The End is Near for Fox News

When you start correcting grammar on a message board it is probably a good time to pull out of the debate unless of course you really could not understand what I was stating.​
your freaking post was about freaking editing errors and I was trying to make the point that sometimes they aren't on purpose.

I know your high-minded liberalism puts you on another plane from us less advanced sheep type Fox News observers, but please try to dumb yourself down enough to keep up.

And by the by, if you put something out there worth debating we can have a whirl, but right now you're simply supporting a fringe Hollywood type in some drivel about Fox News disappearing. That's hardly something to misunderstand.
similar to putting an X over Cheney's face. Who was it that did that?
They did it twice on two seperate occasions you'd think after the first blunder they'd make damn sure that it did not happen again wouldn't you.
I've never given a damn about what Sean Penn ever said or ever thought, and I see no reason to rethink my position now.
For me the role of Fox is simple. You can hear the one "side" all day/everyday anywhere else you care to go. I don't care if it is biased, I might not even HEAR about it anywhere else. For instance, Fox is the only major outlet that did more than micro-blurb the fact that NASA's Goddard Institute (and it's wildly Gore friendly James Hansen) had to correct their temperatures after being caught with faulty data. Why would that matter? Because the temperature revisions are not AGW friendly. The hottest year on record is now 1934 instead of 1998. 2000, '02, '03 and '04 all fell below the year 1900.

Regardless of what you think of AGW, ponder for a moment what CNN, MSNBC, NPR etc would make of the story if those temperatures had been revised in the other direction.
You're wasting your time DA. I agree with you, FoxNews is not "fair and balanced" but this group ask how high when Bill O'Reilly says jump.

...because most Republicans are too dumb to identify a self important wind bag when they see one. :crazy:
You're wasting your time DA. I agree with you, FoxNews is not "fair and balanced" but this group ask how high when Bill O'Reilly says jump.

Why are O'Reilly and/or Hannity always mentioned as FoxNews? They are commentators expressing opinion. They are not reporters nor anchors.

Likewise, most on here know the difference and understand where FoxNews fits in with other news outlets.

Finally, you clearly haven't been paying attention if you believe "this group" are mindless O'Reilly supporters. Why not try actually debating an issue rather than simply labeling posters you don't agree with.
Why does anyone care what Sean Penn has to say? It's no coincidence that his two most famous roles are a stoned out of his mind surfer and a 40 year old with the mental capacity of a four year old.

Honestly it's for one reason and one reason only the fact that they use the term fair and balanced in their advertising to me that is blatant false advertising even if one could say it is based solely on opinion.

I watch all cable news outlets and I have to say that Fox News is one of if not the only network that goes out of its way to make sure they have both sides represented by relevant people. O'Reilly consistently has guests who represent democrats strongly. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that they are the number 1 rated cable news outlet. They do have the best coverage of current events.
I watch all cable news outlets and I have to say that Fox News is one of if not the only network that goes out of its way to make sure they have both sides represented by relevant people. O'Reilly consistently has guests who represent democrats strongly. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that they are the number 1 rated cable news outlet. They do have the best coverage of current events.

This right here is the truth. Have you ever seen any other network present two sides of any issue? Hell no. And don't forget, Hannity's show is called Hannity & COLMES. Colmes is one of the biggest liberal idiots on the network and he gets as much time as Hannity to express his opinion. You will never see that on any of the other networks.
According to Sean Penn, at least. In an impromptu speech given on the set of a movie in which Penn plays a character who led the “Gay Freedom Parade” in San Francisco 30 years go, Penn had this to say:

"I almost wish Jerry Falwell were alive to see this. Almost," Penn shouted to the crowd. After dropping some names of conservatives who are still with us - "Bill O'Reilly, who is too stupid to talk about," and "Sean Hannity, the butt boy of Rupert Murdoch," Penn said, "We know something more. We know their end is near."

This guy is a real piece of work.

Here’s the link:

It's a wrap - 'Milk' filming ends in S.F.

This right here is the truth. Have you ever seen any other network present two sides of any issue? Hell no. And don't forget, Hannity's show is called Hannity & COLMES. Colmes is one of the biggest liberal idiots on the network and he gets as much time as Hannity to express his opinion. You will never see that on any of the other networks.

You're right, Colmes is an idiot, that's why they paired him up with Hannity to kill the left's side of any discussion. There are not a lot of democrats that watch Fox to hear what Colmes has to say. I guess I could say Pat Buchanon is on MSNBC or Glen Beck is on CNN (Headline News) if you make the case for having one talking head opposite of the station's message on there.
Why are O'Reilly and/or Hannity always mentioned as FoxNews? They are commentators expressing opinion. They are not reporters nor anchors.

Likewise, most on here know the difference and understand where FoxNews fits in with other news outlets.

Finally, you clearly haven't been paying attention if you believe "this group" are mindless O'Reilly supporters. Why not try actually debating an issue rather than simply labeling posters you don't agree with.

Why is Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews always mentioned as MSNBC news? It goes both ways. Debate an issue? What's the point when it's me and maybe three more people against 50? Why don't you go on a liberal site and debate with them? Right, you would be wasting your time like me on this site. The fact that my post got quoted as many times as it did really proves my point. Thank you.
and your post is a perfect example of how it's been distorted. Talking heads are not the news. How are their news reports unfair?

So, is MSNBC being distorted since their "talking heads" like Olbermann are not the news also? I'm not saying anything that the other side hasn't said about MSNBC.
Why is Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews always mentioned as MSNBC news? It goes both ways. Debate an issue? What's the point when it's me and maybe three more people against 50? Why don't you go on a liberal site and debate with them? Right, you would be wasting your time like me on this site. The fact that my post got quoted as many times as it did really proves my point. Thank you.

Or it could be you are just a hateful jerk.........

So, is MSNBC being distorted since their "talking heads" like Olbermann are not the news also? I'm not saying anything that the other side hasn't said about MSNBC.

Forget the politics. MSNBC's biggest problem is that it's just bad television a lot of the time. I disagree with Matthews, but I still watch him from time to time. Olberman and Carlson (a conservative no less) are just painful to watch.
Originally Posted by KB5252
I watch all cable news outlets and I have to say that Fox News is one of if not the only network that goes out of its way to make sure they have both sides represented by relevant people. O'Reilly consistently has guests who represent democrats strongly. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that they are the number 1 rated cable news outlet. They do have the best coverage of current events.

This right here is the truth. Have you ever seen any other network present two sides of any issue? Hell no. And don't forget, Hannity's show is called Hannity & COLMES. Colmes is one of the biggest liberal idiots on the network and he gets as much time as Hannity to express his opinion. You will never see that on any of the other networks.

Hey lets play a matching game.

1) Glenn Beck a)conservative who had a
show on CNN and his
OWN show on MSNBC

2) Tucker Carlson b)conservative radio shock
jock who had his OWN
show on MSNBC

3) Joe Scarboro c) conservative host who
has his OWN show on
on CNN headline news

4) Michael Savage d)ex gop congressman who
had his OWN primetime
and has his OWN morning
show on MSNBC

5) Democrats e) has never had their OWN
show on FOX NEWS

Now lets see who can ace this.God I'm so much fun.:dance2:
Well it won't set up the way I want it but I know you all are smart enough to figure it out.

So now the argument is shifted to who is more fair and balanced?

I would think one would be able to argue that MSNBC has had the most balance but is due to shows being cancelled due to poor ratings.

For instance, Alan Keyes and Pat Buchanan have had shows on MSNBC.

There is no way around it, the Fox News model is the best going.

Every one else trying to play catchup.
Greta Van Susteren (sp) is a democrat and she has her own show.

Paula Zahn at one time had her own show on Fox.

Tucker Carlson is anything but a shock jock. It's shocking that he can get away with wearing a bowtie on TV, but that's about it.
Greta Van Susteren (sp) is a democrat and she has her own show.
Paula Zahn at one time had her own show on Fox.​

Tucker Carlson is anything but a shock jock. It's shocking that he can get away with wearing a bowtie on TV, but that's about it.​

It won't post the way Ihad it set up I won't put all the right answers next to the names on a test that would be no fun I wanted like a matching test in elementary school.​

Greta would much rather discuss the latest missing blonde than politics anyday.​
Greta Van Susteren (sp) is a democrat and she has her own show.

Paula Zahn at one time had her own show on Fox.

Tucker Carlson is anything but a shock jock. It's shocking that he can get away with wearing a bowtie on TV, but that's about it.

Gutter Van Susteren has the worst show on FNC. Tabloid crap.

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