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I have a fear of snakes (can never remember the term for that one). When I am hiking and see one slither across the trail I jump in fright and quickly back away. I can’t ever remember having that same reaction to even the most obvious homosexualYep, their definition does not match with what a phobia really is
As a sinner, even one who is forgiven, is it best to confront other's sin when you aren't familiar with their faith, or lack thereof?Every person sins, so the particular sin doesn’t really matter.
It is uncomfortable, but best to have a person offer guidance when you are effing up.
It is more comfortable to go on your way with no one mentioning your issues though. That is what almost all of us prefer. But it isn’t best.
Are they bragging about those sins and making them the central focus point of their entire existence? Sin is sin. Pointing out that a sin is a sin doesn’t mean their own sins aren’t either.Aight.
Does the person on their 5th marriage, or living with their partner outside of matrimony, or cheating on their spouse, or using the Lord's name in vain have any moral standing to throw stones at a homosexual for their sin?
I understand the concept of selection. And that is an interesting point you raise concerning reproduction.If people are “born” gay (ie it is genetic), then evolution would select against it aggressively as homosexuality greatly reduces the incidence of successful reproduction. The party always claiming to be all about “science” can never explain how a trait that reduces the rate at which one’s genes are passed to the next generation someone manages to stay at 10% (their number) of the population.
Government sanctioning or sanctifying marriage is a big mistake.The only argument against gay “marriage” is that marriage is a religious ceremony. No one cares about homosexuals living together or getting each other’s government benefits. Civil unions are fine, gay “marriage” is basically a watered down sham in religious circles. This is the problem of having government intertwined with marriage to begin with
Does the person on their 5th marriage, or living with their partner outside of matrimony, or cheating on their spouse, or using the Lord's name in vain have any moral standing to throw stones at a homosexual for their sin?
I know of no one on VN who is afraid of gays or has any real “aversion” to them. We work beside them, eat at restaurants with them, and attend sporting events and concerts with them. We even will lend them our tools (the biggest sign of trust a Southerner can EVER make). I DO fear snakes and spiders and as a result, I have never taken one to Neyland with me for a game. See the difference?it definitely fits a good number of posters here
As a sinner, even one who is forgiven, is it best to confront other's sin when you aren't familiar with their faith, or lack thereof?
Maybe read the article instead of just going by the headline? All they're doing is scrapping the whole "Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls" bit from Theme Parks. It's not the end of the world or even that extreme:
TBH, I actually like the idea of "welcome, dreamers of all ages." That sounds great for an amusement park like Disney World and goes along with the dream and imagination themes they already use a lot. To be frank, it's good branding (memorable and specific to the company) and Disney is one of the best at that.
Apparently, what they're doing isn't even unique. It's a trend in business right now to switch to neutral language (at least for businesses that rely heavily on interacting with the general public like those in the travel and tourism industries). Businesses want to welcome as many customers as possible and while I personally think you're very likely insane if you're offended by the old phrases (and to be fair I doubt anyone actually complained, changes like these almost always happen when someone on the inside decides to do it or because they're throwing out a bone after a misstep) I don't see anything wrong with the new welcome.
Disney to remove all mentions of traditional gender roles at theme parks
Am am not trying to justify, minimize, or rationalize their sin. I am trying to find out what gives any sinner the temerity to cast the first stone since your savior specifically gave a life lesson on this specific concept?Are they bragging about those sins and making them the central focus point of their entire existence? Sin is sin. Pointing out that a sin is a sin doesn’t mean their own sins aren’t either.
Didn’t say that either. Just that if I committed a sin like cheating on my wife or stealing and made it the central point of my life and made sure not only everyone knew about daily but that if you didn’t accept that I did it, you’re some kind of moral freak who hates me and is scared of me, I’d be considered a little delusional. Same thing for delusional mentally ill people who are transsexual. I don’t care if they do it but they are mentally ill and I don’t have to buy in to it or support their delusionsSo it's cool as long as they know their place in the closet?
I can make arguments that it is an irrational fear. Go back and read the comments in the desantis thread. Talked of grooming and recruiting, as if being gay is some choice that one makes. I knew from a very young age I liked girls. Nobody was going to talk me into liking boys the same way.
Here is what I said yesterday that hits on what you’re getting at -I can go with that…. My personal belief is that some are born gay and for some it is a choice….. that being said…. Kids at young ages don’t exhibit being gay, pansexual, or even being straight until they get older and start to have those kind of feelings… I know some young kids claim to have gf’s or bf’s but they don’t truly understand what that is.
I get what you’re saying. But I have no idea the family history of this lady and her children.
If this lady was a chemical engineer and completely detached from the cause before children, and now is leading the charge for her kids? Well then more power to her.
If this lady was hard core down for the cause since college, and then managed to produce two children that identify? Well then I understand the side eye.
I don't believe anyone has the moral standing to throw stones over sin, we've all sinned most do regularly. You don't have to approve or accept a lifestyle or life choices of other people but I don't think anyone has the grounds to condemn.
This is exactly how I feel.With LGBTQ stuff, I fall in the "I don't get it, but you do you" crowd. I'm more than willing to treat people with respect who are outside the lines of the traditional box of sexuality and gender. But I wish there was a bit more reciprocating from the LGBTQ crowd. Like, if society in general is trying to be cool and respectful to your way of life (and I think we're there mostly), maybe try being cool yourselves in return. Don't try to radically change society by insisting that kids must be read stories by transvestites, or that we can no longer use "gendered" language, or that the Little Mermaid live actor at Disney must have a red beard and a set of mermaid nuts, or that we must allow adult biological males to compete against women in sports. Just be fu**in' cool and quit trying to hijack society.
Who’s casting anything? So state sin is sin is truth. I don’t hate sinners or want them to die or burn in hell or anything like that. Jesus said to confront sin, love the sinner, they should repent from it and sin no moreAm am not trying to justify, minimize, or rationalize their sin. I am trying to find out what gives any sinner the temerity to cast the first stone since your savior specifically gave a life lesson on this specific concept?
I have only seen a few people turn away from a lifestyle immersed in sin. Each of those people share a common characteristic. They were sincerely seeking out counsel from trusted people about their lifestyle and whether it was counter to their personal relationship with God.It’s tough. Generally you have to be close to a person to be able to confront a person on something so personal. It generally won’t go well, for many reasons. So as a society and as individuals, we don’t do it.
It literally is “what makes you happy”. Not what is best for you.
As a sinner, even one who is forgiven, is it best to confront other's sin when you aren't familiar with their faith, or lack thereof?
As a sinner, even one who is forgiven, is it best to confront other's sin when you aren't familiar with their faith, or lack thereof?
Being who they are is not a sin. Try living your life by hiding your sexuality. It's very likely you can't yet want others to do so as to not offend your delicate sensibilitiesDidn’t say that either. Just that if I committed a sin like cheating on my wife or stealing and made it the central point of my life and made sure not only everyone knew about daily but that if you didn’t accept that I did it, you’re some kind of moral freak who hates me and is scared of me, I’d be considered a little delusional. Same thing for delusional mentally ill people who are transsexual. I don’t care if they do it but they are mentally ill and I don’t have to buy in to it or support their delusions