The Fact that most

I don't care how you think. I'm simply tired of everyone that thinks we can beat oregon getting ripped by their co-fandom for what THEY think. It't old and whats wrong and getting wronger on this site.

He doesn't get it...

This thread...

Good night.
The problem I have with the ball control argument is.... it doesn't mean **** if a team can put up 21 points inside of three minutes. And Oregon more than has the ability to do just that, and their defense is aggressive enough to make big plays (read turnovers) to shorten that field and make the quick strikes that much faster. Yes Oregon lost the NC ... but they lost to an offense that was every bit as high powered as theirs.

I understand the sentiment behind the OP, but man you just have to be realistic. I probably have this because most of my life I have been a fan of a team that has never been more than a mid tier team. I am going to watch Saturday, and I am going to cheer Saturday and I do believe there is a chance (although extremely small) Tennessee can pull the upset.

But on the same sense OP, I just hope that if Tennessee's doors are blown off Saturday, that you don't come back here on Sunday wondering if Jones was a smart hire in the first place. Even if Lombardi himself was coaching this team, the chances would still be the same. That's all I'm hoping for. Be as positive as you like, no matter how unrealistic it may be. Just please don't come back demanding blood if we get creamed by good teams this year. It's going to happen.

Yeah. Also I Have To Hit The Space Bar After Each Word Or It WillAll BeConnected. See? Lol

Normally With Swype, When You Finish A Word, It Automatically Puts A Space In Between Words.

Also If I Hit The Predicted Word, It Puts It In The Top Left Corner Of The Screen.
The OP is a genius compared to the 27 people who liked the original post. We would lose 100 out of 100 times against Oregon in Eugene. Your not a true fan if you predict a win, your delusional. One day we will get there, but not now and not anytime soon...
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My head says we lose,
My heart says we win.
41-32 VOLS! Shut the **** up heart! Quit giving me hope like that.
What a bunch of nagative nancies here....what i saw on Saturday was UT physically throttled a petty dang good WKU team....ut the most impressive thing was the dramatic improvement in the 2 nd half with all of the players including far I am seeing this team steadily improve each quarter in each game....and that is all you can sk for witha new coaching staff.....we do have a decent chance against Oregon just ecause our lines matchu so well with them.....all that need is for Worely to be on time with his throws and consistent to help keep drives away....if Butch comes u with a good enoug gameplan, then we d have the tools to beat this Oregon team....we can play all cntrol offenseand limit the amount of time their offense gets onto the field....and if we forc turnovers like what we did Saturday then watch out....Oregon rearly plays teams with as good of lines as what we possess and they always have a much tougher time when they do. THat is why Stanford has given them so much trouble lately.
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Once in middle school some dude was pissed because I told his girlfriend the time or something. He told me to meet him at the park after school. This guy was bigger, stronger and probably better trained at "fighting" than I was. I didn't have to go, but I walked to that park knowing full well I was about to get my ass kicked. I also thought there was a "chance" I could win. Maybe if I kick him in the nuts or something right? But no, he beat my ass.

I didn't learn my lesson. I still think we can kick Oregon in the nuts. We will probably get our ass beat, but I'm not going into this week all scared. You want to beat Tennessee's ass Oregon? Then do it. But we ain't curling into a ball in the corner of the room.
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I hate it but we're gonna get demolished. Oregon is gonna me this defense look Sunseriesque.
Once in middle school some dude was pissed because I told his girlfriend the time or something. He told me to meet him at the park after school. This guy was bigger, stronger and probably better trained at "fighting" than I was. I didn't have to go, but I walked to that park knowing full well I was about to get my ass kicked. I also thought there was a "chance" I could win. Maybe if I kick him in the nuts or something right? But no, he beat my ass.

I didn't learn my lesson. I still think we can kick Oregon in the nuts. We will probably get our ass beat, but I'm not going into this week all scared. You want to beat Tennessee's ass Oregon? Then do it. But we ain't curling into a ball in the corner of the room.

Dude, you should of just stole his girlfriend and sent pictures later. Just saying.
Once in middle school some dude was pissed because I told his girlfriend the time or something. He told me to meet him at the park after school. This guy was bigger, stronger and probably better trained at "fighting" than I was. I didn't have to go, but I walked to that park knowing full well I was about to get my ass kicked. I also thought there was a "chance" I could win. Maybe if I kick him in the nuts or something right? But no, he beat my ass.

I didn't learn my lesson. I still think we can kick Oregon in the nuts. We will probably get our ass beat, but I'm not going into this week all scared. You want to beat Tennessee's ass Oregon? Then do it. But we ain't curling into a ball in the corner of the room.


With ya PureVol.
Recruiting Rankings according to Rivals...

2008 35 19
2009 10 32
2010 9 13
2011 13 9
2012 17 16

Average: 16.8 17.8

They don't have better players.....It's about Execution and who wants it more...period!

If I was Butch Jones...this is what I would have on the white board when our guys walk into the locker room on Sat morning.
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notice my comment about beating the nfl teams i didn't say what years of those teams we could beat some of them have been very very very bad teams. so bad i never understood why their players were paid contract or not.
vol fans are predicting Tennessee to get beat by Oregon is ridiculous. The game hasn't been played last i checked and we can win every game we play, at least that is what i believe if you don't then don't watch the games. I don't like people that sit there and tell me we are gonna lose a football game. It makes me very angry to the point i want to knock their teeth out.(Though i refrain from doing so. Cause i ain't dumb, New Teeth are expensive). This is Tennessee we play to win, not to listen to our fans chalk up a loss before we even board the plane to head to the game. If you call your self a realist that's great, me i believe we can do it til proven otherwise. GO VOLS!!! Cut Em', Jack!!

You sound like a sociopath. I'm predicting Oregon to win but believe we can win (small chance). I bet with my head and cheer from my heart.
vol fans are predicting tennessee to get beat by oregon is ridiculous. The game hasn't been played last i checked and we can win every game we play, at least that is what i believe if you don't then don't watch the games. I don't like people that sit there and tell me we are gonna lose a football game. It makes me very angry to the point i want to knock their teeth out.(though i refrain from doing so. Cause i ain't dumb, new teeth are expensive). This is tennessee we play to win, not to listen to our fans chalk up a loss before we even board the plane to head to the game. If you call your self a realist that's great, me i believe we can do it til proven otherwise. Go vols!!! Cut em', jack!!

yo dood knock 'dem teef out brah! Go vawls!!!
heart can lead to wins and will at some point. it also will earn respect, coaching is what sends heart to wins. talent ain't everything. see the 1985 sugar bowl if you haven't already.
Most of us I think are expecting the worst ( a loss), but hoping for the best (a win). That way we're not disappointed. I just hope we play our very best, and have no injuries, and then see what happens.

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