The Fact that most

Dude you think a college team could beat a professional team. You shouldn't be allowed to have kids. That's the most idiotic thing ever.

Actually, I think before they stopped playing them, college All-American teams played pro teams prior to pre-season and won at least once to my recollection. I think they played the NFC champion. I think theys topped back in the late 1960's.
yeah you might have a point there, but i cheer for the vols win or lose, but predicting they lose is just not the way i think a fan should act. Dooley did that while coaching here and look what happened. Butch demands wins and perfection and we are heading in the right direction.

Actually didn't he say that he didn't? Or something to that effect.
The concept that any college team could be an Nfl team is laughable. I bet you think your local boy scout troop could whip seal team 6 too !!!!
Wow . . . Never noticed that before. I gave him a Like just to keep the karma going.

Awe shucks.. :blush: Thanks everyone, I just try to be myself and be as honest as I can. Ya'll are kinda like my extended family, being part of Volnation (the site and the Vol family as a whole) really means a lot to me. I love this state, I love this school, and am very proud of any young person that puts on a Volunteer uniform (regardless of the sport they play)

VFL.. Yes, thats me!

The likes.. I'm not sure how that happened, I didn't get serious about posting until last year even though I have been a member for a long time. I suppose folks like what I say from time to time.


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yes a college team can beat a pro team, it's all about heart, pride and passion, and coaching which some nfl teams don't have much of all they care about is $$$.

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Oregon gets outplayed about once a year...

Both loses the last 2 years had the same things in common:

A)We lost a really close one to USC (who we were not taking serious because we smashed them hard the 2 previous years) only after the week before we went down to a undefeated Stanford's house and smashed them in a huge game. Our players were banged up from the week before with Stanford. And we only lost cause our FG kicker could not make a FG to save his life.

B)Last year we lost a really close one (went to OT)to Stanford (who we were not taking serious because we smashed them hard the 2 previous years) only after the week before we went down to USC's house and smashed them in a huge game. Our players were banged up from the week before with USC. And we only lost cause our FG kicker could not make a FG to save his life.

And yes, morons saw those games, 1 each year, and declared us soft.

Fact is, we have more wins in the last 3 years(4 going into this year) then any single other CFB program in the whole Nation. And we currently hold the most consecutive BCS appearances in a row at 4. Stanford and Wisky have 3. Bama has 2.

Some delusional Tenn people insisting that we are soft is ironic. For what team holds the greatest beatdown of Tenn at Tenn in Tenn's history? Bama? Forida? LSU? UGA? No, try Oregon... And we only got 1 chance to play Tenn. Those other teams get every year to try to do what we did. Some delusional ones must not watch much football and have selective amnesia.
really close one[/U] to USC (who we were not taking serious because we smashed them hard the 2 previous years) only after the week before we went down to a undefeated Stanford's house and smashed them in a huge game. Our players were banged up from the week before with Stanford. And we only lost cause our FG kicker could not make a FG to save his life.

B)Last year we lost a really close one (went to OT)to Stanford (who we were not taking serious because we smashed them hard the 2 previous years) only after the week before we went down to USC's house and smashed them in a huge game. Our players were banged up from the week before with USC. And we only lost cause our FG kicker could not make a FG to save his life.

And yes, morons saw those games, 1 each year, and declared us soft.

Fact is, we have more wins in the last 3 years(4 going into this year) then any single other CFB program in the whole Nation. And we currently hold the most consecutive BCS appearances in a row at 4. Stanford and Wisky have 3. Bama has 2.

Some delusional Tenn people insisting that we are soft is ironic. For what team holds the greatest beatdown of Tenn at Tenn in Tenn's history? Bama? Forida? LSU? UGA? No, try Oregon... And we only got 1 chance to play Tenn. Those other teams get every year to try to do what we did. Some delusional ones must not watch much football and have selective amnesia.

To be honest, Oregon beat the most untalented, worst coached Tennessee team in 35 years.

Don't beat your chest too much about beating us then and now
yes, i think we can beat some nfl teams, ala the browns, lions, bills, and the titans.

The Bills almost beat the Patriots, the Titans beat the Steelers, the Lions beat the Vikings and held AP to under 100 yards rushing, but yeah we could beat any of those teams. The Browns would drill us into the mud.

Just because people are predicting a huge loss means nothing. I am a huge Vol fan and I hope they kick Oregon in the teeth. However basing on our first 2 games, we have little chance of beating them. Why is that ridiculous? that does not mean i am not a fan it just means that I know where our team is right now and I know where Oregon is. Right now they are better than us in every aspect of the game. Thats nothing to be ashamed of, they are one of the best teams in the country and can play with anybody, including Alabama.
To be honest, Oregon beat the most untalented, worst coached Tennessee team in 35 years.

Don't beat your chest too much about beating us then and now

Don't think he was beating his chest so much as he was trying to make a point about Vol fans saying they are soft; which I agree is a stupid description of them.

But yes, beating down any Derek Dooley team, especially the 2010 one, is nothing to brag about.
Oregon gets outplayed about once a year...

Both loses the last 2 years had the same things in common:

A)We lost a really close one to USC (who we were not taking serious because we smashed them hard the 2 previous years) only after the week before we went down to a undefeated Stanford's house and smashed them in a huge game. Our players were banged up from the week before with Stanford. And we only lost cause our FG kicker could not make a FG to save his life.

B)Last year we lost a really close one (went to OT)to Stanford (who we were not taking serious because we smashed them hard the 2 previous years) only after the week before we went down to USC's house and smashed them in a huge game. Our players were banged up from the week before with USC. And we only lost cause our FG kicker could not make a FG to save his life.

And yes, morons saw those games, 1 each year, and declared us soft.

Fact is, we have more wins in the last 3 years(4 going into this year) then any single other CFB program in the whole Nation. And we currently hold the most consecutive BCS appearances in a row at 4. Stanford and Wisky have 3. Bama has 2.

Some delusional Tenn people insisting that we are soft is ironic. For what team holds the greatest beatdown of Tenn at Tenn in Tenn's history? Bama? Forida? LSU? UGA? No, try Oregon... And we only got 1 chance to play Tenn. Those other teams get every year to try to do what we did. Some delusional ones must not watch much football and have selective amnesia.
I didn't read all your post but I know what your saying without reading the whole thing. A select few people predicting a win at Oregon and calling Oregon soft are the same people who will be blacked out drunk calling for butch jones job Saturday night. I just hope Tennessee can compete with Oregon for 4 quarters. I don't understand how beating AP and WKU all the sudden makes us world beaters. We have a good OL, a decent back field lots of youth at WR and a QB who has struggled without really being tested by a strong defense yet. Defensively in order to keep it respectable or to be in a position to win Saturday Tennessee will have to force Oregon in to 3rd and long situations and that may be to tall of a task. But we will see stranger things have happened.
There is a gulf the size of the Grand Canyon between the delusional ones on this site and those actually who are wise. This site has a mixture of both but I feel bad for the latter.
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Don't think he was beating his chest so much as he was trying to make a point about Vol fans saying they are soft; which I agree is a stupid description of them.

But yes, beating down any Derek Dooley team, especially the 2010 one, is nothing to brag about.
This guy is one of the Latter that I mentioned in a previous post. :)
I didn't read all your post but I know what your saying without reading the whole thing. A select few people predicting a win at Oregon and calling Oregon soft are the same people who will be blacked out drunk calling for butch jones job Saturday night. I just hope Tennessee can compete with Oregon for 4 quarters. I don't understand how beating AP and WKU all the sudden makes us world beaters. We have a good OL, a decent back field lots of youth at WR and a QB who has struggled without really being tested by a strong defense yet. Defensively in order to keep it respectable or to be in a position to win Saturday Tennessee will have to force Oregon in to 3rd and long situations and that may be to tall of a task. But we will see stranger things have happened.
Being honest Sir, I will never mock someone who is predicting a Tenn win against Oregon this weekend on face value. There is nothing wrong believing that, nothing at all. For in truth, as one who watches tons and tons of CFB, it's probably closer to the truth that if we played 100 times in a row this year, Oregon would win 98 of them. However, there are still 2 times that Tenn would(with these years teams). So some random Tenn guy thinking perhaps it could happen, no problem. My hats off to ya.

It is rather the other people who mock the PAC-12, say our Conference is pathetic ect or who claim that Oregon is soft, or Oregon has no Defense. That I take issue with.

For when one looks at the facts, A)The PAC-12 has more Championships in all sports then any other Conference by a large measure. And the 2nd closest Conference is the BigTen, but they are over 200 Titles short of us.(so we must not have a pathetic Conference afterall, one would think) B)The PAC-12's recent history in Football vs Tenn. C)Oregon's recent history vs Tenn. D)Oregon's recent history in general. E)What the rest of the Nation thinks about such silly claims outside of the State of Tennessee.(like national sports writers)
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Your opinion is what it is and you're entitled to it. Just don't tell me how I have to think and act in order to be a fan.

. . . and don't ever . . . Eeeeeeever . . . . play the "college team could beat an NFL team" card if you want to be taken seriously about anything.

I don't care how you think. I'm simply tired of everyone that thinks we can beat oregon getting ripped by their co-fandom for what THEY think. It's old and whats wrong and getting wronger on this site.
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I only made that one post to defend some moronic claims. But putting that aside. You guys should really not be fighting against each other. Most of that is just general lack of understanding and communication issues and you don't know where the other is coming from:

You should ALL be hoping and desperately pulling for your team over mine. And I think you all are. It's just because there are some guys on this site that REALLY know their football/study it much, and know beating Oregon will be a extremely hard task and they are just honest about it. That is all. They are just being honest. They are not any less a true VOL. So why the guilt trips trying to demean their loyalty? Yes, bigger upsets have happened in history. A bad Stanford team beat several years ago a really great USC team. I think they were like 40-50 point underdogs, which is massive. It has and can be done. So thus, hoping for something and just honestly predicting it, as if a guy had to bet his whole house on the line if a gun was to his head are two completely different issues. And each camp should not be fighting with the other. For those tiring of hearing how Oregon will beat the piss out of Tennessee. Well, perhaps your coach and team are reading these too, reading all the National projections and it has them steaming ticked that no one is giving them a chance. And maybe they can use that as motivation.

Have hope Tennessee. For in truth, you actually do have a chance in this game. My LB'ers are too young this year and too inexperienced and way too lite. I expect Tenn to be running all over us(esp up the middle) against us in a week. And trust me, while a tall order it is, you actually do have a chance against us, imo, (being honest).

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