The evil of Replacement Theory

Biden has done nothing to help the situation that’s for sure. He’s done his level best to make it worse than it has to be but he didn’t break it.
i would say that Trump lit an inadvisble camp Fire during drought conditions and then Biden came in and dumped gasoline on it
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i would say that Trump lit an inadvisble camp Fire during drought conditions and then Biden came in and dumped gasoline on it
I would say Trump's term was like a 4 year drought with Trump spreading highly combustible materials throughout the forest, and out of petty spite he threw several lit cigarettes out of his window as he was driving away.
Nonsense. I'm not defining the term because the definition of the term changes with time and to fit the audience.
It's basically nothing more than a way to dishonestly politicize a naturally occurring phenomenon in a way to sew as much hatred, distrust, and division as possible.
Doesn't matter who they claim is behind it - it's the "orchestrated" claim and the strongly implied "something has to be done to stop this" part that is the issue. And everyone knows this.
So let's go with these two questions...for everyone.

Do you believe it is orchestrated?

Do you believe something has to or needs to be done about it?

If you answer yes to either, we can pick up the conversation at that point.

Do you believe Republicans are killing people with their policies?

Do you believe something needs to be done about it?

If you answer yes to either, we can pick up the conversation about bait and switch tactics at that point.
BTW... this is not like it's a first time deal. Get used to it. It's happening every year now. As soon as the weather gets warm.. the monkeys come crawling out of their caves beating and shooting every one. they start fighting and road raging. I already know it's coming, and stay as far away from the animals as possible, until they get it out of their system and calm down. Then you get the copy cats, who's purpose in life is to cause race riots and intentional hate... what a life huh? The instigators. I'm sure your mother's proud with what you've done with your life.

here comes the media, they need a story, they want the riots. They have to have something to pull on heart strings. They eat it up hoping for more while making comfort phrases to your face.

Ignore them. They are trying to whip you into a frenzy on purpose. domestic terrorism. Ron't give it to them. With no ratings, the media gives them no attention. With no attention, half these incidents don't take place. Stop empowering them.

Are you talking about the subway shooter?
Do you believe Republicans are killing people with their policies?

Do you believe something needs to be done about it?

If you answer yes to either, we can pick up the conversation about bait and switch tactics at that point.
Yes I believe some of their policies lead to avoidable deaths.
Yes, I believe something needs to be done to change those policies.

Grow a pair and answer my questions. After all, this is a replacement theory thread.
Here’s a crazy idea. We will let people that think a certain way continue to think that way.

Do you think he's advocating government thought police? What do you mean "let"? Like they shouldn't be countered and mocked and jeered? Why not? Why do they get freedom from consequence?
Yes I believe some of their policies lead to avoidable deaths.
Yes, I believe something needs to be done to change those policies.

Grow a pair and answer my questions. After all, this is a replacement theory thread.
Sort of like „defund the police“ led to MASSIVE increases in assaults and homicides in the major metropolitan areas?
Irony= Democrats opening the border to unregulated illegal immigration but then the mostly Catholic Immigrants start voting conservative due to social issues like abortion and trans issues 😂
Yes I believe some of their policies lead to avoidable deaths.
Yes, I believe something needs to be done to change those policies.

Grow a pair and answer my questions. After all, this is a replacement theory thread.

Lol you know I don't mind answering any questions. Do I believe the left is more likely to support immigration from countries they feel vote democratic? 100%. What needs to be done about it? I would import more Cubans.

I asked my questions before answering yours because it's important to point out this disingenuous game can be done with any political stance. You take something most people believe and then you compare it to an extreme view that is only different in terms of 1 aspect (you and the congressional baseball shooter in this case). Then you claim "they're just sanitizing radical conspiracy theories"! "Something must be done to stop them from promoting this!"
Do you think he's advocating government thought police? What do you mean "let"? Like they shouldn't be countered and mocked and jeered? Why not? Why do they get freedom from consequence?

You believe that's what the meant when he asked twice "what we should do to them"? I think you're living in fantasy land. Seems he's simply promoting the same "radical" rhetoric he claims to oppose
I remember the good ole days when LG himself pushed Replacement Theory and used to to gleefully (and with his typical accuracy) predict there would be Dem majorities and POTI as far as the eye could see.

It was garbage then and it's garbage now.
Not the same thing at all.
Recognizing the obvious and predictable trends has been easy for decades.

Lying about those trends to sew hatred and distrust is the issue.
„Replacement theory“ loses its political usefulness if they are forced to actually define it. It is much more useful as an ever shifting nebulous scare tactic. If they clarify what they mean, it can be debunked and they realize that
Yes. It will become the left version of CRT.
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Do you believe Republicans are killing people with their policies?

Do you believe something needs to be done about it?

If you answer yes to either, we can pick up the conversation about bait and switch tactics at that point.

Don't misunderstand. The right wing purveyors of hate are the ones who actively conjure this stuff up. They use it to recruit to their cause. Their motivation is pure racial animus towards minorities, black and Hispanic mostly (some focusing on Jews in certain circles).

Elements of the GOP and even some conservative media promote it for purposes of sustaining division that benefits them financially. Their promotion of it is less because they sincerely believe it and mostly because they realize its a cash cow for them. Lots of resentment and suspicion out there. Telling poor and lower middle class whites, or just poorly educated ones, that their plight in life -- lack of the employment or power they want -- is because of liberal elites diluting their majority position is just the low hanging fruit.

How much did we see over the weekend Fox running programming bemoaning the fact that baby formula had been sent to the border for the benefit of illegal immigrants, yet "regular Americans" can't buy it at Walmart? I didn't sit there studying it but every time I flashed through Fox, that was the THE subject. Its more of the same: your resentments are justified because illegal Hispanic immigrants are coming in and replacing you (and voting for Dems when they get the chance later in life) (notwithstanding the evidence to the contrary).

You may not personally buy into what Fox and Tucker and others are doing. You may feel yourself immune from their influence on this issue. I think you are deluding yourself if you are a Tucker fan and cannot see what he's doing. But let's say you are above the fray. You get it and it does not influence you..... talk to other conservatives you know. Talk about the demographics. The changing numbers. Then see what they have to say about social spending and the racial politics of the country. You will be amazed at their ignorance. And hopefully disgusted by it.
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That it's an orchestrated conspiracy from leftist elites to replace the white race with people of color.

So you believe the left encourages mass immigration and celebrates it as giving them a political advantage, right? Those seem undeniable.
Don't misunderstand. The right wing purveyors of hate are the ones who actively conjure this stuff up. They use it to recruit to their cause. Their motivation is pure racial animus towards minorities, black and Hispanic mostly (some focusing on Jews in certain circles).

Elements of the GOP and even some conservative media promote it for purposes of sustaining division that benefits them financially. Their promotion of it is less because they sincerely believe it and mostly because they realize its a cash cow for them. Lots of resentment and suspicion out there. Telling poor and lower middle class whites, or just poorly educated ones, that their plight in life -- lack of the employment or power they want -- is because of liberal elites diluting their majority position is just the low hanging fruit.

How much did we see over the weekend Fox running programming bemoaning the fact that baby formula had been sent to the border for the benefit of illegal immigrants, yet "regular Americans" can't buy it at Walmart? I didn't sit there studying it but every time I flashed through Fox, that was the THE subject. Its more of the same: your resentments are justified because illegal Hispanic immigrants are coming in and replacing you (and voting for Dems when they get the chance later in life) (notwithstanding the evidence to the contrary).

You may not personally buy into what Fox and Tucker and others are doing. You may feel yourself immune from their influence on this issue. I think you are deluding yourself if you are a Tucker fan and cannot see what he's doing. But let's say you are above the fray. You get it and it does not influence you..... talk to other conservatives you know. Talk about the demographics. The changing numbers. Then see what they have to say about social spending and the racial politics of the country. You will be amazed at their ignorance. And hopefully disgusted by it.

After the NY Subway shooting or the Dallas BLM shooting did you blame left wing rhetoric and racial divisions?

Or is it only bad when you perceive it from the right? I’m not seeing this racial messaging you’re accusing Fox News of or Tucker for that matter
Not the same thing at all.
Recognizing the obvious and predictable trends has been easy for decades.

Lying about those trends to sew hatred and distrust is the issue.

Oh but it is because it assumes that demographics tell you about someone's values. We are already seeing that as the D party lurches left that the demographic shift isn't having the impact that was predictable.

It's all the same bucket of looking at identity politics and sussing out how changes in demographics will benefit you or hurt you as opposed to treating people like individuals.

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