The gsvol compendium thread


"We thought we were investing in a nation of the world's greatest entrepreneurs, but a recent analysis shows that America has become little more than a home to overpaid union workers, whiney media, and spoiled welfare recipients.

Our fears were confirmed last year when Americans elected you, Mr. Obama, as their president. But, to use one of your own expressions, America is too big to fail and so we will have to bail you out. This is no longer your decision.

As your biggest creditor, we will now decide how to get the best return on our investment. You got elected on a vague promise of change; now we're giving you the specifics."

# 13 :eek:lol:
The Chinese probably really do feel that way. The sickening part is.... most if not all that is true.
Remember the little thing called-------------THE ROMAN EMPIRE ,,,, LOL!!!!!!!!!

How about the now defunct---------------------USSR.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!

Don't believe it America....................... Too big to fail is... BS>>>>

Striking into the heavily patrolled Gulf of Aden, Somali pirates seized a British-flagged chemical tanker — the first merchant vessel to be hijacked there in nearly six months, the same day that a ship was taken by brigands in the Indian Ocean........

Somali pirates have hijacked more than 80 ships in the past two years, with many of the hijackings earning the pirates multi-million-dollar ransoms.

With the latest hijackings, pirates now hold 12 vessels and 263 crew members...........................


A group of suspected Somali pirates detained on a Dutch warship has been released because no country has agreed to prosecute them.

So we now have a BHO appointed sorry excuse for an AG who wants to prosecute CIA and possibly American servicemen in the laughably corrupt World Court in Brussels, Belgium but could give a flip less about prosecuting muslim pirates forcibly extracting their jizra tax upon us infidels.

I know what they are doing, they are waiting to try to pass the insane UN backed LOST (law of the sea treaty) as soon as they get past the obamacare and crap and tax hurdles.

Luckily obamacare has gotten stuck on a sand bar and crap and tax has been sunk even before it left the harbor.

Still though the radical regime in power is printing up money like a stationary factory, which if allowed to reach it's logical conclusion will eventually cause hyperinflation and the destruction of the American economy which was the goal from the beginning.
Insurance is not free.

Now tell me how GWB averted the collapse of SSI. :rock:

But insurance is different from tax.

GWB proposed a plan to avert the collapse of SS, democrats completely blocked those efforts.

I am not a big fan of GWB but the democrat socialists criticized him for all the WRONG resons imo.

Not mentioned is the democrat plan for funding of all their giveaways when they all will inevitably go bankrupt.
I guess I should just be happy I'm not seeing her ugly mug on TV but it's hard to not notice the low profile she has adopted recently.

When asked about Clinton’s whereabouts, a State Department spokesman told that she was on vacation, but would not provide a location. When asked why Clinton has not issued a statement on the Christmas Day bombing attempt, the spokesman said such a statement was not necessary.

The father’s report resulted in a visa alert being sent to the State Department and the National Counterterrorism Center, which reports to President Barack Obama and Dennis C. Blair, the director of national intelligence.

Even with that information, the State Department did not revoke Abdulmutallab’s visa,................................

One foreign journalist has opined about Clinton’s silence on the Iranian matter.

In a column in Britain’s Telegraph on Wednesday, Nile Gardiner called Clinton the “invisible secretary,” who he said should be speaking out against the arrest of more than 1,500 Iranians by the country’s brutal security forces.

“I’m not aware, however, of a single statement from a senior official at the State Department on the latest situation in Iran – a disgraceful state of affairs and a huge abdication of responsibility,” Gardiner said.

“Her striking absence from the world stage is a damning indictment of the lack of American leadership at a time of tremendous upheaval on the streets of Tehran, and when the United States is facing a mounting threat from an increasingly dangerous and hostile Islamist regime.”

Bingo, it's 3 AM Hitlary, where is you wuz??

(The article doesn't mention there have been perhaps a couple of dozen peaceful prostestors killed by the tyrants currently in power in Iran, not to mention many more political prisoners who have experience SDS (sudden death syndrome) while incarcerated in the moolahs prisons.)

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (who may be the next supreme court nominee) and President Barack Hussein Obama seem intent on denying that foreign terrorism is a threat to the United States.
Visas issued to America need to be closely monitored.

What is particularly disturbing about all of this is the simple fact that the 9/11 Commission identified visa fraud and immigration benefit fraud as major areas of concern where the entry and embedding of terrorists in our country are involved, yet virtually nothing has been done to address these major holes in the fence that is supposed to keep those individuals out of our country who are determined to do us such harm!

A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house without walls!

Any politician who refuses to work to secure our borders and create an immigration system that has integrity is either corrupt or too dumb to keep his (her) job. Any politician, irrespective of party affiliation who favors health care for illegal aliens and/or Comprehensive Immigration Reform should be shown the door at the next election!

If you find yourself to be in agreement with this commentary, I ask that you forward it to as many of your friends and family members as possible and encourage them to do the same.

Next year each and every member of the House of Representatives is up for reelection. Next year more than one third of the members of the United States Senate will have to face their constituents. They need to be reminded that they work for us, We the People!

The collective failure of We the People to get involved in make our concerns known to our politicians have nearly made the concerns of the great majority of the citizens of this nation all but irrelevant to the politicians.
Sometimes the truth hurts, so they try to keep it from surfacing. Quiet the voice of the masses is a long used tactic of Socialist/Communist regimes.
Sometimes the truth hurts, so they try to keep it from surfacing. Quiet the voice of the masses is a long used tactic of Socialist/Communist regimes.

They do have al-Gore as an unpaid advisor so that would be a true to form characteristic. :)

this thread is funny. The blog is now back up and

Google up 'obama is a muslim' on youtube and see what happens.

I'm surprised Biden didn't make the “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” list.


If the list read 'ten most corrupt politicians', no doubt he would be number one.

When the left of left LA Times does an expose on the Biden family, you have to realize he is one corrupt sleazeball politician.
I was about to post "holy man hands" before reading the article. Heh.

If Amanda isn't the first, then do you have any ideas who others may have been??

It's not like there aren't several likely candidates. :unsure:
is American security regulations that prevent real-time sharing...............

The troops want more sharing and less secrecy. They want useful information and they want it fast. They don't want to find out a year later that good stuff was available, but could not be released to the combat troops for one bureaucratic reason or another. If they don't get intel in time, it might just as well not exist.

There is a revolution in the intelligence world, and it is being led by users who have gone into business for themselves, and shown the pros how it should be done. But the rules on sharing with foreigners, even long time allies, are still getting American allies killed.
The church of AGW cannot sustain itself.

Ironically, the Yalta Conference spawned the United Nations which ultimately begot the Church of AGW, with its arsenal of politically fabricated ‘scientific’ gospels. Without denigrating the UN’s initial role as a useful vehicle for mediation in the Cold War, when the super powers treated geopolitical strategic calculations as a chess game played on a global scale, its subsequent degeneration into a den of graft and corruption, as exemplified by the Oil for Food Program shenanigans, is yet another teachable instance of the falling out of a political marriage of convenience.

The entire history of the Berlin Wall is one of the most appropriate metaphors for the role of the United Nations as a mediator in the Cold War. Under the aegis of the UN, the Wall rose and deplored by John Fitzgerald Kennedy. With the consternation of the UN the Wall fell on the instigation of Ronald Wilson Regan. The commemoration of its fall was dismissed by Barack Hussein Obama as of no significance.

But most noteworthy of all, the fall of the Berlin Wall triggered the disintegration of the USSR. This resulted in a host of communist ideologues amongst the liberal intelligentsia of the West to flock into the United Nations and its satellite institutions. This crystallized the takeover of the environmental movement by communist ideologues of all shades and flavors of radical persuasions.

The seminal beginning of the present-day AGW is traceable with unmistakable certainty to the Stockholm Declaration of 1972. Said document, reads, in part: ............................

Still the democrat sharks and rino remoras smell blood in the water.

(methinks it may be their own)

If Waxman-Markey passes, the federal government will supervise all forms of industrial, residential, and commercial energy use. That bill will charge for carbon, impose a "cap-and-trade" system, and mandate renewable energy standards and energy efficiency requirements for American business and industry. There will be a tight nationwide system of federal supervision and regulation of energy use and climate control efforts reaching down to local building codes and housing inspectors. The 1,427 pages of the bill are a monument to the ambition of some to have rules for everything.

Indeed, even some of the most ardent alarmists say that the bill will do little to change the future climate. However, it will cost staggering sums and countless wasted man-hours. Furthermore, the emphasis on "green energy" in the bill is an engineering pipe dream because the "green" sources relied on and subsidized are inherently inadequate for the task on a national scale, and emphasis on them also would cause hardship in the third world.

The threat to use the Clean Air Act to control carbon dioxide has a somewhat hollow ring to me. I would call the administration's bluff.

People need to see the wolves in green clothing for what they are: charlatans. Honest environmentalists need to stop their unquestioning clamor, revisit the science, and recognize the truth, lest the very good cause they serve be seriously harmed.

Americans and American business should not knuckle under to this cynical and corrupt power grab. Before new policy and rules are made, we must demand a thorough airing of the climate science with a fair and honest process by a reliable investigating team. It will not be that hard to root out the fudging and falsification of data.

This is the fight that will define the twenty-first century as either a time when mankind advances due to honest enterprise, quality science, and technical achievement...or we are subjugated by government micro-regulation from manipulative control freaks based on false and slanted data from grant recipients with no scruples
Tree hugging commies and hippies. spit....

While everyone was laughing at Archie Bunker, I used to consider that he was right about a lot of his ideas. Not the racist ones, but he certainly was right about hippies.

When economies collapse and hunger and starvation sets in, people will be ripe for anyone that promises a fix. I think the history of Haiti could serve as an illustration here.

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