The GOP and Minority Rule

Yeah I made a comment about the idiots moving there. It’s like moving near a large metropolitan airport and then complaining about aircraft noise and wanting the government to do something about it. Morons.

The big screwup was allowing DC to be zoned for residential use. Although I still believe there should be dormitories for congress - that might change the thought about it being a full time, lifetime pursuit.
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24th Amendment would need to be repealed for that to happen. That would be considered a poll tax...

Ever notice how legislation and amendments to "lessen inequalities" screw things up and cause bigger problems in the long run? I'm not really for a poll tax; but on the other hand, if you have a segment of the population who largely receive income from government payouts it skews the vote. It becomes a win/win for recipients and lifetime legislators who see to it that the funds keep flowing for the votes they receive in return, and that's unhealthy for the country as a whole. Once you reach the tipping point, it's fatal.
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How malleable are the minds and emotions of Trumpers if a few BLM/Antifa activists can rile them up enough to storm the Capital.
They didnt storm the capital. They walked into it.

No wonder some of yall think you are the people who defeated the Nazis and Japan in WW2..its like you have no real understanding of reality.
Property or income tax? I'd prefer property so it ties the individual to the residence, but I could see a lot of squealing about that.
Property is a problem as not everyone has or pays property tax. The flaw in my plan is I’d like to see a National sales tax replace the income tax.
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Ever notice how legislation and amendments to "lessen inequalities" screw things up and cause bigger problems in the long run? I'm not really for a poll tax; but on the other hand, if you have a segment of the population who largely receive income from government payouts it skews the vote. It becomes a win/win for recipients and lifetime legislators who see to it that the funds keep flowing for the votes they receive in return, and that's unhealthy for the country as a whole. Once you reach the tipping point, it's fatal.

So people who are on disability don't deserve a vote?
Property or income tax? I'd prefer property so it ties the individual to the residence, but I could see a lot of squealing about that.
Way it was originally. Have to own land to select who you want to govern that land - have a vestige interest. Wouldn't fly with Democrats for sure.
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Way it was originally. Have to own land to select who you want to govern that land - have a vestige interest. Wouldn't fly with Democrats for sure.
I'm all for that. A quarter of the houses on my street are owned by corporations that rent to migrants from the northern states when they move here to escape high taxes, guess who they vote for?
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What is extreme about requiring voter ID and asking people to request an absentee ballot? I’ve voted absentee before and it’s insanely easy to get a ballot.
Yeah, but you’re literate and don’t need your hand held by Big Government to do the most basic functions of adulthood.

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