The cancel culture is getting out of control

Trump did the "renaming" things just to rattle the cage of clowns like you and you're taking the bait!! Hilarious!
I suspect he did the rename to open up the Gulf of... er... America? for oil drilling to bypass "Can't drill in the Gulf of Mexico". OK. We will drill in the Gulf of America.

At least, that's one hypothesis I've seen.
Nah. I’ll keep talking.

You are really worked up over this. Good for you! Passion is much needed. I’m sure you were just as angry when you found out Obama spied on journalists that didn’t agree with him, and when Biden pulled over 400 press passes. It’s your consistency we in the PF admire.
Anti-Trumps start arguing about this silly thing, then claim Trumpers will argue about any silly thing... lol

You clowns will argue over any silly thing as a means of defending Donald Trump - your cult leader.
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And the AP is an international newspaper. They recognized the change to Mt. McKinley because it falls solely within the United States.

This is honestly banana republic stuff. Shutting out the media because you don't like a non-offensive term they use. I can't believe people aren't completely embarrassed by this.

- cancel culture hypocrisy? check
- free speech hypocrisy? check

It's trivial? I agree. So why on earth is POTUS threatening the press over it? Why isn't your criticism that this is trival pointed at him?

If you waste your breath defending this, please just STFU forever.
All this because Trump stopped inviting someone to his office. lol

Maybe more than one group should... what was it? STFU about this?
Your correct it was most commonly known as the Gulf of Mexico, but it has been known by as many as 10 different names on maps...and prior to 1550 it was known as the gilf of new spain and the great North name changes happen..funny thing is I agree it's a waste of time..he signed the's done of people don't like it move on..that thier choice, but you lose a lot of your arguments when you resort to childish name calling..
The funny thing is that "America" describes everything from Canada to Argentina. When we go to Mexico, South and Central America, out of respect, we try to be very specific when asked where we are from. That's just because if we say, "We are Americans" or "We are from America", it can be insulting because *they are too*!

Lefties all up in an uproar because Trump is trying to be more inclusive.
He's suppressing speech and the press to rattle cages and you think this end justifies the means, but it actually doesn't save anything. It makes it dumber.
You never answered. How is he suppressing speech by not inviting them to his office? he is jailing people for their use of vocabulary?
As the discussion has evolved to accuse the conservatives of "arguing about anything", and being told to STFU about this, y'all just remember what started the conversation.

The ultimate manifestation of cancel culture...a sitting POTUS banning the AP for using a "gulf of Mexico" comma phrase. JFC, people.

Where are the fakeass free speech warriors?

Yah. It's us that just want to argue about any little thing.

I'm sure life would be much easier, and more fulfilling, if you could just start your hissy fits with no input from anyone else.
That is ridiculous.

I would be willing to bet that most Americans, including those people who live in southeast Texas and the southern-most regions of Louisiana and Mississippi, are not even aware of Trump's executive order and still refer to that body of water as being "The Gulf of Mexico."

It is a hyper-sensitive response to such a trivial matter. The President of the United States should have more important things to concern himself with.
Doing stupid stuff like the name change is him pandering to his LCD support base, like Freedom Fries way back when. So it is important for him to concern himself with such things to keep those ratings up.
He’s just getting started friend.

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As the discussion has evolved to accuse the conservatives of "arguing about anything", and being told to STFU about this, y'all just remember what started the conversation.

Yah. It's us that just want to argue about any little thing.

I'm sure life would be much easier, and more fulfilling, if you could just start your hissy fits with no input from anyone else.
The poster also referenced Trumps actions and compared them to things a Banana Republic would do.

Yet when reminded the previous administration pulled over 400 press passes and the Obama administration spied on journalists that didn’t agree with him (something that is much much more heinous than this), he declined to reply.

The truth is Trump was kinda petty for doing what he did. I was trolling BB last night just to get him riled up. Trump should pick his battles with these leftist media outlets. No one cares what the AP thinks anymore. Rogan gets more eyes and ears in one day than the AP gets all week. Just let the legacy media die. That’s the strategy.

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