If your wanting to speculate, no it is to late in the game to lessen the sactions the letter will be out probably within a week to 10 days, so what is done is done. Also pointless as I believe that both the AD and the President have hitched their waggon to Pearl. But as far as your not wanting us to say Pearl is the best coach UT Men's Basketball has ever had, the record speaks for itself he has taken us farther than any other coach, ever, so to me it is relavent. Here is my take, we are better off in the long run sticking with Pearl and rebuilding his rep, we will come out of this a lot sooner than replacing him even if we get less severe sactions without him. Rebuilding with him probably a 3 year project, without him and someone else doing it depends greatly on whom you hire barring a coach that can recruit like Coach Cal 5 to 7 years max to return to our being relavent, again. So, no I will not let you haters go after my all time favorite coach without some word that I think anyone wanting to get rid of Pearl is just flat out wrong, period end of story. I take 20 Bruce Pearls over what a Ray Mears or Don Devoe, never made it past the second round guys. I don't want another quote up and comer, as I don't see us offering 4 to 5 million annually to attract a quality Head Coach with a rep that will attract talent to replace what we have. We got a winner just leave him alone.