The Future Right-Wingers Want....

Stop. We will believe scientists and we will not believe people who have no scientific background but want to challenge scientific findings with nonsense.

PH.D. and sitting professorships in their respective Scientific fields isn't a scientific background?

Face it, there isn't any Scientific consensus on whether God is real or not. You can look it up. I doubt there ever will be a consensus.

By the way, I know the Scientific Community, I have a relative and her husband who both Scientist and worked extensively in the field.
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Stop. We will believe scientists and we will not believe people who have no scientific background but want to challenge scientific findings with nonsense.
I don't care about the current fight. But wanted to offer you this, if scientific findings are truly scientific there is no issue refuting challenges both nonsensical and factual.
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Even Bill Nye?

Bill Nye isn't a Professional Scientist (I would argue that anyone, in theory, can be a Scientist). He is an Engineer. Look it up.

If you want to cite a very popular/public Scientist right now, Neil DeGrasse Tyson would be a better example to reference.
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Bill Nye isn't a Professional Scientist (I would argue that anyone, in theory, can be a Scientist). He is an Engineer. Look it up.

If you want to cite a very popular/public Scientist right now, Neil DeGrasse Tyson would be a better example to reference.
But those videos in middle school!!!!
According to Steve Bannon this morning on ABC's "This Week" - Your Voice Your Vote, the goal of right-wingers is to Nazi-fy America.
You can't prove or disprove God with Science (also you need to pick specific fields of Science). God is an Omnipotent, Omniscience, Omnipresent being that exists both outside of Time and in Time. Effectively you see God every day in everything.

This is where you get into the New Testament descriptions, the Apostles, the life of Jesus (who has been historically proven), miracles, historical events, etc.

Now you could hint at parts of Science pointing to God. People cite to certain intelligent designs in creatures, the unexplainability of the pre-Cambrian explosion, the uniqueness of the rock formations at the Grand Canyon, the flaw in Science of saying Earth was formed by accident, rotation of planets, flaws in some of the fossil finds, etc. I find all that speculative and some of these arguments are questionable. I think these "hints" are not solid arguments under Scientific theories but a lot of stuff isn't. As people pointed out here, modern "science" is often not true science (at least as shown in the news). I have relatives in science and it is always a search for answers. Take Oppenheimer, the scientists in it rarely come to consensus, often turn on each other for political reasons, take educated guesses and assumptions, etc. This is real science, the search for answers. Let me tell you a surprise, there are Scientists teaching all throughout our nation and world today that believe in God. If Science disproved him, than explain these Scientists? On a personal level, I don't believe Science will ever PROVE or DISPROVE God nor do I think Science has truly explored our Universe. It is hard to make the claim when we haven't even left our Solar System in a Universe with Billions of Galaxies each with Billions of Stars.

Also different arguments work for different people. The Bible records that people even saw angels, miracles, etc. (like the Jews in Exodus) and still denied God. In many instances, you can never convince some people even if they had direct proof.

I will say this, it is hard for me to imagine millions of people willing to undergo the punishments/persecution that they faced for something they believed to be a lie. The life of Paul (a life of total change and sacrifice) is a great example. Also, as even shown by Richard Dawkins recently, the move away from Christian values in the West have NOT made things better and has caused some real issues. Now, we don't need to turn into a religious state nor am I advocating passing any laws favoring Christianity (or even favoring the ten commandments going into school as discussed in this thread), I am just pointing it out on a personal stand point.

Eloquently written.

I think what everyone on this board can agree on is when we were all born that eventually we will all die. Whereever we all are in our faith journey, one day it will come to pass. You can only be a conduit and share.

Some will never believe because the idea is too abstract and too difficult to explain so they have to try to through science. They will say the Bible was written by humans and humans have agendas and biases.

Stories tell us Jesus was here and walked the earth. We didn't have to be there to believe just as we weren't there when this nation was founded.

I think many ideas in the Bible are beyond human thinking and imagination, and has to be inspired by God. I'd rather error on the side of the Lord, than to deny him and find out on Judgment Day that I didn't control everything about my life.
PH.D. and sitting professorships in their respective Scientific fields isn't a scientific background?

Face it, there isn't any Scientific consensus on whether God is real or not. You can look it up. I doubt there ever will be a consensus.

By the way, I know the Scientific Community, I have a relative and her husband who both Scientist and worked extensively in the field.

Aside from the many, many believers that have made some of the greatest contributions to science that can be easily referenced by a Google search...just on a personal level my aunt and uncle are both UT educated microbiologists/virologists with advanced degrees. They are both devout Christians and two of the finest examples of people who actually try to love others selflessly like Jesus did, which is probably the most important aspect of actually being a Christian. It is also the part I struggle most with. Thus the "moron" portion of this post.

For a person to scream about the false dichotomy of science and Christianity shows they likely have little to no understanding of either.

Edit: this post seems disjointed because it was edited by someone besides me. I didnt have a stroke, and i am not retarded. Now back to our originally scheduled program...
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Having actually lived in Louisiana for over ten years, I find this thread hilarious.. Louisiana tends to vote locally Democrat, (and even their Democrats are very religious, with the exception of maybe New Orleans)..federally Republican.. and if you don’t think they do whatever the hell they want to do on a local level, (Republican or Democrat) are sorely mistaken 😂 my kids were in public school there 15 years ago and there were Virgin Mary’s and rosaries all over the place in the school.. the Catholic culture is deeply imbedded and there is zero anyone can do about it LMAO 🤣.. I also married into a Cajun family
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The Earls are so gullible---God bless 'em---that they send their hard-earned money (and most don't have much of it) to corrupt preachers
who promise them that doing so will one day make them rich. Oh, my! And then the corrupt preachers take the money and buy a second Mercedes for use at the new beach house.

Oh, my! Grifting is BIG with the political right. Scamming their political followers is a right-wing industry.

I have known former conservative Republicans, and they would get scores of direct-mail pitches every month from scores of bogus right-wing groups/pacs, etc.---dunning them for money so that they could take on the "radical liberals" or the Dems for one bogus reason or another. They are all scams...I'm sure some, if not many of the conservatives on this board get these pitches. If you want a quick way to get rich, establish some phony conservative PAC or organization, buy a GOP mailing list, look for some cockamamie issue involving Dems with potential to agitate the Earls, send out your pitch asking for money so that your organization can right this terrible left-wing threat to America....and then in a few months buy yourself a new $250K fishing boat.
The Earls are so gullible---God bless 'em---that they send their hard-earned money (and most don't have much of it) to corrupt preachers
who promise them that doing so will one day make them rich. Oh, my! And then the corrupt preachers take the money and buy a second Mercedes for use at the new beach house.

Oh, my! Grifting is BIG with the political right. Scamming their political followers is a right-wing industry.

I have known former conservative Republicans, and they would get scores of direct-mail pitches every month from scores of bogus right-wing groups/pacs, etc.---dunning them for money so that they could take on the "radical liberals" or the Dems for one bogus reason or another. They are all scams...I'm sure some, if not many of the conservatives on this board get these pitches. If you want a quick way to get rich, establish some phony conservative PAC or organization, buy a GOP mailing list, look for some cockamamie issue involving Dems with potential to agitate the Earls, send out your pitch asking for money so that your organization can right this terrible left-wing threat to America....and then in a few months buy yourself a new $250K fishing boat.
Ummm.. not preachers, priests..and do you realize how much oil money is there.. and some of those peons that you describe leave high school with six figure incomes working in gas and oil? My salary was also higher in Louisiana than Tennessee doing the same job in healthcare..Sure, there are a lot of poor people in Louisiana, but is typically because they are lazy as hell and in that multigenerational cycle of are pretty plentiful..You have clearly exposed that you have no idea about Louisiana with that one statement.. so I stopped reading there
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PH.D. and sitting professorships in their respective Scientific fields isn't a scientific background?

Face it, there isn't any Scientific consensus on whether God is real or not. You can look it up. I doubt there ever will be a consensus.

By the way, I know the Scientific Community, I have a relative and her husband who both Scientist and worked extensively in the field.
That’s why it’s called faith.
Biblically, faith is considered a belief and trust in God based on evidence but without total proof.
That’s why it’s called faith.
Biblically, faith is considered a belief and trust in God based on evidence but without total proof.
And some of the most educated and accomplished people also have faith.. if you work in healthcare you need it .. it would be almost impossible to care for people compassionately without it
That’s why it’s called faith.
Biblically, faith is considered a belief and trust in God based on evidence but without total proof.
And some of the most educated and accomplished people also have faith.. if you work in healthcare you need it .. it would be almost impossible to care for people compassionately without it… DOUBLE POST.. so good I had to post it twice 😂
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