The GOP and Minority Rule

I thought there was fraud in the election as I assume there is fraud in every presidential election. We’re electing the most popular of 2 crooks after all. The winner usually has the better ground game and fraudsters. If you can’t win the game you don’t win office and Trump failed to shore up his ground game. What amazed me is that Time Magazine of all entities came out and published how they rigged the election. I don’t know if they did it by accident or are flexing their muscles. It’s an amazing article if you’ve got about 15 minutes.
2020 Election | Time
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

Good article, ty for sharing.
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I assume all the chest thumping you goobers are engaging in over the "We're a republic!" argument is supposed to be about something other than semantics. Please tell me what you think hangs on this democracy vs. republic debate?
I’m not going to play the word semantics game that’s what you’re doing sister. It’s clear the FF intended our formation to be a Republic of equal member sovereign states. The Senate is the manifestation of that vision and you damn well know it. Run along now
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This. The House represents our individual interests. The Senate represents our state. As long as we're the United States with separate state governments, each state should be represented equally. We really need less big government anyway.
We certainly do but that’s not what EL wants. Hell, she thinks she knows better than the founders of our great country. It’s not that she thinks she’s smart enough to be included in their class. She thinks she’s smarter than all of them put together.
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The Federal government was ceded some power from the states. There's a reason it's called the "united states" of America. The republic part is a form of government that protects the rights of the minority from the will of the majority.

I'm sorry EL doesn't like the founding principles of the country. Fortunately the Founders left mechanisms to change the Constitution.
If you look up the most widely adopted meaning of the term Republic today it emphasizes the form of representative Democracies. That’s the dumbass word game she is playing. Not surprisingly the term “minority rule” also showed up in her biased articles. It’s almost like there is an agenda here or something?

As I said in my previous post and you brought up here too. We are a Republic of equal states which has always been the intent.
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What's the argument? If laws were broken, take it to court. Oh yea.............
They did and the response was the courts wouldn’t hear the argument, at least in some cases. PA said we won’t hear it because you waited too long to raise the issue. What happened to right is right and wrong is wrong? Now, Reps are rightly bringing up the issue but they did win some states that did the same thing so those states don’t get excluded from the review.
If you look up the most widely adopted meaning of the term Republic today it emphasizes the form of representative Democracies. That’s the dumbass word game she is playing. Not surprisingly the term “minority rule” also showed up in her biased articles. It’s almost like there is an agenda here or something?

As I said in my previous post and you brought up here too. We are a Republic of equal states which has always been the intent.
What does "equal states" mean? They're obviously not equal in the House.
What does "equal states" mean? They're obviously not equal in the House.
I'll take a stab at this.

Equal states has nothing (or should have nothing) to do with the House. The House ideally represents the people. The Senate ideally represents the states. Each state has two senators regardless their geographic or population size.
What does "equal states" mean? They're obviously not equal in the House.
It means just that, equal. The House is the manifestation of the equal population, one representative per no more than 30,000 citizens. The Senate is the manifestation of the equal states, two senators per state. As per the intent of the FF. You run along with your dumbassery too.
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I'll take a stab at this.

Equal states has nothing (or should have nothing) to do with the House. The House ideally represents the people. The Senate ideally represents the states. Each state has two senators regardless their geographic or population size.
He knows this. He’s just doing his usual dumbassery.
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I'll take a stab at this.

Equal states has nothing (or should have nothing) to do with the House. The House ideally represents the people. The Senate ideally represents the states. Each state has two senators regardless their geographic or population size.
The only equality Luther despises
I'll take a stab at this.

Equal states has nothing (or should have nothing) to do with the House. The House ideally represents the people. The Senate ideally represents the states. Each state has two senators regardless their geographic or population size.
But spending is controlled by the house. So in all matters of spending, states are not equal?
It means just that, equal. The House is the manifestation of the equal population, one representative per no more than 30,000 citizens. The Senate is the manifestation of the equal states, two senators per state. As per the intent of the FF. You run along with your dumbassery too.
lol.....The great compromise.
States aren't equal. The Senate was the bone big states gave little states while still maintaining control of the purse strings.
I’m not going to play the word semantics game that’s what you’re doing sister. It’s clear the FF intended our formation to be a Republic of equal member sovereign states. The Senate is the manifestation of that vision and you damn well know it. Run along now

So the senate--which the only place where states stand on equal footing with each other--is the United States government? Maybe you should let the House, judiciary and executive know.

P.S. Vizzini: The only guarantee of a Republican form of government in the constitution is to the STATES. Nothing in the constitution says the United States is a republic.
But spending is controlled by the house. So in all matters of spending, states are not equal?
The United States budget process is the framework used by Congress and the President of the ... Discretionary spending is typically set by the House and Senate
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lol.....The great compromise.
States aren't equal. The Senate was the bone big states gave little states while still maintaining control of the purse strings.
They are according to the Constitution. Suck it

And both chambers draft budget resolutions and must approve the final budget Bill. So as usual you’re wrong on that too.
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lol.....The great compromise.
States aren't equal. The Senate was the bone big states gave little states while still maintaining control of the purse strings.

Ah but they are. Each has equal sovereignty including control of it's own budget and voting rules. It is only the parts that were ceded to Federal control where there is some representation issues but the Senate is designed to mitigate that.
So the senate--which the only place where states stand on equal footing with each other--is the United States government? Maybe you should let the House, judiciary and executive know.

P.S. Vizzini: The only guarantee of a Republican form of government in the constitution is to the STATES. Nothing in the constitution says the United States is a republic.
Take it up with the FF as per the Senate organization defined in the Constitution and discussed in the Federalist papers it’s clear the states were intended to have equal representation in the Senate. Go read the Constitution sometime to see how the Senate is defined, that is if the words don’t immediately incinerate your eyeballs in their sockets.
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Take it up with the FF as per the Senate organization defined in the Constitution and discussed in the Federalist papers it’s clear the states were intended to have equal representation in the Senate. Go read the Constitution sometime to see how the Senate is defined, that is if the words don’t immediately incinerate your eyeballs in their sockets.

Help me wise Vizzini. I'm trying to get from the structure of the senate to "America is a republic, not a democracy!" My feeble mind senses that maybe that conclusion doesn't follow. O' erudite one, can you please help me discover why I'm not seeing the entailment?

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