The "Back In My Day" Thread

Back in my day there was no yellow first down line, and if you wanted to know the score of the game you had to wait until the commercial break.
1. I had to walk to neyland, in the snow, up hill, both ways!

2. Neyland had wooden bleachers at one end zone during my first game.

3. Girls had hair down there.
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1. I had to walk to neyland, in the snow, up hill, both ways!

2. Neyland had wooden bleachers at one end zone during my first game.

3. Girls had hair down there.

Did you carry a baked potato to keep your hands warm and then eat it for lunch?
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Back in my days they use to give Corvette Stingrays to the game MVP.....You could smell Football in the Air....
Back in my day, the coach named a starting QB and he played without fail even if he stunk up the first half and we were getting hammered and everybody in the stadium wanted to try something else. Now that we have a smart coach, I think he won't hesitate to make a switch.

Back in my day we threw screen pass after screen pass, 3 and out, and only about every 10th one made positive yardage.
back in my day,instead of being injured.we rubbed some dirt on it and went back to work.

back in my day we got plenty of exercise walking to school,because it was uphill both ways.

back in my day,helmets were optional.

back in my day,when someone asked you if you wanted a told them no because they might slow you down.
Back in my day we punted on 3rd down.....d@m#!!!....but shortly after back in my day we stopped that $ h!& and started whippin everybody's a$$!!!!!
Back in my day if you got a stinger the coach would tell you to keep your ass on the field cuz back in my day that's how we learned to shake it off and keep moving. Cuz back in my day we didn't belly ache and moan cuz back in my day coaches told you to man up and stop being a pussy.
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Back in my day, if you jumped over a player trying to tackle you, it was a 15 yard penalty for hurdling.

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