I do sincerely wish the LGB community would come up with a more accurate term than "homophobic". It implies that the person fears gay people, whereas I think what is often being claimed is that they hate gay people. I understand why it is framed that way, to make it seem more silly and to more easily stigmatize those who hold such views. Still, maybe homohostile? homohorrent?
And while I don't think the great majority of people who believe that same sex relations are sinful and do not which to give them approval, do not in any way hate "gay" people - I do recognize that sadly there are people who do hate gay people, which is an enormous travesty (and also a sin btw), because to my mind, they are people more in need of love and kindness than usual. For some, in their eagerness to judge the sin of others, step beyond their bounds to judge the sinner - and that is not their place.