The Future Right-Wingers Want....

That’s why it’s called faith.
Biblically, faith is considered a belief and trust in God based on evidence but without total proof.
Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Might be why it's said there are no atheists in foxholes.
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Indeed, it is only in relatively modern times did we become aware that matter is composed of molecules, in turn are composed of atoms, etc. right up to realizing that even matter at its most basic is a form of energy.

But folks believed when they didn't know, and still do.
This was in Nashville? Any of our sodbusters take part in this?

Notice how the fascists always hide their faces---why?

What's with the shields? So very juvenile and cartoonish.

This was in Nashville? Any of our sodbusters take part in this?

Notice how the fascists always hide their faces---why?

What's with the shields? So very juvenile and cartoonish.

lol, you know those are feds right? We have a whole thread about them. No one on the right of VN thinks those guys are on their side.
lol, you know those are feds right? We have a whole thread about them. No one on the right of VN thinks those guys are on their side.
I didn't see one single tattoo on any of those guys so that excludes them from being white trash redneck rubes.

I must have missed that thread. Read through it. Nothing was proven linking the blue and tan boys to the FBI.
I must have missed that thread. Read through it. Nothing was proven linking the blue and tan boys to the FBI.
proven, no. Reasonable expectation of doubting their "story", I think absolutely. they started popping up with the rest of the all suspiciously fit 30 something dudes who just so happen to have the Marvel civilian-disguise kit on hanging out at some event of far right wingers. all with shades, no visible tattoos, either all in hat or without any mix, cropped hair, and not participating in any non-agency approved activity. you won't find them mingling, you won't find them drinking, smoking, vaping, taking videos or pictures with their phones, talking with chicks, or any number of normal activities.

whether they are undercover to stamp out any real bad activity, or there to agitate, or just on the ground observation, its very clear they are outsiders to the typical crowd.
proven, no. Reasonable expectation of doubting their "story", I think absolutely. they started popping up with the rest of the all suspiciously fit 30 something dudes who just so happen to have the Marvel civilian-disguise kit on hanging out at some event of far right wingers. all with shades, no visible tattoos, either all in hat or without any mix, cropped hair, and not participating in any non-agency approved activity. you won't find them mingling, you won't find them drinking, smoking, vaping, taking videos or pictures with their phones, talking with chicks, or any number of normal activities.

whether they are undercover to stamp out any real bad activity, or there to agitate, or just on the ground observation, its very clear they are outsiders to the typical crowd.
I understand the suspicion.

How do we know they're aren't tattoos? The are gloved, hatted, masked, with long pants and long sleeves?

Also, I say a pic in a tweet where one of the blue and tans was photographing the others.
I didn't see one single tattoo on any of those guys so that excludes them from being white trash redneck rubes.

In their cute little fascist khakis, they were admittedly dressed better than the classic white trash redneck rube.....

What tattoos are you guys referring to? Proud Boys? Some other neo-nazi club for incels?
I understand the suspicion.

How do we know they're aren't tattoos? The are gloved, hatted, masked, with long pants and long sleeves?

Also, I say a pic in a tweet where one of the blue and tans was photographing the others.
they were photographing themselves, but not the crowds, not other similarly aligned groups, not taking selfies, more like for propaganda purposes. whether its their own "legit" propaganda, or to push whatever agenda.

if you pay attention you can find the tattoos on actual members of the military when they are in dress. many of these guys have rolled up sleeves, or short sleeves. but somehow a group of borderline anarchist/fascist whatever their propaganda is, they are all without visible tats? its too much to believe. especially when they show up all together. what group of civilians rolls up to any event all at the same time, all ready to go, all wearing matching gear? you won't find these guys rolling up in the F150s in 1s and 2s, and gathering. you don't see anyone putting on their hat or sunglasses as they wait. no one is having to change out shoes, or adjust their signs. its all too clean.
In their cute little fascist khakis, they were admittedly dressed better than the classic white trash redneck rube.....

What tattoos are you guys referring to? Proud Boys? Some other neo-nazi club for incels?
they are white trash Earls and you are asking what tatoos? Their mom heart tattoo. the barbed wire. the american or confederate flag. their local sports team. some half naked girl. the overly manly tattoo that is a cover for being more homo than they want to let on. any tattoo you would find on a normal civilian. seriously get 100 30 something year old men together and you are going to see visible arm tats on at least 20 of them.
I understand the suspicion.

How do we know they're aren't tattoos? The are gloved, hatted, masked, with long pants and long sleeves?

Also, I say a pic in a tweet where one of the blue and tans was photographing the others.

I've seen a few white supremist though the years and can't think of a one that have (short sleave) visible tats. I definitely don't believe that 30-40 of them will all be together at once.
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This was in Nashville? Any of our sodbusters take part in this?

Notice how the fascists always hide their faces---why?

What's with the shields? So very juvenile and cartoonish.

Somehow they rent a UHAULs to travel.
I've seen a few white supremist though the years and can't think of a one that have (short sleave) visible tats. I definitely don't believe that 30-40 of them will all be together at once.
Not outside the prison yard at least.
Do you think an 18 year old male and a 16 or 17 year old female should be able to marry with the female's parents' agreement if the girl is pregnant?
Out of all the articles stated, this is what you want to nitpick about? Did you even notice some of the babies Repubs want to bang are as young as 12 - 13yrs old? Probably, but you prefer to do an end run around. I'll just lay it off to you being a football fan.
Out of all the articles stated, this is what you want to nitpick about? Did you even notice some of the babies Repubs want to bang are as young as 12 - 13yrs old? Probably, but you prefer to do an end run around. I'll just lay it off to you being a football fan.
Massachusetts has the lowest minimum marriage ages with parental consent of 12 for girls and 14 for boys
and there were 51 cases of 13-year-olds getting married and 6 cases were of 12-year-olds
Your links consistently fail to back your claims

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