The Great 2022 and Beyond Recession Thread

1. Had Trump had his way, there wouldn't have ben lockdowns.
2. That was Iran's money to begin with that was simply given back to them due to sanctions. Now, for them to give it back in pallets of cash is very suspect, but Obama didn't just give away money to Iran.
Give money back to a country that wants us incinerated…sounds like a great idea! Perhaps I should have mentioned Obamacare instead. Now that’s really helped to keep costs low.
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We will have to be ready to smash any leftist movement that rises up. On the other hand, we also have to be ready to push our influence on the rest of the world. Not gonna be easy.
We have been doing that since the end of WWII. That is one of the major reasons why we are $30 trillion in debt with close to 900 bases all over the globe.
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Hyperinflation due to printing money, high cost of necessary goods, a shrinking economy, higher interest rates, housing market gone nuts, what's not to love?

Glad I am out of the private sector now, but being in the commercial construction industry back in the Great Recession in 2008+, I remember how bad it was and sympathize with those who are.

This isn't all Biden's fault, but he's certainly made it worse.

We need true fiscal conservatives in power in Washington. Unfortunately the general populace are too dumb to realize that.
Hyperinflation due to printing money, high cost of necessary goods, a shrinking economy, higher interest rates, housing market gone nuts, what's not to love?

Glad I am out of the private sector now, but being in the commercial construction industry back in the Great Recession in 2008+, I remember how bad it was and sympathize with those who are.

This isn't all Biden's fault, but he's certainly made it worse.

We need true fiscal conservatives in power in Washington. Unfortunately the general populace are too dumb to realize that.

We need true fiscal conservatives, yes. But who will do it? Neither party has shown the slightest interest in it in 40 years.
You don't stop it by limiting who someone is allowed to vote for you do it with a more educated electorate
All true. But if the same person has been in Washington longer than say someone 45 years and under then you have a problem.
I'm glad that permanent 14% corporate tax cut really juiced up our
At what point are the Federal and State governments satiated? How much tax revenue is demanded before it is adequate? And, how much more in taxes are to be passed on to the customers of corporations before the governments are content?
All true. But if the same person has been in Washington longer than say someone 45 years and under then you have a problem.
The problem is dumb voters. Congress had a 9% approval rate at one time and almost all were sent back. Term limits only masks the issue and limits voting freedom in the process
The problem is dumb voters. Congress had a 9% approval rate at one time and almost all were sent back. Term limits only masks the issue and limits voting freedom in the process

Of course, if [Insert Football Coach] had 9% approval rating he’d be shitcanned in five seconds.

To give an example of what a lot of people seem to pay more attention to…
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The problem is dumb voters. Congress had a 9% approval rate at one time and almost all were sent back. Term limits only masks the issue and limits voting freedom in the process
Term limit eliminates 1972 Senator Biden being 2020 President. Too much in between of kicking the can, changing stances elected on and eliminates less corruption.
Term limit eliminates 1972 Senator Biden being 2020 President. Too much in between of kicking the can, changing stances elected on and eliminates less corruption.
But it doesn't stop Carter, Bush (either), Obama, Trump, etc.

Term limits prevent a voter from freely choosing who represents their interests. Better voters fix this without govt intervention. Smaller govt foxes it by removing the incentive.
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Just curious....can a pilot just tell the computers NO?
Of course. But that's not really the issue. Computers do what you tell them to do. The key is in knowing what you are doing when you do it. While technology has made flying more efficient and 'better' (that's a debatable stance) in some ways, it has also made it more complicated. It would be too hard for me to really explain that here. The flight manual for an A350 is over 6000 pages. I highly doubt that the flight manual for a 727 was more than 300.
But it doesn't stop Carter, Bush (either), Obama, Trump, etc.

Term limits prevent a voter from freely choosing who represents their interests. Better voters fix this without govt intervention. Smaller govt foxes it by removing the incentive.
Sure it does, because it eliminates their cabinet tree drastically from continuing on.

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