The gsvol compendium thread

Wyoming's economy, as well as its culture, is inextricably linked to guns. Hunting is big business out west.
Who’s Side is Obama on?

The Clinton State Department has decided to cut off all funding for the Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC), which was compiling lists of protestors imprisoned in this summer’s unrest, as well as those who were killed in the crackdown.

IHRDC is what human-rights advocates should be: methodical, precise, and apolitical in their work. And yet, the Obama administration has, without explanation, cut off all federal funding to the group which has consistently fulfilled its mandate.

Anyone, across the political spectrum who has any interest in human rights in Iran keeps the IHRDC reports on their desks.

Call on U.S. and Other Countries to Move Quickly to Adopt Strong Climate Change Policies.

Al Gore is chairman and founder of a private equity firm called Generation Investment Management (GIM).

In 2006 Al Gore established his own global-warming non-profit group, the Alliance for Climate Protection, a 501(3)(c) charitable organization. The group favors more stringent environmental policy regulations on the private sector and especially wants cap-and-trade legislation so that companies will be forced to lower their greenhouse gas emissions and buy carbon credits.


Clearly, GIM is poised to cash in on carbon trading. The membership of CCX is currently voluntary. But if the day ever comes when federal government regulations require greenhouse-gas emitters -- and that’s almost everyone -- to participate in cap-and-trade, then those who have created a market for the exchange of carbon credits are in a position to control the outcomes.

Senator Wants Gore Stripped of Nobel Prize.

Every assertion that he made in his science fiction movie has now been disproven, sea level rising, Himalayas melting and all this stuff. The significant thing right now, though, is the hearing that we had this morning, because we have the minority report that we put together which shows that climate-gate, fixing the science, cooking the science, actually took place.

We have it all documented. And people are being investigated right now. The problem for us in America is, you and I have talked before on how destructive, economically, it would be if we were to have cap and trade, any of these bills that were passed in McCain/Lieberman bill or any of these.

It would be the largest tax increase in the history of America, something over $300 billion a year. Now, since they can’t get that passed, in Congress, the Senate won’t pass that, they’re trying to do it through the Clean Air Act, through the EPA, through an endangerment finding.

Here is the key, though. The endangerment finding is based on the science that the IPCC has come forth – that’s the United Nations. And it’s all been debunked. So, we’re destroying the economy of the nation based on science that’s bad.
Hopefully cap and trade is and will remain just as dead as obamacare.

More on the foremost c & T and carbon trading promoter Al-Gorinski.

Gore's communist connection.

But Lewis didn’t put it that way. Instead, he referred to Al Gore and the “controversial” Armand Hammer, the late chairman of Occidental Petroleum. In fact, Hammer was a Soviet agent and money launderer for the Communist Party who helped Vice President Gore and his family become rich.

Lewis explained how the Energy Department in 1997 sold 47,000 acres of federal oil reserves to Occidental, after Vice President Gore, who has a reputation as a staunch environmentalist, recommended that the president give oil companies access to this land.

Although the Energy Department was supposed to review the environmental impact of the sale, it did not. It turned the job over to a private company whose board of directors included Tony Coelho, later the general chairman of Gore’s presidential campaign.

As a result of Gore's criminal activity as VP and his lackey Coelho, Occidental was able to buy the oil reserve land and rights to drill for one fourth of what they should have paid.

Occidental Petroleum also was responsible for the LOVE CANAL toxic waste mess in New York.

Another way Hammer transferred money to Al Sr was to buy cattle for up to $300,000 each at Gore Sr's annual cattle sale.


Two more short articles on the topic.


Left to right: Senator Al Gore Sr., Armand Hammer, Mrs. Pauline Gore, daughter Nancy and Little Albert Gore Jr.


Lenin presented an inscribed portrait to "Comrade Armand Hammer" in 1921, notice Lenin in parentheses & Ulanioff, his birth name.

More on the main players:

Julius Hammer, father of Armand and FOUNDER OF U.S. COMMUNIST PARTY

Armand Hammer, founder of the Occidental Petroleum company and lifelong friend and benefactor of Albert Gore Sr as well as lifelong friend of Joseph (Uncle Joe) Stalin who's purges resulted in the deaths of Millions. Remained close to Albert Gore Jr. until his death lavishly bestowing his largesse until the end.

Albert Gore Sr, When first elected to the House of Representatives in the late 1930s he was a Tennessee school teacher who eked out extra dollars by playing fiddle at church weddings. But later, as a United States Senator, he lived in the plush Fairfax Hotel on Embassy Row in Washington, and sent his son, Al Jr., to the pricey St. Albans School, the haunt of kids from Social Register families.

A book called Dossier , written by investigative reporter Edward Jay Epstein, which "shows that the senior Gore had a silent partner who, for several decades, insured that his pockets remained comfortably filled. He was Armand Hammer, the multi-millionaire businessman and oil promoter who apparently collected art and politicians with equal zeal. Al Gore Sr. was "Hammer's designated door-opener in official Washington. The handsome compensation that Gore Sr. received for his services culminated in a half-a-million-dollars-a-year position with Armand Hammer's oil company, Occidental Petroleum.

Al Gore Jr. picked up where his father left off and "put the family's Senate seat at Hammer's service.

Joseph Stalin, Born Iosef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, the "Man of Steel," or Stalin, was born in Georgia, was educated at the Tiflis Theological Seminary from which he was expelled for "propagating Marxism." He joined the Bolshevik underground and was arrested and transported to Siberia. He escaped in 1904.

The ensuing years witnessed his closer identification with Marxism, his many escapes from captivity, his growing intimacy with Lenin and Bukharin, his early disparagement of Leon Trotsky, and his co-option, in 1912, to the illicit Bolshevik Central Committee.

With the Revolution of 1917 and the replacement of Kerensky's weak Provisional Government by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, Stalin was appointed Commissar for Nationalities and a member of the Politburo, although his activities throughout the counter-revolution and the war with Poland were confined to organizing a Red "terror" in Tsaritsin (Stalingrad).

With his appointment as General Secretary to the Central Committee in 1922, Stalin began stealthily to build up the power that would guarantee his control of the Soviet Union after Lenin's death. When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin took control. By 1928, Trotsky had been degraded and banished. (and eventually assassinated.)

Stalin's reorganization of the Soviet's resources, with its successive Five Year Plans, suffered numerous industrial setbacks and encountered consistently stubborn resistance in agriculture, where the kulaks refused to accept the principles of collectivization.

The measures taken by Stalin to discipline those who opposed his will involved the death by execution or famine of at least 10 million peasants (1932-33). The bloodbath which eliminated the Old Bolsheviks and the alleged right-wing, and the staged "engineers' trial," were followed by a drastic, purge of thousands of the Officer corps, including Marshal Tuchachevsky.

Stalin believed they were all guilty of pro-German sympathies. Red Army forces and material went to the support of the Spanish Communist government in 1936, although Stalin was careful not to commit himself too deeply.

After the Munich crisis Franco-British negotiations for Russian support in the event of war were protracted until the Nazi-Soviet Pact, which bought Stalin some time he thought he needed to prepare for a German invasion.

In 1941 the prosperity of the nazis' initial thrust into Russia could be accounted for in part by the disposal of the Red Army on the frontiers, ready to invade rather than repel invasion.

Stalin's strategy followed the traditional Muscovite pattern of plugging gaps in the defenses with more and more bodies and trading space for time in which imposing climatic conditions could whittle away the opponents' strength.

Sustained by material furnished by Britain an the United States, the Red Army responded to Stalin's call to defend not the principles of Marx and Engels, but "Mother Russia."

Quick to exploit the unwarranted Anglo-American fear that Russia might get out of the war, Stalin easily outwitted the allied leaders of the Teheran and Yalta Conferences.

With the Red Army's invasion of German soil, Soviet soldiers were encouraged to penetrate far beyond the point where they had last been employed.

Thus Stalin's dominance of the Potsdam Conference, followed by the premature break up of the Anglo-American forces, left Stalin with a territory enlarged by more 180,0000 square miles which, with satellites, increased the Soviet sphere of influence by more than 760,00 square miles.

There is more to the story but anyone should be able to get the picture from the above information.

For the most part that $13 trillion is money ripped off from we the American people over the last century!


Muammar who claims Obama is a muslim (with plenty of evidence to support that claim,) called on Thursday for a "jihad" or armed struggle against Switzerland, saying it was an infidel state that was destroying mosques.

"Any Muslim in any part of the world who works with Switzerland is an apostate, is against (the Prophet) Mohammad, God and the Koran," Gaddafi said during a meeting in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi to mark the Prophet's birthday.

"The masses of Muslims must go to all airports in the Islamic world and prevent any Swiss plane landing, to all harbors and prevent any Swiss ships docking, inspect all shops and markets to stop any Swiss goods being sold," Gaddafi said.

Actually Switzerland hasn't destroyed any mosques, however muslims have destroyed over 200 churches in Kosovo, some of them as much as 700 years old.

When will the west ever quit appeasing these punks.

If I were Swiss, I would call for killing of the ugly Libyan sob.
University of Tennessee Interim President Jan Simek this morning presented a proposal to trustees to award an honorary doctoral degree from UT Knoxville to former vice president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore.

If approved, Gore, a native of Carthage, Tenn., will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws and Humane Letters at the UT Knoxville College of Arts and Sciences spring commencement ceremony on May 14. He also would be the featured speaker at the ceremony.

Rats!! :crazy:
University of Tennessee Interim President Jan Simek this morning presented a proposal to trustees to award an honorary doctoral degree from UT Knoxville to former vice president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore.

If approved, Gore, a native of Carthage, Tenn., will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws and Humane Letters at the UT Knoxville College of Arts and Sciences spring commencement ceremony on May 14. He also would be the featured speaker at the ceremony.

Rats!! :crazy:

Jan Simek needs fired. He is just an temporary/interim president. When is he going to leave and go back to California or New England or where ever he came from?
Give it time!! One of those Hollywood harlots will pose nude in a magazine for a fundraising effort for the new Hollywood charity:

Skanks for Snakes
He was in the locker room for the '98 championship. He can now claim, he truly is all Vol.


If he hadn't been there we would have probably won by a couple of more TDs.

He lives in Carthage like hell!

He ought to be made to clean up that eyesore of a so-called mining site, if he was half the man he claims to be he would do it on his own, what a clown.

Jan Simek needs fired. He is just an temporary/interim president. When is he going to leave and go back to California or New England or where ever he came from?

We need to hire a real president for sure.

Way to go Vols, just knocked off Ky 74-65!!! :eek:k:
Where's Marlin Perkins when you need him?????

I used to watch his show religiously, every Sunday afternoon, what did he call it, Wild Kingdom??

The only time I think I ever saw him scared was the time that 30 ft anaconda held him underwater for about two minutes!! I'll bet he never tried that again!! :)

Here is who I was thinking about:

A few months ago in Congo, a group of rebels decapitated the chief of the village of Busurungi, tied the village men in a line elbow to elbow and cut off their heads.

In the meantime, the man who says he coordinates the rebels’ daily activities was putting out their press releases from his apartment in a suburb of Paris. That’s where Callixte Mbarushimana lives as a free man.......
(long but very informative)

Just who is responsible for sponsoring him since then within the UN??


10,000 Tutsis were slaughtered outside a church in Nymata, Rwanda in a two day bllodbath.

Other questions; why doesn't the press bring out the fact that in so many cases these terrible crimes are committed against Christians by muslim mobs??

Why does the world court only seem to want to prosecute war crimes against non muslims and refuse to act against muslim perpetuators??
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No one cares about Christians dying. Christians and Jews oppress the Muslims, therefore, we deserve death.

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