The evil of Replacement Theory

Demographics are obviously they always have.
But we're not talking about what I'm claiming, we're talking about what Tucker and other right wing nuts are claiming.
Can you summarize what it is you think Tucker and the like are claiming? Because I really am not understanding where the controversy is coming from? I don’t watch Tucker and don’t think. 60 second Montage gives me much to base an opinion on
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Which part of it is wrong? Just the claim that Jews are doing it?

That’s a view held by about 4 people

I already said demographics were changing, no one can argue that. As far as the view of Jewish people orchestrating it, it’s a view held by way more than four people. Check the sites I mentioned if you don’t believe me.
I already said demographics were changing, no one can argue that. As far as the view of Jewish people orchestrating it, it’s a view held by way more than four people. Check the sites I mentioned if you don’t believe me.

A lot of those cites are 15 year olds making jokes.

What about the conspiracy you’re accusing actually right wing politicians and media hosts of giving into? Tell me about that one. Not 15 year olds on 4 Chan naming MT Dew flavors
I already said demographics were changing, no one can argue that. As far as the view of Jewish people orchestrating it, it’s a view held by way more than four people. Check the sites I mentioned if you don’t believe me.
Has Tucker actually made such a claim? Or ANY prominent conservative for that matter? If so that is indeed reprehensible
A lot of those cites are 15 year olds making jokes.

What about the conspiracy you’re accusing actually right wing politicians and media hosts of giving into? Tell me about that one. Not 15 year olds on 4 Chan naming MT Dew flavors

I have no doubt some of them are joking, but a lot of people take that stuff seriously. The Buffalo shooter did.

Also I’m not accusing any politicians of giving into any ideology. I’m just talking about the great replacement theory as an aside.
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Has Tucker actually made such a claim? Or ANY prominent conservative for that matter? If so that is indeed reprehensible

No cable tv conservative would say that. There are online/YouTube conservatives that do have a large following and say things like that though.
I have no doubt some of them are joking, but a lot of people take that stuff seriously. The Buffalo shooter did.

Also I’m not accusing any politicians of giving into any ideology. I’m just talking about the great replacement theory as an aside.

Okay. I’m asking you to define that theory. You believe 32% of Americans think Jews are trying to replace them or is it something else
„Replacement theory“ loses its political usefulness if they are forced to actually define it. It is much more useful as an ever shifting nebulous scare tactic. If they clarify what they mean, it can be debunked and they realize that

Then they can’t claim “32% of people believe this evil conspiracy”
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I'd really hoped you would read.
I'm assuming you are in agreement and are looking for a way around having to admit that you are.
Same for @Vol8188
I want to read YOUR thoughts. I am not having a discussion with some distant author, I am having discussion with you.
But now, I must needs get to my day job. Best wishes for an awesome day to you
And Trump had nothing to do with it? Trump hands Biden a total S***storm and you guys blame him for not fixing it in 18 months. What a joke.

How was Trump supposed to stop governors from shutting down their states and foreign leaders their countries? Trump is responsible for pumping money into the system during these overreaction shutdowns so he shoulders the blame for that but multiple people also share in it.
What do you mean? Prices were stable as Trump left. Gas was barely 2.50 a gallon and I could buy a steak dinner without taking out a second mortgage. And American infants were actually able to obtain their next meal. I really think you folks just live in an alternate reality most of the time.
Please give actual numeric evidence to support your wild eyed assertion

We were going to see a sharp rise in inflation even if Trump had won. You can't shut down production AND pump money into the system to keep consumers buying then expect to see no shortages. Shortages and plenty of money in circulation equals inflation.

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