Is it a bad idea? Yeah more bad than good. But to say it shouldn't be permitted is complete and utter BS gs and you know it.
No BS about it, we have not only the right
but the duty to confiscate the funds and
end the operations of any organization that
attempts to overthrow the United States
government, (and by extention seek to
conquer and rule the citizens of the USA,)
and the Muslim Brotherhood is seeking (and
has even publicly stated so) to do just that
and is behind the naziesque ground zero
mosque/community center project.
It isn't about religious freedom, if so there
wouldn't be over 100 mosques in NY City
The Muslim Brotherhood is outlawed in
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel
and Jordan and highly suppressed in other
states, many of whom are predominately
Isn't it about time you picked up on at
least one tiny clue!!!!
I don't think the government should step in and stop it being built. What I'm hoping for is that the people behind the planned center/mosque see the public outcry and decide that building on this site would be counter to their stated goals and opt to build elsewhere. If they decide to go forward they accept the backlash that results.
Surely you jest!!
Should we stop building skyscrapers since it will only encourage the terrorists to fly a plane into them? Should we convert to Sharia Law because if we don't it will only encourage the terrorists to attack us? Seems like we should trade one bogus religion for another to appease the terrorists.
Are you related to Neville Chamberlain??
(In reference to your handle, Sean Duffy, the winning Republican candidate for the vacated seat of ultra liberal Obey from Wisconsin's 7th district, is a world champion lumberjack and at one time held the world record for tree climbing, he's no dummy either, he has been a very successful Atorney General that has run unopposed several times.)