The GOP and Minority Rule

Court packing is not a constitutional issue and certainly has nothing to do with this silly republic vs democracy debate.

Statehood is governed by the constitution. Non-issue in preventing new states from coming on board. We've done it a lot since the original 13. My argument was always that while I'd prefer structural reform, if you're not going to get it, you gotta use what's at your disposal to correct the anti-democratic efforts by the GOP to entrench minority rule. Adding dc and pr through constitutional means would be completely constitutional (tautology)

EC obviously won't be dissolved because the small states have too much at stake to change it. EC compact is the best way to go. Unclear if SCOTUS would strike it down.

Wanting to ensure that all states had a voice is not the same as wanting to ensure that small states ruled. The latter is what has happened and what will continue to happen if things proceed as their proceeding. Framers never intended minority rule, just constraints on majority rule.

Good piece on how the GOP had been using this argument for years.

Sen. Mike Lee’s tweets against "democracy," explained

Court packing has been advocated as a response to the GOP having too much power so it is relevant in the discussion.

Your argument for "do what you can" is anti-democratic if small states over representation is anti-democratic in and of itself. You only want those 2 states because you believe they will add Democrat senators. That is not standing on principle. The entire notion is suggesting that Senators of one state should represent some collective will of the country rather than the state the hail from. Oh how minds would be blown if 2 new states brought 2 new Republican senators and 2 new Democrat ones.

EC shouldn't be dissolved but the author of the piece you started this thread with certainly considers that one of the solutions.

The entire "minority rule" is a strawman. This isn't a case of minority rule by any means regardless of how many opinion pieces from left mouthpieces you offer.
Now that brings up a whole new problem. Since the idea was that the federal government not be located in a state and if by some idiocy, DC were to become a state, then where do we move the capitol and all the rest of the buildings containing federal government?
Your sarcasm filter broke today bud?
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Do you have issues with voter suppression? Cause it seems to be all the GOP has in mind.
On the contrary I think that you should get a ballot receipt when you file your taxes. That receipt is your ticket to vote. And just like filing your taxes, voting should be required for every citizen
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Go look at the scotus calendar and see what you and I will both think is important and will be on opposite sides.
I thought you might be referring to that Q March 4th nonsense.

The cases are 6 of one / half dozen of the other for me. I'm usually against what personally benefits me in the short run.
I thought you might be referring to that Q March 4th nonsense.

The cases are 6 of one / half dozen of the other for me. I'm usually against what personally benefits me in the short run.
So did you and your teachers want to go back to school or not?
I thought you might be referring to that Q March 4th nonsense.

The cases are 6 of one / half dozen of the other for me. I'm usually against what personally benefits me in the short run.
I don’t follow the Q dip sticks. I do very little social media so if y’all don’t mention it I don’t know about it. As a matter of fact this is the first I’ve heard of a Q March 4th thing and I honestly don’t care what it’s about. Lol
On the contrary I think that you should get a ballot receipt when you file your taxes. That receipt is your ticket to vote. And just like filing your taxes, voting should be required for every citizen
Fine suggestion. Except for compulsory voting.
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Mixed. Probably a hybrid (half of students each day) would have been the choice of most. Personally I was for going back.
Personally I would have quit paying every teacher that refused to go back to work and after a couple of weeks fired them. That's what happens in the real world.
Personally I would have quit paying every teacher that refused to go back to work and after a couple of weeks fired them. That's what happens in the real world.
That's nuts.
Most every major corp. in Atlanta went virtual. A lot still are. And they weren't in a job where they were in small confined areas with 150 people a day.
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about fat boy. Why didn’t we have the continental senate to instead of congress?
Hey Einstein. It’s already been settled. Article I Section 3 and updated in 17th Amendment.

BTW Albert, what was the resulting work of those initial unicameral Congresses? What was the final name of those articles of confederation? They changed the name to something else once completed. Consti... something.

Now clean up that low rent section 8 housing project in your skull where my emojis live for free.

United States Constitution, Article I, Section 3

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote

Boy that’s pretty clear. Each state has an equal say in the Senate. Did you eyes burn out of their sockets reading that?
You like this verbiage better then?

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
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Your sarcasm filter broke today bud?

Nah, I just clipped my comment to the wrong post. There was a movie (very dark comedy) years ago called "The Loved One" - Jonathan Winters was in it - gives perspective on date and humor. It was about the funeral business and a huge cemetery that the owners managed to fill and then realized their money stream turned into a money trap. When they were trying to figure out what they could do ... like develop the land, the punch line came out "What are we gonna do with all these stiffs?"

That's the way I see the DC thing. It was a place not to be part of any state, and now the idiots who live there by choice want to make it a state. By all rights they have to figure out what to do with all the feds and the buildings they occupy there; otherwise they destroy the concept of the district as a place not belonging to any state.
On the contrary I think that you should get a ballot receipt when you file your taxes. That receipt is your ticket to vote. And just like filing your taxes, voting should be required for every citizen

Property or income tax? I'd prefer property so it ties the individual to the residence, but I could see a lot of squealing about that.
Nah, I just clipped my comment to the wrong post. There was a movie (very dark comedy) years ago called "The Loved One" - Jonathan Winters was in it - gives perspective on date and humor. It was about the funeral business and a huge cemetery that the owners managed to fill and then realized their money stream turned into a money trap. When they were trying to figure out what they could do ... like develop the land, the punch line came out "What are we gonna do with all these stiffs?"

That's the way I see the DC thing. It was a place not to be part of any state, and now the idiots who live there by choice want to make it a state. By all rights they have to figure out what to do with all the feds and the buildings they occupy there; otherwise they destroy the concept of the district as a place not belonging to any state.
Yeah I made a comment about the idiots moving there. It’s like moving near a large metropolitan airport and then complaining about aircraft noise and wanting the government to do something about it. Morons.
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