The Effects of Dehumanizing Language in Political Discourse

What are the odds it will be someone else and who might that be?
I don’t know. Pat Leahy? Cory Booker would be a smart choice. He’s not very senior but has had a similar message and persona. Not sure how much cooperation he would get after the Sessions thing.

Schumer could change his attitude and stfu, but I’d have to see it to believe it.

Thought this was an interesting read/listen. A few years ago, this was one of my soapbox issues, but if I’m being honest I believe I have slipped into engaging in it at times.

At what point do we not just need to start talking about an amicable divorce?
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Lol. You think these guys actually hate each other?

Biden ran with reunification as a central plank in his platform. It’s his clearest contrast from Trump. If he gets elected, there will be a clear mandate for Dems to cut the ****. Could they ignore that mandate? Sure. Could Republicans refuse to engage? Seems pretty likely since it seems completely outside the realm of possibility that they will ever have a similar mandate.

But It’s not naive to recognize that, if Biden wins, it will be because a broad swath of the electorate wants them to shut up and fix it. And he’s leaning into it with all the catering to the Cindy McCain crowd, so he clearly recognizes it.

That kind of mandate is how politicians function. It’s certainly why both sides are at each other’s throats, now. Most of them don’t believe their own ********. It’s political theater because it’s what will get most of them re-elected. If you think otherwise, you’ve got no business calling anybody naive.

Biden is a puppet that's not going to be in office no more than a year if he wins. He's going to do as he's told until the powers that be get the dirt they want and force him out.
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Biden is a puppet that's not going to be in office no more than a year if he wins. He's going to do as he's told until the powers that be get the dirt they want and force him out.

I think the deal on when he steps down has already been made.
I don’t know. Pat Leahy? Cory Booker would be a smart choice. He’s not very senior but has had a similar message and persona. Not sure how much cooperation he would get after the Sessions thing.

Schumer could change his attitude and stfu, but I’d have to see it to believe it.

Joe Manchin would be the best choice. If Democrats have anyone that's open minded enough to reach across the aisle, it's him.
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I don't think the deal on when he steps down has already been made.

I think the deal has been made and it's just a matter of picking whichever scandal to hang around his neck. Let's face it, he has plenty waiting in the winds.

Pelosi and her 25th Amendment talk slipped, the Senate, even in GOP hands, would be forced to accept a Harris Presidency if the crime was egregious enough. Which i suspect it will be.
I think the deal has been made and it's just a matter of picking whichever scandal to hang around his neck. Let's face it, he has plenty waiting in the winds.

Pelosi and her 25th Amendment talk slipped, the Senate, even in GOP hands, would be forced to accept a Harris Presidency if the crime was egregious enough. Which i suspect it will be.

The "don't" shouldn't be in my post. I too think a deal has been made on when he steps down and part of me believes the Hunter emails and the fact the FBI has sat on them for so long is their insurance policy that got leaked.
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Biden is a puppet that's not going to be in office no more than a year if he wins. He's going to do as he's told until the powers that be get the dirt they want and force him out.
When you open your mouth, all I hear is FOX news.
The "don't" shouldn't be in my post. I too think a deal has been made on when he steps down and part of me believes the Hunter emails and the fact the FBI has sat on them for so long is their insurance policy that got leaked.

That and I think the Tara Reid thing got way too quiet...
Looks like Rockytop85’s Batterer Intervention Therapy, Coping, and Healing Educational Seminars has a new member.

“But he didn’t even bother to respond when I said Biden was a puppet!” 😢

Commiserating is cathartic.

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