The George Floyd Monument

"r3AlLy, Ur tH3 1 ThA7 mAdE dA coMpR1sUn?"
You're 100% aware that I made the comparison about the reactions of Jews looking at commemorative statues of Himmler as being the same as the blacks…….
That’s about all the garbage I could read.

And it was ****ing moronic to do so.
Go ahead though white guy, keep on telling other people how they should feel.
The biggest mistake during reconstruction was not putting Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee, Nathan Bedford Forrest, and every other leading confederate figure's head on a spike.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're in the "communism/socialism hasn't worked because it's never been done the right way" crowd.
Umm what felony was he committing? 😳
Also, why are you taking the side of an incompetent, fired police officer?
Letters to the Editor: Don't forget that Derek Chauvin had 18 complaints before he killed George Floyd

If you think cities were burned only because one black man was murdered unnecessarily, I’d suggest YOU are the one who needs to do homework 🤦‍♂️

To your P.S.
I’ll help you get started on that HW. The rate of fatal police shootings in the United States shows large differences based on ethnicity. Among Black Americans, the rate of fatal police shootings between 2015 and May 2021 stood at 36 per million of the population, while for White Americans, the rate stood at 15 fatal police shootings per million of the population.
Police shootings: rate by ethnicity U.S. 2021 | Statista
- He was using counterfeit bills! Which is a felony and I’m not defending Chauvin. I’ve said since day one that 9 min is too long and he should face some charges. However that doesnt change the fact that what he was doing was within department policy. The length of time is the only reason he should’ve gotten charges. Not fear of what happens next if the mob doesn’t get what it wants.

- Any seasoned police officer will have complaints over time. I’m sure you’ve made mistakes at your job just as we all have and people complained.

- 36 per million vs 15 per million. But none of that has anything to do with compliance? How about getting all the facts of each case the media a big deal out of? Breanna Taylor was dating a drug dealer and was caught in the cross fire after her drug dealing BF shot at the police first upon serving a “no knock” (but knocked anyway)warrant for him. Did she die because of the color of her skin or his own non compliance? I forget the one guys name that was in violation of a restraining order of a girl he raped not long ago. He didn’t comply with orders while walking to his car and pulled a knife when he got there. Color of his skin or non compliance?
Within that same time you speak of there was a guy that didn’t comply with guns drawn on him telling him to “drop the gun” tucked under his right arm. It ended up being the spine of a black bible but when police are telling you to drop a gun and you know it isn’t a gun, you drop whatever it is so they can see. Would’ve saved his life by simply listening. Color of his skin or non compliance? I can go on and on and you probably know all their names. But once again...... you can’t name just ONE of those white people. The sooner BLM learns that it’s not about skin color but rather the way you act, the better off we will all be.

I’m done. I can’t argue with the uneducated because you’ll hold your ground regardless. Any death in police hands is a tragedy but if you can’t see how the way one acts escalates or de escalates a situation, you’re part of the problem. So stop fighting with a mirage of a solution.
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You are a confused and deluded soul. You'd think someone who claims to have lost family members in the Holocaust wouldn't be a good ole boy apologist for slavery and genocide.
How is pointing out the hypocrisy and uneven blame for slavery and the treatment of African Americans "the good old boys" as you call them get, translate to being an apologist? And you claim to be against the white washing of history? You're a joke!
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You don't think the Holocaust and slavery were atrocities.

That's a "LOL" to you?
Oh no, they were atrocities. But who in the black community of 40ish million people had the atrocity of slavery committed against them? I'd like to meet them and find out their secret for extended/eternal life. I'm hoping its fried chicken gizzards.
That’s about all the garbage I could read.

And it was ****ing moronic to do so.
Go ahead though white guy, keep on telling other people how they should feel.

Lame. I'm not suggesting how blacks should feel, I'm observing how the communities have demanded the confederate statues be removed and inferred that they don't appreciate them.

Since I'm not black, I'm not allowed to talk about it?

You keep misrepresenting arguments and the irony is that you believe they're wrong and are mad at the wrong side. 😂 Maybe you should whitespain it to them.
Lame. I'm not suggesting how blacks should feel.

that’s exactly what you’re doing and doing it from an ignorant point of view.

Why do you feel the confederate statues are the racist ones?

-both north and south had slaves to begin the war.
-the north had a higher percentage of slave owners.
-the south had 23% of its people as slave owners.
-65% of the soldiers fighting in the civil was had never seen a black person. (North and south combined)
-Abraham Lincoln’s solution to “the black problem” was to remove all black people from the US and colonize them elsewhere.
-in the presidential campaign Abraham Lincoln accused his adversaries of thinking blacks were equal to whites.
-the emancipation proclamation was the brainchild of U.S.Grant. He convinced Lincoln that it was a good strategic move.
-Lincoln only freed blacks in confederate states with the proclamation.
-Lincoln refers to the runaway slaves that followed the Union troops as “contraband” (seized property) and was repeatedly corrected by Grant who said that they are people.

And on and on

The civil war was not about Slavery even though it brought a righteous conclusion to the worst stain on our history. Pretending that the confederates were this evil force that the Yankees were trying to overcome is just plain stupidity. If you want to remove monuments to racist start with Abraham Lincoln and put U.S. Grant where he belongs in that chair.
Ironically the Lincoln memorial is another monument to a guy who only deserves it because he was murdered.

Grant on the other hand lived his life believing all are equal and didn’t just say so he acted on it. Grant inherited a slave when he was dead broke. He immediately freed that slave. Many tried to buy that slave but Grant would have no part of selling a human being.

I have no problem with legislatures removing monuments through the legislative process. I do have a problem with a bunch of white people who no nothing of history tearing down confederate statues due to them being racist. If that’s the criteria then there’s a whole lot of Union monuments that need to go.

Start with Lincoln.

I realize you’re not interested in any sort of truth about history. Just your feelings and imposing those feelings on others.
that’s exactly what you’re doing and doing it from an ignorant point of view.

Why do you feel the confederate statues are the racist ones?

-both north and south had slaves to begin the war.
-the north had a higher percentage of slave owners.
-the south had 23% of its people as slave owners.
-65% of the soldiers fighting in the civil was had never seen a black person. (North and south combined)
-Abraham Lincoln’s solution to “the black problem” was to remove all black people from the US and colonize them elsewhere.
-in the presidential campaign Abraham Lincoln accused his adversaries of thinking blacks were equal to whites.
-the emancipation proclamation was the brainchild of U.S.Grant. He convinced Lincoln that it was a good strategic move.
-Lincoln only freed blacks in confederate states with the proclamation.
-Lincoln refers to the runaway slaves that followed the Union troops as “contraband” (seized property) and was repeatedly corrected by Grant who said that they are people.

And on and on

The civil war was not about Slavery even though it brought a righteous conclusion to the worst stain on our history. Pretending that the confederates were this evil force that the Yankees were trying to overcome is just plain stupidity. If you want to remove monuments to racist start with Abraham Lincoln and put U.S. Grant where he belongs in that chair.
Ironically the Lincoln memorial is another monument to a guy who only deserves it because he was murdered.

Grant on the other hand lived his life believing all are equal and didn’t just say so he acted on it. Grant inherited a slave when he was dead broke. He immediately freed that slave. Many tried to buy that slave but Grant would have no part of selling a human being.

I have no problem with legislatures removing monuments through the legislative process. I do have a problem with a bunch of white people who no nothing of history tearing down confederate statues due to them being racist. If that’s the criteria then there’s a whole lot of Union monuments that need to go.

Start with Lincoln.

I realize you’re not interested in any sort of truth about history. Just your feelings and imposing those feelings on others.

Your history lesson isn't relevant, you aren't wrong in the history - it just isn't relevant to this conversation, no matter how many times you shoehorn it in that Lincoln was a lout.

Educate yourself on what the black community believes and feels - despite your ham-fisted misrepresentations, it's not about my opinion of how they "should" feel.

Black Realities and White Statues: The Fall of Confederate Monuments | AAIHS

"For many African Americans, myself included, these monuments are physical reminders that we do not belong and should not anticipate equity: part of their original purpose in the Jim Crow Era. And while revising history to romanticize and rebrand a time and culture as aspirational is tempting, it cannot be displaced from the human suffering and exploitation at its very core."

My whole point, which you systematically misrepresent, has been a recognition that (despite your irrelevant interpretation of the historical causes behind the CW) their openly stated views of monuments are viewed through a lense of their perceived oppression. Black communities across the nation echo the same sentiment of the author of the article I cited - so no, I'm not telling anyone "how to feel" - I'm recognizing how they feel.

Black Protesters Have Been Rallying Against Confederate Statues for Generations | History | Smithsonian Magazine

Confederate Statues Symbolize the Role of Racism in America

How Charlottesville’s Confederate Statues Helped Decimate the City’s Historically Successful Black Communities

Historian puts the push to remove Confederate statues in context

You keep telling me that I'm wrong, but really what you're suggesting is that they shouldn't feel the way they do. Ironic.
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Your history lesson isn't relevant, you aren't wrong in the history - it just isn't relevant to this conversation, no matter how many times you shoe horn it in that Lincoln was a lout.

Educate yourself on what the black community believes and feels - despite your ham-fisted misrepresentations, it's not about my opinion of how they should feel.

Black Realities and White Statues: The Fall of Confederate Monuments | AAIHS

My whole point, which you systematically misrepresent, has been a recognition that (despite your irrelevant interpretation of the historical causes behind the CW) their openly stated views of monuments are viewed through a lenses of their perceived oppression. Black communities across the nation echo the same sentiment of the author of the article I cited - so no, I'm not telling anyone "how to feel" - I'm recognizing how they feel.

Black Protesters Have Been Rallying Against Confederate Statues for Generations | History | Smithsonian Magazine

Confederate Statues Symbolize the Role of Racism in America

How Charlottesville’s Confederate Statues Helped Decimate the City’s Historically Successful Black Communities

Historian puts the push to remove Confederate statues in context

You keep telling me that I'm wrong, but really what you're suggesting is that they shouldn't feel the way they do. Ironic.
Never said you’re wrong about some of the black voices. I’ve said that you’re wrong about it being a unified voice. It’s not. and the more you talk to black people about the truth of history the less they’re interested in removing monuments But that’s all as irrelevant as you claim history to be.

My points have been and will always be ….
-mobs of white people on behalf of black people, tearing down monuments is stupid and wrong.
-a conversation about truth should be had at the appropriate legislature. If it’s decided that a monument should be removed then I’m ok with it. That’s how things should work.
-groups of people don’t speak with one voice. Pushing how you feel they should think is racist and wrong.
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Go visit Stone Mountain. And see how many different people you have there enjoying the park together.
Go visit Stone Mountain. And see how many different people you have there enjoying the park together.
Interesting comment about Stone Mountain, I went there about 40 years ago and to be honest I don't even remember what is carved on the side of that mountain. I was more interested in the technical details behind it than what was on it, but I suppose that is just my nature.
Interesting comment about Stone Mountain, I went there about 40 years ago and to be honest I don't even remember what is carved on the side of that mountain. I was more interested in the technical details behind it than what was on it, but I suppose that is just my nature.
Exactly. I don’t have a clue who is up there on that monument. So if it’s supposed to be oppressive it’s not doing a very good job
Exactly. I don’t have a clue who is up there on that monument. So if it’s supposed to be oppressive it’s not doing a very good job
Maybe we should take a different approach and list the things that are NOT oppressive or racist. Seems to be a much shorter list when everyone is offended by everything.
And I’m offended that you inserted JG. That was racist!

Not that my opinion amounts to chit but let me be clear. I personally don’t have a “real” problem with the GF statue. Or at least I wouldn’t IF the others were left alone and standing. Like it or not they are now ALL a part of our history and should be viewed as such.....history. Our history should be thought as it was no matter how dark it should be rather than forgotten. We can’t rewrite it and therefore people should stop trying and stop getting offended by the things we can’t change. Instead, why not learn from it? Instead of getting offended, why not celebrate how far we’ve come since then? If I had things my way, I’d hook my truck to the GF statue and and drag that bi*** to an undisclosed location until those responsible for tearing down the confederate statues are made to go fishing. If we’re going to be forced to honor GF then the same should hold true with the confederate statues as well.

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