The disney insanity continues

I am of the belief that most people are probably born gay. But I also recognize human nature and changing preferences.

I understand the question you are getting at.
Fetishes are fetishes. Some you are born with. Some are learned behaviors
that is outstanding. My son's school is similar but is not at that level of engagement. Kudos to you for placing your children there.
We're actually lucky (and very thankful) lottery winners of a charter school spot. It was nice since we were preparing to send them to private. Top elementary and feeds into the best HS in the county.
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Yep, the leftist loons have trouble explaining this. You're born that way, unless you like kids, then you can't be .(give us 10 years and we'll fix it)

They’re trying to nominate a person to the SC that will get them a little closer.
I can make arguments that it is an irrational fear. Go back and read the comments in the desantis thread. Talked of grooming and recruiting, as if being gay is some choice that one makes. I knew from a very young age I liked girls. Nobody was going to talk me into liking boys the same way.
The problem is that there are those sick individuals that are embraced by that crowd. It’s like that professor trying to educate everyone as to what a minor attracted person is and wanting it to be considered normal behavior. If the gay community would come out and be vocally against that garbage and quit with the “I’m Gay, look at me!” grandstanding, people might be a little more tolerant. I’m sure we all know gays and transsexuals at this point, and most of us would accept them as they are.
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Please, kick it off.


Does the person on their 5th marriage, or living with their partner outside of matrimony, or cheating on their spouse, or using the Lord's name in vain have any moral standing to throw stones at a homosexual for their sin?
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I do sincerely wish the LGB community would come up with a more accurate term than "homophobic". It implies that the person fears gay people, whereas I think what is often being claimed is that they hate gay people. I understand why it is framed that way, to make it seem more silly and to more easily stigmatize those who hold such views. Still, maybe homohostile? homohorrent?

And while I don't think the great majority of people who believe that same sex relations are sinful and do not which to give them approval, do not in any way hate "gay" people - I do recognize that sadly there are people who do hate gay people, which is an enormous travesty (and also a sin btw), because to my mind, they are people more in need of love and kindness than usual. For some, in their eagerness to judge the sin of others, step beyond their bounds to judge the sinner - and that is not their place.
It’s like calling people racist just to distract from the fact what they say is actually right
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Does the person on their 5th marriage, or living with their partner outside of matrimony, or cheating on their spouse, or using the Lord's name in vain have any moral standing to throw stones at a homosexual for their sin?

No, both are wicked. Yet one is demanded to be treated and praised as something wonderful

Does the person on their 5th marriage, or living with their partner outside of matrimony, or cheating on their spouse, or using the Lord's name in vain have any moral standing to throw stones at a homosexual for their sin?
I’m going to say No. But I am open to hearing from others.

Does the person on their 5th marriage, or living with their partner outside of matrimony, or cheating on their spouse, or using the Lord's name in vain have any moral standing to throw stones at a homosexual for their sin?

Every person sins, so the particular sin doesn’t really matter.

It is uncomfortable, but best to have a person offer guidance when you are effing up.

It is more comfortable to go on your way with no one mentioning your issues though. That is what almost all of us prefer. But it isn’t best.
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I am of the belief that most people are probably born gay. But I also recognize human nature and changing preferences.

I understand the question you are getting at.
If people are “born” gay (ie it is genetic), then evolution would select against it aggressively as homosexuality greatly reduces the incidence of successful reproduction. The party always claiming to be all about “science” can never explain how a trait that reduces the rate at which one’s genes are passed to the next generation someone manages to stay at 10% (their number) of the population.
I am of the belief that most people are probably born gay. But I also recognize human nature and changing preferences.

I understand the question you are getting at.
I can go with that…. My personal belief is that some are born gay and for some it is a choice….. that being said…. Kids at young ages don’t exhibit being gay, pansexual, or even being straight until they get older and start to have those kind of feelings… I know some young kids claim to have gf’s or bf’s but they don’t truly understand what that is.
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Look at the arguments against gay marriage.
The only argument against gay “marriage” is that marriage is a religious ceremony. No one cares about homosexuals living together or getting each other’s government benefits. Civil unions are fine, gay “marriage” is basically a watered down sham in religious circles. This is the problem of having government intertwined with marriage to begin with

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