The Fact that most

yes a college team can beat a pro team, it's all about heart, pride and passion, and coaching which some nfl teams don't have much of all they care about is $$$.

Only if Bobby Riggs is coaching the pro team.
Oregon is one of the best (if not the best) team in college football. They are talented, and their team speed is unreal. Tennessee has decent starting talent, with the exception of quarterback, with very young receivers. HOw many teams win with a less than average quarterback and young receivers. Plus, there is a HUGE drop off in talent with the backups.

It is far more likely Tennessee gets embarrassed than pulls out a win. Getting as angry as you do about someone saying that says nothing about the person saying that, it says a great deal about you though. We can't win every game we play, yet, and acting this way when someone says we wont win is just delusional. Get to an anger management class.
vol fans are predicting Tennessee to get beat by Oregon is ridiculous. The game hasn't been played last i checked and we can win every game we play, at least that is what i believe if you don't then don't watch the games. I don't like people that sit there and tell me we are gonna lose a football game. It makes me very angry to the point i want to knock their teeth out.(Though i refrain from doing so. Cause i ain't dumb, New Teeth are expensive). This is Tennessee we play to win, not to listen to our fans chalk up a loss before we even board the plane to head to the game. If you call your self a realist that's great, me i believe we can do it til proven otherwise. GO VOLS!!! Cut Em', Jack!!

Nice try...
goodness gracious. We are going to get whipped. I'll be over it and ready for UF, while the ones in la la land are pissed off and trying to figure out how and why we lost.
The Vols could beat the Jaguars who are the worst team in the NFL and will get the #1 pick in the NFL next year. If the Jags win more than 4 I'll be surprised!
I don't have a problem with you guys thinking we are goings to lose.

But the way some of you are talking, you would think Oregon would be generous to let us leave with our lives.

Are they good? Yes.

But we are a mid level SEC team.

Alabama has been on a higher level then Oregon for a while, and I have never heard any of you speak about Bama as pathetically as you do about Oregon.

Do you not see how that pisses people off? How would you feel if our players were saying the same thing as some of you are?

It would be shameful. And while not on the same level, a team's fans shouldn't act like that.

It would be different if we were in C-USA. But Jeese guys... We play 2-3 teams every year as good or better than Oregon.
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I don't have a problem with you guys thinking we are goings to lose.

But the way some of you are talking, you would think Oregon would be generous to let us leave with our lives.

Are they good? Yes.

But we are a mid level SEC team.

Alabama has been on a higher level then Oregon for a while, and I have never heard any of you speak about Bama as pathetically as you do about Oregon.

Do you not see how that pisses people off? How would you feel if our players were saying the same thing as some of you are?

It would be shameful. And while not on the same level, a team's fans shouldn't act like that.

It would be different if we were in C-USA. But Jeese guys... We play 2-3 teams every year as good or better than Oregon.

Speed kills, Oregon has it all over the field.

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