It's not comparable. Greta won because of the political climate. They were nominated for grammy's despite the political climate.
It sounds like you're saying because it's not the majority, then it's not the market, but that doesn't matter.
I never once claimed it's strictly a market issue and I don't think you even know what that means, based on what followed.
You create these requirements that are convenient to your argument but aren't based in reality. You've made up the idea that cancel culture is just small minorities. Cancel culture's most prominent days (much more prominent than now) were when prude Christians were putting comedians in jail and banning books, like Lady Chatterly's Lover. That wasn't a small minority canceling. You have an immense distaste for a certain brand of cancel culture, and so you define cancel culture specifically to match that brand of cancel culture, but it's all cancel culture., whether you spread the word that you are boycotting Subway because of the Rapinoe endorsement, or putting #cancelnetflix in your tweet.
It's getting harder and harder to have conversations with you. I don't think you really read what is said, you kinda skim and glob onto things that are convenient. Like you didn't even know it was a HS assembly even tho OP mentioned that at least twice. Then you ask me questions about "what was so horrible" when I never said it was, but did explain what it was. There is plenty of context to get the point, if you read it.