodies in countries like Egypt. In 1992
The Los Angeles Times said members of the
Brotherhood ran in elections as independents
“in cooperation with the Socialist Labor Party.”

Wilson was also the key player in diverting billions
of US tax dollars to arm and train the freedom
fighters in the 1980s. Zawahiri acknowledged
the U.S. had helped Afghanistan but still, he
considered the U.S. an enemy. Wright quotes
Zawahiri’s assessment of the freedom fighters’
ally. “They’re equally evil,” said Zawahiri, who
added the Americans “must be confronted.”
[pg. 46]

The report advised, “The Clinton Administration's
blunder in giving the green light to the Iranian arms
pipeline was based, among other errors, on a gross
misreading of the true nature and goals of the
Izetbegovic regime in Sarajevo. It calls to mind the
similar mistake of the Carter Administration, which
in 1979 began lavish aid to the new Sandinista
government in Nicaragua in the hopes that (if the
United States were friendly enough) the nine
comandantes would turn out to be democrats, not
communists, despite abundant evidence to the
contrary. By the time the Reagan Administration
finally cut off the dollar spigot in 1981, the
comandantes—or the ‘nine little Castros,’ as they
were known locally—had fully entrenched themselves
in power.”

Progressive US media and Clinton sided with Muslims
against orthodox Christians and Roman Catholics in
the Balkans. The Asheville Tribune (North Carolina)
summed up Clinton’s policy in a blistering analysis by Mike Scruggs. Scruggs wrote, “Over 100 thousand
people were killed and 1.3 million displaced so Bill
Clinton could demonstrate U.S. friendship to the
Muslim world. In doing so, he also created an
Islamic terrorist stronghold threatening our European

Late breaking news, assassination attempt on new
Egyptian VP. - Egypt VP Target of Assassination Attempt That Killed Two Bodyguards, Sources Tell Fox News

Two bodyguards killed.

When Did The President Know It? -

"An early sign of the coming greatness of the Reagan
presidency," we noted, "was that within an hour of
the former actor's taking the oath of office, the
Ayatollah Khomeini's Islamofascist regime in Iran
released the 52 U.S. hostages it had been holding
for 444 days."

As we pointed out, "Somehow, Ronald Reagan's
lack of foreign policy experience didn't give Tehran
the impression it would be a good idea to find out
what he was made of; the mullahs already knew."

The link above features Obama's propose #2 intelligence
man testifying before congress that Obama was briefed
over a year ago about the situation in Egypt but the AP
reports the following.

President Obama has told National Intelligence
Director James Clapper that he’s “disappointed
with the intelligence community” for not predicting
unrest in Tunisia that spread to Egypt and other
Arab countries, the AP reports.

There also was “little warning” before protests
erupted in Egypt, leading to a foreign policy scramble
in the White House, the wire says, citing an official
who spoke anonymously

White House Insider: Obama is Clueless. Totally Clueless | Newsflavor

Second focus was apparently “birther” related.
Jarrett expressed concern over possible newly passed
eligibility requirements in states. If only one or two
states clarify eligibility in order to run for office,
White House will simply use those states as examples
of “anti-Obama racism”. They would likely not win
the electorals in those states regardless, but could
use the scenario to gain sympathy and support over
the challenge from other moderate states. This is
the tactic Jarrett and crew have prepared. She is
worried though that if more than one or two states
challenge the president’s eligibility, the issue would
turn against them.


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