The Fact that most

notice my comment about beating the nfl teams i didn't say what years of those teams we could beat some of them have been very very very bad teams. so bad i never understood why their players were paid contract or not.



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Once in middle school some dude was pissed because I told his girlfriend the time or something. He told me to meet him at the park after school. This guy was bigger, stronger and probably better trained at "fighting" than I was. I didn't have to go, but I walked to that park knowing full well I was about to get my ass kicked. I also thought there was a "chance" I could win. Maybe if I kick him in the nuts or something right? But no, he beat my ass.

I didn't learn my lesson. I still think we can kick Oregon in the nuts. We will probably get our ass beat, but I'm not going into this week all scared. You want to beat Tennessee's ass Oregon? Then do it. But we ain't curling into a ball in the corner of the room.

Going into a fight at that age knowing you're going to get your butt kicked is pretty hard core.:hi:
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Once in middle school some dude was pissed because I told his girlfriend the time or something. He told me to meet him at the park after school. This guy was bigger, stronger and probably better trained at "fighting" than I was. I didn't have to go, but I walked to that park knowing full well I was about to get my ass kicked. I also thought there was a "chance" I could win. Maybe if I kick him in the nuts or something right? But no, he beat my ass.

I didn't learn my lesson. I still think we can kick Oregon in the nuts. We will probably get our ass beat, but I'm not going into this week all scared. You want to beat Tennessee's ass Oregon? Then do it. But we ain't curling into a ball in the corner of the room.

you should have kicked him in the kneecap not the nuts.
Lets see.. today's Monday. I woke up figuring we get beat by about 24 pts. At 4:30 pm , I'm already down to about 20.5. Probably be 14 pts. sometime tomorrow. 7 to 10 by Wed. Thursday , I'm likely to be giving the nod to the Ducks on a last second field goal. Friday is scheduled for the day I wake up convinced we will win somehow..
... By kick off I'm feeling sorry for the Ducks in anticipation of the A$$ whooping they are about to receive!
That's the way my schedule works in these kinda games. I have no control over it and have come to accept it. Actually, I kinda like it. Don't want to peak too early , ya know!
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The fact that I'm essentially seeing Oregon to NFL team comparisons pisses me off. Scared negavols all in this thread. Most of the same fans that were scared of WKU, IMO.
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vol fans are predicting Tennessee to get beat by Oregon is ridiculous. The game hasn't been played last i checked and we can win every game we play, at least that is what i believe if you don't then don't watch the games. I don't like people that sit there and tell me we are gonna lose a football game. It makes me very angry to the point i want to knock their teeth out.(Though i refrain from doing so. Cause i ain't dumb, New Teeth are expensive). This is Tennessee we play to win, not to listen to our fans chalk up a loss before we even board the plane to head to the game. If you call your self a realist that's great, me i believe we can do it til proven otherwise. GO VOLS!!! Cut Em', Jack!!

come on cents.
I don't care how you think. I'm simply tired of everyone that thinks we can beat oregon getting ripped by their co-fandom for what THEY think. It's old and whats wrong and getting wronger on this site.

Again, then one shouldn't start a thread ripping those that don't think we'll win and telling them to go root for another team.

And what is "wronger"?
notice my comment about beating the nfl teams i didn't say what years of those teams we could beat some of them have been very very very bad teams. so bad i never understood why their players were paid contract or not.

Pick any year you want, you're still wrong.

The Lions team that went 0-16 a few years ago would whip any of the last 3 Alabama NC teams. Fact.
What a bunch of nagative nancies here....what i saw on Saturday was UT physically throttled a petty dang good WKU team....ut the most impressive thing was the dramatic improvement in the 2 nd half with all of the players including far I am seeing this team steadily improve each quarter in each game....and that is all you can sk for witha new coaching staff.....we do have a decent chance against Oregon just ecause our lines matchu so well with them.....all that need is for Worely to be on time with his throws and consistent to help keep drives away....if Butch comes u with a good enoug gameplan, then we d have the tools to beat this Oregon team....we can play all cntrol offenseand limit the amount of time their offense gets onto the field....and if we forc turnovers like what we did Saturday then watch out....Oregon rearly plays teams with as good of lines as what we possess and they always have a much tougher time when they do. THat is why Stanford has given them so much trouble lately.

A) Oregon demolished a Virginia team that is as good as WKU. It's a stretch saying WKU is "pretty dang good".

B) Everyone keeps mentioning Stanford; Stanford is a good team, and has been a good team for about 5-6 years now; certainly much better than us. Right now, we are not Stanford.
I hope our players and coaches don't have the same losing attitude as a majority of our fanbase. Yea, they are good, but they can be beaten.
Pick any year you want, you're still wrong.

The Lions team that went 0-16 a few years ago would whip any of the last 3 Alabama NC teams. Fact.

Completely agree. The Lions had 22 of the 700-800 best NFL players of a 12 year span from college while those Bama teams had what, 4 players drafted per year tops?
This whole "you aren't a true fan if you don't believe Tennessee is going 14-0" business has to stop. Come on people, just because some (rational) people are picking Oregon, it doesn't mean a Tennessee loss is their preferred outcome. Some of you need to think about that.

We have recruits and players that frequent this board. If they see a negative fan base that doesn't believe in our program or our coach, why the **** woudl they even bother seriously looking or seriously playing for the Big Orange?!??!?

Your negativity is repugnant and I really hope you ****ers don't call yourself true fans. It's pathetic. Keep your negativity to yourselves you SUCKY *****ES.
We have recruits and players that frequent this board. If they see a negative fan base that doesn't believe in our program or our coach, why the **** woudl they even bother seriously looking or seriously playing for the Big Orange?!??!?

Your negativity is repugnant and I really hope you ****ers don't call yourself true fans. It's pathetic. Keep your negativity to yourselves you SUCKY *****ES.

freak started VN so he is clearly a VFL who gets it

believing in the program and coach doesn't mean everyone must think we're going to travel out to Oregon and take the #2 team to the woodshed. Think rationally for a moment
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We have recruits and players that frequent this board. If they see a negative fan base that doesn't believe in our program or our coach, why the **** woudl they even bother seriously looking or seriously playing for the Big Orange?!??!?

Your negativity is repugnant and I really hope you ****ers don't call yourself true fans. It's pathetic. Keep your negativity to yourselves you SUCKY *****ES.

Your in TROUBLE now! :huh:
Man, I hate these threads.

There is a reason that they quit playing the College All American Game versus the Pro Bowl team Game. It was a ugly thing to watch.

3rd string versus College All Americans would be ugly also...
We have recruits and players that frequent this board. If they see a negative fan base that doesn't believe in our program or our coach, why the **** woudl they even bother seriously looking or seriously playing for the Big Orange?!??!?

Your negativity is repugnant and I really hope you ****ers don't call yourself true fans. It's pathetic. Keep your negativity to yourselves you SUCKY *****ES.

I'm carrying this team with my positivity as we speak. I will sign us some 5*s
Lets see.. today's Monday. I woke up figuring we get beat by about 24 pts. At 4:30 pm , I'm already down to about 20.5. Probably be 14 pts. sometime tomorrow. 7 to 10 by Wed. Thursday , I'm likely to be giving the nod to the Ducks on a last second field goal. Friday is scheduled for the day I wake up convinced we will win somehow..
... By kick off I'm feeling sorry for the Ducks in anticipation of the A$$ whooping they are about to receive!
That's the way my schedule works in these kinda games. I have no control over it and have come to accept it. Actually, I kinda like it. Don't want to peak too early , ya know!

To everyone who says that we are going to lose:-
Would you think its fine if the players go into the game with this attitude and just give up on every;play? I bet you would be pissed off at the first missed tackle....
I know everyone here knows that we are up against a very good team.... but the right thing for us to do as fans would be to support and believe that our team wins.... especially in an open forum like this one.... I for one very strongly believe that we will win.....
To everyone who says that we are going to lose:-
Would you think its fine if the players go into the game with this attitude and just give up on every;play? I bet you would be pissed off at the first missed tackle....
I know everyone here knows that we are up against a very good team.... but the right thing for us to do as fans would be to support and believe that our team wins.... especially in an open forum like this one.... I for one very strongly believe that we will win.....

Name one person who said we are going to lose that is not supporting or believing in our team.

I would have even greater respect for our players if they walked into a game not thinking they would win and still played as hard as they could for 4 quarters. If a player is not giving effort he should be pulled, it doesn't matter if the player thinks we will win or not.
To everyone who says that we are going to lose:-
Would you think its fine if the players go into the game with this attitude and just give up on every;play? I bet you would be pissed off at the first missed tackle....
I know everyone here knows that we are up against a very good team.... but the right thing for us to do as fans would be to support and believe that our team wins.... especially in an open forum like this one.... I for one very strongly believe that we will win.....

This is pretty much what I've been trying to tell these negative fools for 2 weeks cause they thought we were gonna lose to WKU and how did that work out. I doubt very seriously that CBJ is tell these players well guys we up against Oregon this week and you know even if you do gonna play your heart out and give your all for TN today you gonna lose we have no chance against them so just go on out there and get the L and we will move to the next one. SMH at some of the idiots on this site that call themselves fans but yet talk down the team to the point of saying we gonna lose before the game is ever played! They make me sick!!

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