The gsvol compendium thread

Who knows, the democrats blocked any discussion in congress.

Sticking it up a wild hogs ass and yelling sooeeeee would be an improvement on what we are currently doing.

Maybe not, at least from the wild hog's prespective.
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Maybe not, at least from the wild hog's prespective.

I had no idea you had PETA leanings, I'm going to remove you from my 'friends' list. :p

Just think what a 'boone' it could be to wild hog hunters though!! :)
Who knows, the democrats blocked any discussion in congress.

Are you lying or just too lazy to research the stuff you type?

The Senate vote on Bush's retarded SSI privatization was only three years ago; not only was there discussion, it went up for vote.
Ironically, Bush never proposed an actual plan, but tried to sneak it through the 2006 budget.

So, now that you know where to find the details, how would dumping SSI into the overvalued 2006 stock market have "saved" social security? This is the same question you've been kicking down the road for the past few days.
Umar Faroul Abdulmutallab is not a legal resident of the United States.

He has no legal standing under the U.S. Constitution.

He is the son of a billionarire, who served as the Chairman of the First Bank of Nigeria.

And yet, the infamous “pantywaist bomber” is being granted three public defenders at a cost to America taxpayers that is expected to exceed $5 million and all the rights of an accused American citizen under the Bill of Rights, including protection from self incrimination (that is, the right to remain silent).


If it were up to me it woud be up against the wall mf, you want to be a martyr, then ready aim fire!!
Are you lying or just too lazy to research the stuff you type?

The Senate vote on Bush's retarded SSI privatization was only three years ago; not only was there discussion, it went up for vote.
Ironically, Bush never proposed an actual plan, but tried to sneak it through the 2006 budget.

So, now that you know where to find the details, how would dumping SSI into the overvalued 2006 stock market have "saved" social security? This is the same question you've been kicking down the road for the past few days.


While others have profited by multi billions the social security insurance fund aka social securtity tax aka money put into the general fund and already spent, to be paid back by future generations, just disappears into nowhere.

Oh well, we can always issue more bonds and go further into debt for the money we actually saved back when we were working and buying government insurance aka paying a government tax.

If it makes sense to you and you being such an educated economist then I suppose it makes sense to me, except that it seems insane, but then I've never tried to hold myself up to be the model of sanity. :eek:hmy:

Pardon my stupid ass for being so freaking retarded.

While others have profited by multi billions the social security insurance fund aka social securtity tax aka money put into the general fund and already spent, to be paid back by future generations, just disappears into nowhere.

Oh well, we can always issue more bonds and go further into debt for the money we actually saved back when we were working and buying government insurance aka paying a government tax.

If it makes sense to you and you being such an educated economist then I suppose it makes sense to me, except that it seems insane, but then I've never tried to hold myself up to be the model of sanity. :eek:hmy:

Pardon my stupid ass for being so freaking retarded.

Let me take a step back, I'm really stupid so perhaps you can clear things up.

You claimed that Bush's SSI plan was never revealed because Democrats blocked debate.

I showed that it was not only debated, it was voted on.

Can you elaborate how your current post addresses that point? You are rambling about how the "surplus" has been spent, which I talked about a month ago. It has nothing to do with my point. I would prefer to stay on topic, but it seems like you are randomly copying/pasting without a thought to the actual conversation.
Let me take a step back, I'm really stupid so perhaps you can clear things up.

You claimed that Bush's SSI plan was never revealed because Democrats blocked debate.

I showed that it was not only debated, it was voted on.

Can you elaborate how your current post addresses that point? You are rambling about how the "surplus" has been spent, which I talked about a month ago. It has nothing to do with my point. I would prefer to stay on topic, but it seems like you are randomly copying/pasting without a thought to the actual conversation.

Just what is your point, succinctly put??

Do you have a copy of the bill that was voted down, I would like to read it?

Do you or do you not think that the SS program needs some sort of reorganization, meaning not putting the solution to the forseeable problem off until some time in the future?

As for the random posts, part of that is that one of the monitors frequently takes other threads or unrelated thread starter posts and adds them to this thread.

A close review of the non-redacted portions of the Schedule A exhibit, which the giant insurer filed with the SEC on March 16, reveals the regulatory agency permitted the giant insurer to keep secret any identifying information about the securities a group of 16 big US and European banks sold to Maiden Lane III, an entity set-up by the Federal Reserve of New York in November 2008 as part of the AIG bailout.

The NY Fed established Maiden Lane III to retire the credit default swaps-and insurance-like derivative product-AIG had sold to the banks to guard against a decline in value on those mortgage-related securities.

Reuters reported Monday that the Securities and Exchange Commission approved a request last May by AIG to keep confidential some portions of a year-old regulatory filing that provided details about the funneling of tens of billions of federal bailout dollars to banks like Societe Generale, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and Merrill Lynch.

The SEC's order granting confidential treatment to the redacted portion of the filing, known as Schedule A - List of Derivative Transactions, lasts until November 25, 2018.

U.S. Court Skeptical of Fed Push for Bailout Secrecy.

A federal appeals court on Monday appeared skeptical of U.S. Federal Reserve efforts to prevent the press and the public from learning the names of participants in emergency lending programs designed to support and bail out the financial system.

The central bank has argued that disclosure would cause "competitive and reputational harm" to participants, perhaps triggering bank runs, and impede its ability "to effectively manage the current, and any future, financial crisis."
Code Red on Code Pink.

The lucky few allowed into the Strip included neither Evans nor her friends, former Weather Underground terror leaders Bernadine Dohrn and William Ayres.

(Both obambi groupies who deserve a bullet in their heads, if justice prevailed in America they would be prosecuted for a terrorist bombing in SFO that resulted in the death of a police sergeant.)gs

Dohrn, the woman who has called for a "revolutionary war" to destroy the US, (and who idealized Charlie Manson) gs

IN THIS, the Free Gaza movement members are but a chip off the old psychopathic block of nearly a century of far-left Western activists whose hatred for their own countries motivated them to hide the crimes of mass murderers from Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong to Fidel Castro and Ho Chi Minh to Daniel Ortega and Saddam Hussein. As Jamie Glazov chronicles in his recently published book, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror, their attraction to mass murderers - from Stalin to Osama bin Laden - and their concomitant hatred of their own societies "is a secular religion."

These fanatics are usually dismissed as fringe elements. But the truth is that during the late 20th century, the distance between these true believers and the centers of state power has not been very great. Glazov notes, "The tragedy... is that the Left has shaped much of the cultural and political consciousness of our time. The Left's agenda mattered immensely during the Vietnam War: even former North Vietnamese officials have admitted that the antiwar movement in American can take credit for communism's victory in South Vietnam and, therefore, for the tragic bloodbath that followed."

(And I will piss on John Kerry's tombstone, that I promise, not that I hold John McCain blameless for the betrayal of POWs from the Vietnam era, McCain is also a sorry POS)gs

Since it was formed in 2002, Code Pink has openly sided with US enemies against the US and its allies. Evans and its other leaders have met with Hamas leaders in Gaza and Syria. They have visited with Hizbullah in Lebanon. They have met with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in New York and Teheran. They have supplied Iranian-backed insurgents in Iraq, and before the US-led invasion in 2003, they organized a solidarity-with-Saddam Hussein mission to Baghdad. And this month, fresh from Egypt and Gaza, Code Pink launched an advertising campaign on the Muslim Brotherhood's English-language Web site.

At home in the US, as documented by Web sites like Big Government and Atlas Shrugs, Code Pink's members have launched psychological warfare operations against American soldiers outside of military bases with the aim of persuading them to desert. They have taunted and frightened children of US servicemen. They have harassed Bush administration officials, their family members and Republican Party leaders.

WHILE BOTH the Israeli and American media continue to promote the agendas of far left groups, by among other things, not reporting their open ties to terrorist organizations, today some of these groups have direct access to the halls of power.

Code Pink, for instance, is welcome at the Obama White House. Its leader Evans was an official fund-raiser for Barack Obama's presidential campaign.

Evans visited the White House after travelling to Gaza last June. While there she met with Hamas leaders who gave her a letter for Obama.

Evans met Obama himself at a donor dinner in San Francisco last October where, while standing in front of cameras, she gave him documents she received in Afghanistan, where she met with Taliban officials.

Then, too, like Evans, Dohrn and her husband, Ayres, are also friendly with the president of the United States.

Dohrn and Ayres have been Obama's political patrons since he launched his first campaign for the Illinois state Senate in 1996. In White House visitors' logs, Ayres is listed as having twice visited the building since Obama's inauguration.
The AIG rippoff.

A close review of the non-redacted portions

Reuters reported Monday that the Securities


Would you be mad if someone would steal a $1,000+ from you personally??

Well this amounts to several thousand for every man woman and child in America.


SEC subpoenas big banks over CDOs.

Several leading international banks have received subpoenas from US regulators investigating one of the complex securities markets at the heart of the financial crisis,...............

The Securities and Exchange Commission sent subpoenas last month to banks including Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Citigroup, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Morgan Stanley and Barclays Capital,...........................................

CDOs are pools of bonds or mortgages and other loans that are sold to investors. Synthetic CDOs are backed by derivatives known as credit default swaps – a form of credit insurance – rather than actual loans or bonds themselves.

Investors came to discover than tranches of synthetic CDOs that had been rated triple A were, in fact, worthless.
Just what is your point, succinctly put??

Do you have a copy of the bill that was voted down, I would like to read it?

Of course, it was called the 2006 budget. It was SRC 83 vote 68 if I recall.

I cited the specific provision, there are hundreds of articles on it. Find the political tilt of your needs through google.

Do you or do you not think that the SS program needs some sort of reorganization, meaning not putting the solution to the forseeable problem off until some time in the future?

Absolutely. Eliminate the FICA ceiling. Good to go.
Of course, it was called the 2006 budget. It was SRC 83 vote 68 if I recall.

I cited the specific provision, there are hundreds of articles on it. Find the political tilt of your needs through google.

Absolutely. Eliminate the FICA ceiling. Good to go.

I must have missed it then, the bottom line was that nothing was done to solve the inevitible problem.

What do you mean by; 'Eliminate the FICA ceiling.'?
Bravo! I really like the Daniel Webster quote in the article. Here's to a strong resurgence of states' rights.

Now if we could just convince Winchester to open a rifle and ammo factory here in Tennessee... :)

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