The Dugout - General Topics, Chat, Random Photos and Memes.......No Politics

Afternoon everyone.

Currently watching the Good Bad or Bad Bad review of an entertaining low budget time traveling fantasy movie.

It’s an entertainment series by 2 guys in Missouri that review unintentional terrible movies which are long, and judgement with explanation recommended Good Bad or not recommended with Bad Bad.
The baseball VOLS won a college World Series, MAD and chuckiepoo coauthored a book, and we are all Lakers fans now.
Other than that, it’s been pretty quiet.

Noobs & Rally Bewbz is the book name. I'm waiting anxiously waiting for my signed copy.

It’s a wonderful read that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
By me and @chuckiepoo

Texas fan using this in their banter with a&m fans

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Much like impressive goals I’ve seen in Soccer including how Germany scored 1 goal vs Argentina in the 2014 World Cup championship game, this is an extraordinary play to score a run that is very unlikely to ever happen again.

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