Was that more or less than those sacrificed in the 19yrs we stayed too long?
Who knows? Actually it's very easy to calculate since it's all of them in the 19yrs. It's also the trillions of dollars wasted so military contractors could get rich and the poppy supply was protected. The entire thing was an absolute wasteWho knows? We’ll probably find out sooner rather than later. I’m sure there’s countless scenarios where soldiers have lost their lives, many cases needlessly, but I’d rather have went down in a firefight than been a political pawn being taken out like a fish in a barrel. There’s no denying soldiers needlessly lost their lives in the clusterf**** withdrawal. It was handled about as poorly as it could have been but I suppose we should expect no less from the current administration.
Unless they could point to the 8 million jobs that are putting food on our tables, turning our hotel rooms over, or cheap gas in our tanks.....and I sure haven't seen that.So, still waiting for someone to put up something that is a Biden signature accomplishment AND it be something that is actually good for the country and desired by the public (thus things like "let in 8million new illegals across our border doesnt count).
We got out of Afg after 2 decades
The bigger embarrassment was still being there. Getting out of Afg after 2 decades of nonsense is a positive whether you admit it or not.The unspeakable embarrassment of the Afghanistan withdrawal - yes, if you want to call that a Biden signature, I can agree - but an accomplishment? lol It single-handedly destabilized almost every region in the world. Again, something good and desirable only, please.
View it like this.Can you provide an example of what you mean? I want to understand why we should be using quotas to fill positions.
View it like this.
When the Titans make their draft pick, will they pick the best player available or fill a specific need?
If they choose to fill a specific need, is that unfair to the better players that happen to play a position that is not as needed?
There are multiple factors to consider.
If you are a head coach and filling out your staff, I guarantee a good coach will consider many variables.
Are they a good recruiter? What makes a good recruiter?
What if candidate A is a much better recruiter than candidate B but is not as good of a practice coach?
One of the more absurd things you’ve ever said. The playing field will NEVER be level. The only thing we need is a semblance of equal opportunity and we’ve had that for some time. In no way should anyone be rewarded for mediocrity based on their skin color or their mental illness.
Your right that it won’t be painless because “leveling the playing field” was responsible for over 200 million deaths in the 20 th century.Yes, that's pretty much what I am saying.
Leveling the playing field isn't painless and without consequence.....but the longer you go without leveling it, the more painful and consequential it eventually becomes.
xiden's puppet masters & their minions follow the science!
Good grief you are two dimensional.
They are all examples of considering multiple variables when filling a need.
much of it could go away. We should also abolish the absolute theft of tax dollars by the mic
rac·istNo sir , I’m honest and don’t try to cover up what are established facts . Stop trying to make excuses for one side being racist and the other side not when anyone can look up the definition of the word . Let me show you what I mean .. is affirmative action a racist program sponsored by our government ?
That’s probably his most impactful for sure.Highest appointment of federal judges since Reagan
Biden has appointed 41 federal judges in his opening year at the White House. This is more than double those appointed by his predecessor Donald Trump and is the most a president has appointed in their freshman year since Ronald Reagan in 1981.
The president has also been mindful of issues of representation in his appointments over the last year, as 80 percent of the new federal judges are women and 53 percent are people of color.
View it like this.
When the Titans make their draft pick, will they pick the best player available or fill a specific need?
If they choose to fill a specific need, is that unfair to the better players that happen to play a position that is not as needed?
There are multiple factors to consider.
If you are a head coach and filling out your staff, I guarantee a good coach will consider many variables.
Are they a good recruiter? What makes a good recruiter?
What if candidate A is a much better recruiter than candidate B but is not as good of a practice coach?
See if this helps...............Are any of those positions based on skin color or sex ?