Jason Heyward in the second half: .309 BA, .412 OBP, .489 SLG. At his age I'd a hell of a lot rather see the batting average and especially the OBP, because we know the power's going to come. This is a kid who's made the transition to the majors, seen five months of its pitching, and isn't befuddled by any of it.
I feel like it's Andruw Jones in reverse. When Andruw came up, we all focused on the moon shot homers and figured that eventually the batting average would catch up enough to make him a truly elite hitter, and it never really happened. Heyward's the opposite. He can practically get on base at will these days. At some point he's going to decide he's confident enough to start pulling the ball regularly and then it's going to be basically lights out. It's going to be fun to watch.