The disney insanity continues

I have a distant relations that treated her son like a daughter from pretty much birth and had him convinced he was gay by the time he was a teenager. Father finally got custody of him and turns out he's not gay. Now married with a couple kids.
How do you know he's not gay? Lots of gay men are married to women and have a family.
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Every gay guy I know loves Disney.

Every lesbian I know loves universal.

I have no place. Legoland? Six Flags?
The park in a few years when we all quit going
View attachment 443721

Y'all are delusional. You thought you could cancel the NFL and it's now as big as ever. NBA is crushing it. Netflix is crushing it. But yeah, sure. Disney's going to go belly up because they don't say "boy" and "girl" as many times as you'd like them to.
Honestly wouldn't waste the money. Not because of any political ideology, but they are just too damn expensive knowing they can charge what they want and people will pay "for the children!".

I hate theme parks in general, and busy Disneyland is the epitome of hell on earth for me, but I will go there and do that for my 4-year-old and I'm going to love it because it will be magical for her for the next few years. As soon as the magic is gone (age 9?), we'll stop going.

If your kids don't care about Disney, then yeah, it's not worth it. My girl thinks she's really meeting Ariel and you can't pay enough for that.
I hate theme parks in general, and busy Disneyland is the epitome of hell on earth for me, but I will go there and do that for my 4-year-old and I'm going to love it because it will be magical for her for the next few years. As soon as the magic is gone (age 9?), we'll stop going.

If your kids don't care about Disney, then yeah, it's not worth it. My girl thinks she's really meeting Ariel and you can't pay enough for that.

Kids do not outgrow Disney from what I have seen.

As much as I dislike their pricing and the social stances they have chosen, it is still one of the best family vacations we have ever taken. The service has always been great. The parks are so much better than any other theme park because of all the bells and whistles they add. There isn’t a time that Disney comes up at the dinner table where everyone does not laugh and smile about the memories.

I feel like I just did a Disney commercial, need to go wash up now.
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He might have BEEN gay. But as it is a learned behavior and not a inherited trait, he may no longer be.

The fallacy that they have duped you into is a language that acknowledges being gay is a thing. It is not. There are guys who have sex with guys, guys who have sex with girls and guys who dont have any sex at all. The same goes for girls.

Homosexuality is not an intrinsic trait, it is a behavioral trait and as such, it can be changed with different behavior.

Contrary to popular opinion, you cannot change inherent traits, like race or gender, no matter how you behave. If you wish to "become" homosexual, however, you simply start having sex with your same gender. If you wish to start being hetro, then you start having sex with opposite gender. It really is that simple. It doesnt matter about "who you are attracted to". Its about who you are *******.

You could be a guy attracted to Brad Pitt but as long as you were exclusively screwing Angelina, you are not a homosexual. This whole "gay" thing tries to bring it inward to feelings - once people accepted that, then anything you feel goes. Note first it was "we are born this way". As soon as the foolish public accepted that, out of the idea nobody could imagine someone actually WANTING to be gay - it was abandoned and replaced with the "identity" rubric we have now.
The fallacy that they have duped you into is a language that acknowledges being gay is a thing. It is not. There are guys who have sex with guys, guys who have sex with girls and guys who dont have any sex at all. The same goes for girls.

Homosexuality is not an intrinsic trait, it is a behavioral trait and as such, it can be changed with different behavior.

Contrary to popular opinion, you cannot change inherent traits, like race or gender, no matter how you behave. If you wish to "become" homosexual, however, you simply start having sex with your same gender. If you wish to start being hetro, then you start having sex with opposite gender. It really is that simple. It doesnt matter about "who you are attracted to". Its about who you are *******.

You could be a guy attracted to Brad Pitt but as long as you were exclusively screwing Angelina, you are not a homosexual. This whole "gay" thing tries to bring it inward to feelings - once people accepted that, then anything you feel goes. Note first it was "we are born this way". As soon as the foolish public accepted that, out of the idea nobody could imagine someone actually WANTING to be gay - it was abandoned and replaced with the "identity" rubric we have now.
The irony is that the left seems to posit that an individual can IDENTIFY as whatever gender they want and even change the identity at a moment’s notice and as often as they like. But a person’s supposed homosexuality is apparently an immutable characteristic from birth that remains throughout life. They take the irreversiblility of homosexuality to the extreme that many blue states and liberal nations have went so far as to CRIMINALIZE so called conversion therapy. So if you are a pastor or counselor and someone comes to you expressing discomfort with feelings of same sex attraction, you can be IMPRISONMENED for attempting to help them get over the feeling as you are attempting to change their personhood.
The one thing you can say with certainty about the left is that they will somehow find a way to get crazier every single day. They never disappoint in that regard.
He might have BEEN gay. But as it is a learned behavior and not a inherited trait, he may no longer be.

A couple of notes:

1) I have a male family member that told me years ago he was homosexual because when he was growing up he was attracted to who he saw as powerful. It was the men in the family. We didn't grow up around each other so I don't know. He also said that he went through a period where he wasn't attracted to that lifestyle any more than he had a girlfriend. Years later he was dating a guy again. Now whether or not he was trying to fight he urges, I don't know because I can only go by what he said, but based on what he shared with me it was a choice not a biological issue.

2) My elementary school daughter has a friend at school. Finally my wife met her mother at a kids night out event. Her mom/parent shared with my wife that she was married to a woman so it doesn't appear she is hiding anything. She wanted to be transparent ahead of time clearly the reasons are obvious. It is not an issue for us right now because we don't let her hang out at people houses that we don't know well. I do have to wonder how this little girl is going to avoid being anything but subject to this type of lifestyle herself as she grows up. Will it be biological or learned?
The fallacy that they have duped you into is a language that acknowledges being gay is a thing. It is not. There are guys who have sex with guys, guys who have sex with girls and guys who dont have any sex at all. The same goes for girls.

Homosexuality is not an intrinsic trait, it is a behavioral trait and as such, it can be changed with different behavior.

Contrary to popular opinion, you cannot change inherent traits, like race or gender, no matter how you behave. If you wish to "become" homosexual, however, you simply start having sex with your same gender. If you wish to start being hetro, then you start having sex with opposite gender. It really is that simple. It doesnt matter about "who you are attracted to". Its about who you are *******.

You could be a guy attracted to Brad Pitt but as long as you were exclusively screwing Angelina, you are not a homosexual. This whole "gay" thing tries to bring it inward to feelings - once people accepted that, then anything you feel goes. Note first it was "we are born this way". As soon as the foolish public accepted that, out of the idea nobody could imagine someone actually WANTING to be gay - it was abandoned and replaced with the "identity" rubric we have now.
You are certainly not alone with your opinions on this.
Will I get thrown out for calling Minnie a he or Mickey a she?
I cannot believe they made this move, especially in light of world events..not to mention defiance of human history. It is not only weird, it is perplexing.
Will I get thrown out for calling Minnie a he or Mickey a she?
I cannot believe they made this move, especially in light of world events..not to mention defiance of human history. It is not only weird, it is perplexing.
It is because of the thought bubble the entertainment industry lives in. They only encounter people expressing the exact same world view they do with the occasional outlier self censoring their heretical opinions. They really think that the average American thinks like they do and that the only people who don’t are a small minority of backwards hicks who will soon die out and be replaced by more enlightened saints like themselves
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It is because of the thought bubble the entertainment industry lives in. They only encounter people expressing the exact same world view they do with the occasional outlier self censoring their heretical opinions. They really think that the average American thinks like they do and that the only people who don’t are a small minority of backwards hicks who will soon die out and be replaced by more enlightened saints like themselves

The fact that such a tiny percentage of citizens agree with such subject, yet supported by a powerful cabal of media, money and corporate support, is what gets me perplexed. Even liberals and libertarians on this board do not take issue with NOT doing things such as this. It isnt on anyones radar or care factor.
I hate theme parks in general, and busy Disneyland is the epitome of hell on earth for me, but I will go there and do that for my 4-year-old and I'm going to love it because it will be magical for her for the next few years. As soon as the magic is gone (age 9?), we'll stop going.

If your kids don't care about Disney, then yeah, it's not worth it. My girl thinks she's really meeting Ariel and you can't pay enough for that.
I paid a lot to meet Ariel.
But it wasn't at Disney world.
And it wasn't suitable for children.
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A couple of notes:

1) I have a male family member that told me years ago he was homosexual because when he was growing up he was attracted to who he saw as powerful. It was the men in the family. We didn't grow up around each other so I don't know. He also said that he went through a period where he wasn't attracted to that lifestyle any more than he had a girlfriend. Years later he was dating a guy again. Now whether or not he was trying to fight he urges, I don't know because I can only go by what he said, but based on what he shared with me it was a choice not a biological issue.

2) My elementary school daughter has a friend at school. Finally my wife met her mother at a kids night out event. Her mom/parent shared with my wife that she was married to a woman so it doesn't appear she is hiding anything. She wanted to be transparent ahead of time clearly the reasons are obvious. It is not an issue for us right now because we don't let her hang out at people houses that we don't know well. I do have to wonder how this little girl is going to avoid being anything but subject to this type of lifestyle herself as she grows up. Will it be biological or learned?

Crazy. It's like it's all on a fluid spectrum and not black or white.
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