The disney insanity continues

I see this argument over and over. To be happy….

A person with dementia might be happy eating poop.
A drug addict is happy while injecting their drug.
My dog would be happy to eat 10 times a day.
A child would be happy if they were granted all their requests.
A large portion of the population is happy to see a government spend more that it has.

I wouldn’t go with the argument of “if it makes you happy”. All of these can generate happiness, but not good health.

So being gay makes you unhealthy? What a terrible analogy.
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Interesting you should say that. You realize that the mavens of culture have moved on from that and now deem otherwise, correct? If someone identifies as gay, or bi and then decides later that they identify in some other way, who are you to say they are born a certain way and cannot decide for themselves who they want to "be"?

While we are on the subject, what about gender? are people born with it or is it also a choice? sexuality?

If sexual attraction is inborn, what say you of pedophiles? why should you judge them (or do you) for having desires they were born with?

Yep, the leftist loons have trouble explaining this. You're born that way, unless you like kids, then you can't be .(give us 10 years and we'll fix it)
The problem is that you are homophobic. Just own it.
No I’m not. You use the words homophobic and racist to call anyone you disagree with as name calling because you have no legitimate argument ever.

The fact you still think it’s ok for a teacher to discuss their love life or another child’s parents relationship to small kids is creepy and wrong.
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No I’m not. You use the words homophobic and racist to call anyone you disagree with as name calling because you have no legitimate argument ever.

The fact you still think it’s ok for a teacher to discuss their love life or another child’s parents relationship to small kids is creepy and wrong.

Yep, that their only excuse. Ad I say he'll be defending pedophilia in 5-7 years
This exactly. It’s the woke liberal crowd of “you disagree with me you must be sexist, racist, homophobic, want grandma to die” emotional BS that’s the issue

Not even, since they are but tools also. America just doesn't realize that it is the proverbial frog being boiled alive in the pot.

Those behind this don't care anything about gays, trans or any other such silliness. The goal is simply to disassociate the public from the truth. Through social programming, I can get the public to sincerely declare that war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. Consider those statements and how closely they mimic some of the very diktats coming from the media today.

I must cause you to deny all objective truth because it stands as an anchor to reality that I am not able to manipulate. Religion, family, nationhood, even science - all need to be refuted as anachronisms of a more backward time. But we are modern, shiny and resplendent in our knowledge of the real truth, that there is no truth but how we see it, how we experience it. That is the mantra of the souls of the damned.
So being gay makes you unhealthy? What a terrible analogy.

Idk. Look at STD and other health issues among that population compared to hetero folks. Also, there is a virus that has affected a large number of people that is primarily associated with said behavior and also intravenous drug users.

do you disagree with the idea “if it makes you happy” isn’t sound reasoning for continuing a behavior?
No being delusional and pretending you are a woman or man when you aren’t is unhealthy

So if a kid pretended to be superman, would they allow him to jump off a building to fly?

Or would science disagree with their feelings of being superman?
No I’m not. You use the words homophobic and racist to call anyone you disagree with as name calling because you have no legitimate argument ever.

The fact you still think it’s ok for a teacher to discuss their love life or another child’s parents relationship to small kids is creepy and wrong.

If a small child comes in crying to the teacher that his/her parents are getting divorced and they don't love him/her anymore the teacher should say, "Well that sucks open your history book." You are living in a fantasy land. These teachers, the good ones anyway, connect with their students on a personal level. It is not creepy.
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Idk. Look at STD and other health issues among that population compared to hetero folks. Also, there is a virus that has affected a large number of people that is primarily associated with said behavior and also intravenous drug users.

do you disagree with the idea “if it makes you happy” isn’t sound reasoning for continuing a behavior?

The sodomites getting std's are crazy higher than normal couples.
Idk. Look at STD and other health issues among that population compared to hetero folks. Also, there is a virus that has affected a large number of people that is primarily associated with said behavior and also intravenous drug users.

do you disagree with the idea “if it makes you happy” isn’t sound reasoning for continuing a behavior?

You love who you love. You're saying that because someone is finds love differently they shouldn't act on it.
If anything here is unhealthy, it's a good portion of this forum's obsession with any sexuality that doesn't conform to what they learned at church and having to link anything but straight missionary sex with pedophilia.
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If a small child comes in crying to the teacher that his/her parents are getting divorced and they don't love him/her anymore the teacher should say, "Well that sucks open your history book." You are living in a fantasy land. These teachers, the good ones anyway, connect with their students on a personal level. It is not creepy.
It’s. Not. The. Teachers. Business. To. Discuss. Personal. Family. Issues. Especially. To. Small children. If they want to direct them to a counselor that’s fine but if you believe it’s ok for a teacher to comment on which parent loves whom in relationships, as you previously stated. Thank god you aren’t a teacher because it’s wrong and inappropriate for them to comment on stuff they don’t even know let alone to delve into it with a kindergartner.

I’m really thankful someone like you doesn’t have contact with children in your job regularly because its frightening you think it’s ok to do so
Pretty sure Disney has thought this through and decided the lost of the support from those on this thread was worth it in the end. When this crashes back down to its nothing, you can declare victory. Remember to sell any stock you have in your retirement accounts, mutual funds, etc to truly stick it to them. ;)

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It’s. Not. The. Teachers. Business. To. Discuss. Personal. Family. Issues. Especially. To. Small children. If they want to direct them to a counselor that’s fine but if you believe it’s ok for a teacher to comment on which parent loves whom in relationships, as you previously stated. Thank god you aren’t a teacher because it’s wrong and inappropriate for them to comment on stuff they don’t even know let alone to delve into it with a kindergartner.

I’m really thankful someone like you doesn’t have contact with children in your job regularly because its frightening you think it’s ok to do so

I am really thankful to have had teachers that connected with my daughter on a personal level. You are a wretched human for making it into something sick.
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I am really thankful to have had teachers that connected with my daughter on a personal level. You are a wretched human for making it into something sick.
Did they tell your daughter and other kids that your relationship with your wife/husband was full of love and how you loved each other? Because I guarantee that they didn’t
I am really thankful to have had teachers that connected with my daughter on a personal level. You are a wretched human for making it into something sick.
We have been lucky to have some good teachers for our girls. A personal connection, with a teacher that cares, can make all the difference.
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Did they tell your daughter and other kids that your relationship with your wife/husband was full of love and how you loved each other? Because I guarantee that they didn’t

If the situation warranted, yes. My wife was going through addiction and yes they talked with her about it. It wasn't creepy. It wasn't inappropriate it is what good teachers do.

So guarantee all you want. I now know you are completely full of crap and don't buy that you weren't a bully of cop pushing his agenda.

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