The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

I believe the left is more desirous of compensating for past wrongs and leveling the playing field to more of what it should have been long ago.

Ok so just to get a clear picture in my mind here . You believe that Joe Biden saying he will chose a minority woman as VP and then stating that he will appoint a minority woman to SCOTUS is just the left trying to level the playing field and not racist or sexist , but if the last President would have said , I’m choosing a straight white man for my VP and a white woman for SCOTUS, it would have been racist ,sexist ,and homophobic ? That’s very interesting indeed .
Ok so just to get a clear picture in my mind here . You believe that Joe Biden saying he will chose a minority woman as VP and then stating that he will appoint a minority woman to SCOTUS is just the left trying to level the playing field and not racist or sexist , but if the last President would have said , I’m choosing a straight white man for my VP and a white woman for SCOTUS, it would have been racist ,sexist ,and homophobic ? That’s very interesting indeed .
Yes, that's pretty much what I am saying.
Leveling the playing field isn't painless and without consequence.....but the longer you go without leveling it, the more painful and consequential it eventually becomes.
Yes, that's pretty much what I am saying.
Leveling the playing field isn't painless and without consequence.....but the longer you go without leveling it, the more painful and consequential it eventually becomes.

The more elected officials think they need to step in and “fix” a problem, the worse the problem will become.
The more elected officials think they need to step in and “fix” a problem, the worse the problem will become.
Government only steps in when and where society fails. Society proved itself to be a colossal failure on some issues.
You want less government? Be a better society,
He nominated the first openly gay Secretary.
He nominated the first transgender flag officer.
He nominated the first black female Justice.
He nominated the first Native Am Secretary.
He ran/serving with the first female Veep.
And which of those appointments would you consider a top 10? He could also appoint the first 10 YO to be the Sec of treasury but I'm not sure that'll help the economy.....NM it might be an upgrade from Yellan.
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Yes, that's pretty much what I am saying.
Leveling the playing field isn't painless and without consequence.....but the longer you go without leveling it, the more painful and consequential it eventually becomes.

One of the more absurd things you’ve ever said. The playing field will NEVER be level. The only thing we need is a semblance of equal opportunity and we’ve had that for some time. In no way should anyone be rewarded for mediocrity based on their skin color or their mental illness.
Government only steps in when and where society fails. Society proved itself to be a colossal failure on some issues.
You want less government? Be a better society,

There use to be a society where only the strong and intelligent thrived. I suppose you’re saying government had to step in to bring us down.
Let me state this clearly so our esteemed hypocrite friends on the left can understand it . Racism is wrong no matter what side does it . You can not excuse it under the guise of of leveling the playing field . Double standards are wrong , there’s no excuses . Trying to make excuses for it , makes you a hypocrite.
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One of the more absurd things you’ve ever said. The playing field will NEVER be level. The only thing we need is a semblance of equal opportunity and we’ve had that for some time. In no way should anyone be rewarded for mediocrity based on their skin color or their mental illness.
Who said reward mediocrity? Your true colors are bleeding through.
Of course the playing field will never be level. The goal must always be to make it as level as possible.
Who said reward mediocrity? Your true colors are bleeding through.
Of course the playing field will never be level. The goal must always be to make it as level as possible.

This entire administration is a dumpster fire that represents what you say we need more of.
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So, still waiting for someone to put up something that is a Biden signature accomplishment AND it be something that is actually good for the country and desired by the public (thus things like "let in 8million new illegals across our border doesnt count).

So, still waiting for someone to put up something that is a Biden signature accomplishment AND it be something that is actually good for the country and desired by the public (thus things like "let in 8million new illegals across our border doesnt count).
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