Alright guys, I have a question. I just cooked my first Denver steaks.
Method: Dethawed overnight. Marinated in my usual blend (Single-Malt Scotch, Worchershestire Sauce, Soy Sauce, Heinz 57, and Lime Juice in equal portions)
1.Inserted probe.
2. Placed on Cast iron pan with oil to smoke point before adding steaks, seasoned.
3. Seared each side
4. Basted with butter
5. added aromatics and flipped
6. more butter and final flip for cross hatch marks
7. pulled at 129degrees to rest
8. rested for 10 mins
Color was great, flavor was exceptional. I would be proud to let anyone flavor test these. But, they were quite chewy. So, to any of you that have cooked this before, was my method wrong? Should I try a different method? I have a couple more bags. I liked them. My wife, who thinks all meat should have a texture like Ribeye and Fillet did not like them so much because of the chewy texture. I did not cut this meat myself. I bought half steer, mostly pastured but finished on corn. Marbeling has been okay but not too much. Maybe the meat on this steer isn't marbled enough for something like this? I will take anything under consideration. I love steak and the more I cook that my wife likes, the less she cares if I spend a lot on good beef.