The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

Did your source toss out D president R Senate since 1895?
Here is the quote from my source
But to find a Supreme Court nominee from a Democrat President, approved by a Republican-controlled Senate, you need to go back to 1895.

It's a true statement.
Stop typing and read.
Twitter would ban you. There were only a few times when D presidents were coupled with R controlled Senates. The nominations and appointments are listed. Check your "source" next time.

R Controlled Senate. Presidential Party Affiliation
1895 -1913 R, R, R.
1919 - 1933 D, R, R, R
1947 - 1949 D
1953 - 1955 R
1981 - 1987 R, R
1995 - 2001 D, D
2003 - 2007 R
2015 - 2021 R
Woodrow Wilson nominated 3 associate justices.
All confirmed. 14, 14, 16
Truman nominated 4. All confirmed 45, 46, 49, 49
Clinton nominated 2. Both confirmed 93 and 94
I read it many times. Maybe you should.
And he wants to clap back at me pissing about something I never said. Dude belongs on a farm with as many strawmen he builds.
He’s a loser education “admin” type guy who wants to start a business “helping” young kids lol. He is full of feelz and not very full of intelligence and logic
Highest appointment of federal judges since Reagan
Biden has appointed 41 federal judges in his opening year at the White House. This is more than double those appointed by his predecessor Donald Trump and is the most a president has appointed in their freshman year since Ronald Reagan in 1981.

The president has also been mindful of issues of representation in his appointments over the last year, as 80 percent of the new federal judges are women and 53 percent are people of color.

Misandry and racism are not accomplishments.
Aren’t you always lamenting the inability of most to think strategically? 😉

We have to keep in mind as we start to see the amount of dumb doubled and tripled down on , that this has been the progressives only view since they went all in on doing whatever it takes to get rid of one administration and the inevitable pendulum swing back is going to be brutal…

What's up with you guys and the "checking a diversity box" nonsense? Is that something they say on Fox frequently?
If hiring a woman would increase your business and not hiring a woman would cause you to lose business but you hire a man anyway because using your faulty "criteria" you deem the man to be the more qualified candidate - then you're stupid and shouldn't be in the position of hiring.

Entire second half of that post was some weird hypothetical projection. Btw my hires have been about 50/50, in regards to sex, by naturally hiring the best candidates. My criteria has nothing to do with sex or race...ya know something I thought we had been striving for years for, but it's now somehow a bad thing.
Tennessee hasn't defeated Sewanee since 1916.

Luther: ItS a TrUe StAtEmEnT!
And that's why I would not say something like "check your sources next time".......that might lead some to think I was saying your source was wrong.

That is the logical implication and all.

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