The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

????????? What??????? That makes no sense.
Equity and equality should outweigh profits.
You view it as unreasonable for a female to prefer a female gynecologist?

I view it sexist that the office would not choose a man due to this. I don’t believe in picking equality winners. Either we are all treated in our merits or bias comes into play and everything becomes debatable and feelings.
We have to keep in mind as we start to see the amount of dumb doubled and tripled down on , that this has been the progressives only view since they went all in on doing whatever it takes to get rid of one administration and the inevitable pendulum swing back is going to be brutal…

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Dems are and have been poor winners as long as I can remember. They don't handle power with grace and dignity, and they certainly don't act like they've ever been there before. They act like impetuous toddler brats with constant hissy fits and demands that everyone accept their flavor of the moment poor choices. Leaving out race, dems when they are elected to office are simply rich trash.
If most don't know what they are, are they really accomplishments?

I know PJ keeps mentioning Afghanistan. Ok, I will give it to him that we left but geez it was a strategic mess on the way out and 13 young soldiers lost their lives unnecessarily. Then Biden gets caught looking at his watch as the bodies were carried by.
It was that mess because Biden wanted to score political points by meeting his 9/11 deadline. 13 soldiers and how many innocent Afghans? And how many were abandoned and at risk due to their US ties? People died and will die just because he wanted to look good..
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There's a lot of discussion on comparing Biden's nominations to private business. Some organizations, like religious schools and gogo bars, are justified in hiring particular demographics that serve their markets.
The government is different. Whomever is nominated to the SC, a Cabinet post, etc. serves all the people. Those jobs should not involve applying any demographic bias; competency is the key qualification. So the best qualified should get the nomination each time. That's the ideal anyway.
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Because too many SC nominees are activists who can't simply apply what is written in the Constitution and legislation. If you judge according to existing rules, how can judges reach radically different opinions unless they reek of bias?
So which side is biased?
That is actually a free market decision. A choice the practice makes to suit its needs. If the practice opens up its market or clientele because of that decision, it's good business assuming all the doctors are fully qualified and aren't risks to the practice. Selecting judges or other political appointees is only good business if you are buying votes. As a patient, you can choose which medical practice or doctor you want. As a citizen, you are stuck with judges someone picks. That's a huge difference, and bias toward others has no place in government.
Which is exactly why we need diversity.
Yes, it matters. Political leanings are for the Legislative and Administrative Branches (assuming the president sees things as required by congressional dems) - political lean has no place in the Judicial Branch.
Yet we all acknowledge it is a factor....even though it theoretically has no place.
I view it sexist that the office would not choose a man due to this. I don’t believe in picking equality winners. Either we are all treated in our merits or bias comes into play and everything becomes debatable and feelings.
I find it sexist that the office would ignore the legitimate wishes of their female patients by hiring a man. It seems like a big factor in determining qualifications is the number of patients that would choose to use the doctor.
Again, it seems to go back to how you view "most qualified".
Owner/CEO to Employees:

We lost $2mil this year and can no longer afford to remain open. We are shutting our doors and all losing our jobs. But, the good news is, we had a balanced and equal work force. We hired all of you based on being qualified within your pre-defined demographic, and not by overall most qualified. It was good while it lasted.
Luther lives off the government teet and doesn’t understand how the real world works
He nominated the first openly gay Secretary.
He nominated the first transgender flag officer.
He nominated the first black female Justice.
He nominated the first Native Am Secretary.
He ran/serving with the first female Veep.
How many of those are competent, or close to competent?
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U.S. Senate: Supreme Court Nominations (1789-Present)

I think rather than saying that Luther's statement is false because Republicans controlled the senate during a potlrtion the presidencies of some democrats we should see who controlled the senate when the justices were actually nominated. I only looked at Clinton, but based on the dates you provided, it looks like he nominated justices prior to the year the Republicans took the senate.

It's so bad in context is the problem. That's the issue for me. And the "truth" of it is intended to claim moral high he did in his post.

Try this on for comparison:
Pan Am has never cancelled a flight for any reason since 1991. Impressive, right?
How is selecting someone based on diversity better than selecting someone based on their merits?
I'm talking about qualifications. Diversity should be the goal and goals should be reflected in your ranking of desired qualifications.
U.S. Senate: Supreme Court Nominations (1789-Present)

I think rather than saying that Luther's statement is false because Republicans controlled the senate during a potlrtion the presidencies of some democrats we should see who controlled the senate when the justices were actually nominated. I only looked at Clinton, but based on the dates you provided, it looks like he nominated justices prior to the year the Republicans took the senate.
The article that was referenced would be the definition of “factual but not truthful”.
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I'm talking about qualifications. Diversity should be the goal and goals should be reflected in your ranking of desired qualifications.
Competence should be the goal. Giving top government positions to unqualified people is banana republic stupidity. And we see where it leads; to incompetent government. It's not good for the country.
We've had affirmative action for eons and our minorities all have strong middle classes, so all groups should be able to compete for the top posts. We already see a lot of minority CEO's that know their stuff. We should continue to ensure that all demographics have access to quality education and job opportunities and let the cream rise to the top.
Which takes us back full circle to desired qualifications.
A desired qualification could very well be - female.
A desired qualification could very well be - AA.
A desired qualification for SCOTUS is to know the constitution and the law and deal it equally. It doesn’t matter what you look like if you show weakness in those areas.
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Competence should be the goal. Giving top government positions to unqualified people is banana republic stupidity. And we see where it leads; to incompetent government. It's not good for the country.
We've had affirmative action for eons and our minorities all have strong middle classes, so all groups should be able to compete for the top posts. We already see a lot of minority CEO's that know their stuff. We should continue to ensure that all demographics have access to quality education and job opportunities and let the cream rise to the top.
Of course competence should be ONE of your primary goals. No one who is unqualified should ever be hired. No one who is incompetent should ever be hired. I have never once advocated for that. Unfortunately we are all aware of incompetent people of all races and sexes who have been hired.
A desired qualification for SCOTUS is to know the constitution and the law and deal it equally. It doesn’t matter what you look like if you show weakness in those areas.
And Biden picked an exceptionally qualified person.
Ol Joe is just being folksy by aiding in the destruction of the economy with some of his policies although the Fed isn't doing anyone any favors by being slow to respond to inflation

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