The Biden/Harris Administration Accomplishments Thread

No, what you say is nonsense. The most qualified is always the best. If it checks a diversity box that’s ok too.
What if the best has to be a woman? Is it okay to make being a woman a qualification?
I believe that a properly functioning judicial system that best serves society will have a diversity of judges.
Just as I know that my training business will be best when I have a diverse group of qualified trainers.
Anything else is what is truly nonsense.

What you don't know on this topic would fill an encyclopedia. There is zero empirical evidence that diversity for its own sake is the superior method for selecting a group of people to perform tasks. You still have not answered the original question: why would a person who checks a diversity box, make a better judge? What is it about (your words) their perspective as a member of that group that gives them a superior insight into the law?

And if checking the diversity box is so important, why do you make denigrating statements about Clarence Thomas' choice of a spouse? Gracious, they check a lot of diversity boxes!
Biden should make picks that he feels will make the franchise (America) most successful.
I think he is doing a fantastic job of doing just that.

If it was just that (I'm dubious) that's acceptable. It was absolutely and unambiguously being argued that there were reasons outside of "best person for the job" that not only were in play but should be in play. I wholly and with malice reject that idea for reasons already cited.
You just need the best, if you have to create a qualifier, then you aren’t wanting the best.

In my training facility example. Say my one female trainer resigns and a number of parents tell me that if she is not replaced by another female trainer, they will take there business to another facility?

It's not wrong for parents to want their young female daughters to be trained by a female trainer.

Should I make hiring a female a priority?

The answer is obviously guys desperately need to broaden your perspectives.
What if the best has to be a woman? Is it okay to make being a woman a qualification?

I can’t think of a scenario where the “best” had to be a woman. Maybe women's athletics in which case that would probably be a man.

In my training facility example. Say my one female trainer resigns and a number of parents tell me that if she is not replaced by another female trainer, they will take there business to another facility?

It's not wrong for parents to want their young female daughters to be trained by a female trainer.

Should I make hiring a female a priority?

The answer is obviously guys desperately need to broaden your perspectives.

You call them bigots and let your business close as a result.
This. If you have to say "I want the best person for the job BUT..." then getting the actual best person for the job would be getting lucky.

Luther has been saying the whole time that the ends justifies the means, if you squint hard enough and keep in mind that it’s social equality that’s best for the society. So it’s not necessary for the applicant to be the best or even more than average.. just like any good Marxist would .
I think someone posted the two accomplishments Biden has had way back up there 👆🏼

If most don't know what they are, are they really accomplishments?

I know PJ keeps mentioning Afghanistan. Ok, I will give it to him that we left but geez it was a strategic mess on the way out and 13 young soldiers lost their lives unnecessarily. Then Biden gets caught looking at his watch as the bodies were carried by.
If most don't know what they are, are they really accomplishments?

I know PJ keeps mentioning Afghanistan. Ok, I will give it to him that we left but geez it was a strategic mess on the way out and 13 young soldiers lost their lives unnecessarily. Then Biden gets caught looking at his watch as the bodies were carried by.
In a room full of turds, we still have to pick the best of the bunch.
I thought this was an accomplishments thread.

It was. Got hijacked when Luther claimed "diversity" in judicial appointments was an accomplishment. Based on his subsequent comments, it appears it would not matter if all them were drooling at the mouth, nuclear plant managers or backhoe operators as long as they were 80% women and 50% PoC.

He also harbors a grudge against Clarence Thomas' wife and apparently does not like Alphabet people since they were not included in his diversity pool.
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If most don't know what they are, are they really accomplishments?

I know PJ keeps mentioning Afghanistan. Ok, I will give it to him that we left but geez it was a strategic mess on the way out and 13 young soldiers lost their lives unnecessarily. Then Biden gets caught looking at his watch as the bodies were carried by.

I’m torn on the afghan thing , on the one hand he did what the others promised to do but couldn’t , on the other it was a total failure in its planning so maybe 3/4s of an accomplishment as a whole . I will give him , his advisers or whomever is actually pulling the strings credit as an accomplishment so far ( subject to change very quickly ) he has kept American boots off the ground and out of the air ( more importantly) in Ukraine . That’s a big accomplish in my eyes and it’s hardly anything they are touting in here .

In my training facility example. Say my one female trainer resigns and a number of parents tell me that if she is not replaced by another female trainer, they will take there business to another facility?

It's not wrong for parents to want their young female daughters to be trained by a female trainer.

Should I make hiring a female a priority?

The answer is obviously guys desperately need to broaden your perspectives.

Lol, so it is ok now if your customers are sexist? Thought you were against such behavior. I never read your example, so not sure of what you are speaking about.

My kids (boys and girls) receive training from men and women btw, why the F would I care if the trainer is male or female? I go for the best I can find.
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What you don't know on this topic would fill an encyclopedia. There is zero empirical evidence that diversity for its own sake is the superior method for selecting a group of people to perform tasks. You still have not answered the original question: why would a person who checks a diversity box, make a better judge? What is it about (your words) their perspective as a member of that group that gives them a superior insight into the law?

And if checking the diversity box is so important, why do you make denigrating statements about Clarence Thomas' choice of a spouse? Gracious, they check a lot of diversity boxes!
Who said diversity for its own sake. It's diversity for multiple reasons.....maybe there is one of your many misunderstandings.
Having a diversified judicial system increases the confidence in the roll carried out by the judicial system.
They would have a different perspective on the implementation, impact, and enforcement of laws.
I can’t think of a scenario where the “best” had to be a woman. Maybe women's athletics in which case that would probably be a man.
I already gave a scenario.
Athletic trainer for my training facility.
Even you see the stupidity of that statement.

It's amazingly difficult to get some of you guys to see what is obvious to others.

Your scenario is stupid. When you get the best trainer, the schedule will be full. No one will give a F if they are male or female.

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