The Harris Doctrine

If you really think that then it's clear you can't be convinced otherwise and you have a closed mind. They are attempting to railroad through Kamala Harris. There is a simple mindedness in this country that does not care about a single Kamala Harris policy. They will vote for her because she is black and/or a woman no matter how destructive her ideas are or how woefully inept she is. That would be ok with an honest press. The are gaining more power to be lying POS when we allow the lies, the deceit, the facts they don't tell, the unevenhandedness go unchallenged.

The democrat party is the real threat to democracy. You know yourself if the democrat party is accusing someone of something then they are in fact already doing it.
And there are plenty who excuse everything Trump does or says. This isn't as one sided as you try to make it. There's 30-40% like you buying anything their candidate says without questioning it. Getting upset at the few choosing not to vote for 1 of the worst 2 choices in us history seems a bit ridiculous.
We get it. Pick up the needle and just move it over

Its your choice but you keep asking someone else to give you something or someone. If you think Trump is an idiot that is okay in my book, but I think much less than a typical Americans that it took them 30 years to figure out the scam....

You couldn't pay me enough to helm this Titanic. There is nobody else.
If you really think that then it's clear you can't be convinced otherwise and you have a closed mind. They are attempting to railroad through Kamala Harris. There is a simple mindedness in this country that does not care about a single Kamala Harris policy. They will vote for her because she is black and/or a woman no matter how destructive her ideas are or how woefully inept she is. That would be ok with an honest press, but the press is the problem. The are gaining more power to be lying POS when we allow the lies, the deceit, the facts they don't tell, the unevenhandedness go unchallenged.

The democrat party is the real threat to democracy. You know yourself if the democrat party is accusing someone of something then they are in fact already doing it.

Bureaucracy, lawyers and bankers are the threats to democracy. Rs & Ds are just the offense and defense for the same team.
And there are plenty who excuse everything Trump does or says. This isn't as one sided as you try to make it. There's 30-40% like you buying anything their candidate says without questioning it. Getting upset at the few choosing not to vote for 1 of the worst 2 choices in us history seems a bit ridiculous.

I am not buying everything, but I do know the importance of this election. The last one was important too. We are involved in multiple regional wars, directly or indirectly, that continues to get more dangerous. Don't forget Afghanistan, the Chinese balloon, the funding directly and indirectly of Iran's terror campaign, etc. They talk about the expansion of NATO, but when you help gaslight war then is it really an accomplishment. Add to the fact they are once again buying nice compliments from NATO.
Bureaucracy, lawyers and bankers are the threats to democracy. Rs & Ds are just the offense and defense for the same team.

I think most conservatives know we need reduced government, not more. There are many that want bigger government for multiple reasons including to muddy the waters of transparency and accountability.
And there are plenty who excuse everything Trump does or says. This isn't as one sided as you try to make it. There's 30-40% like you buying anything their candidate says without questioning it. Getting upset at the few choosing not to vote for 1 of the worst 2 choices in us history seems a bit ridiculous.
What exactly are unrealized capital gains?
It’s like buying a powerball ticket when the jackpot is $100 million, they make you pay taxes on $100 million, then you lose.

Yeah, that was basically in response to PJ talking about voting again. The ONLY logical vote this time is Trump. I can't ever remember a candidate making it a campaign issue to take my 401k earnings in taxes. At this point I might vote for dam near anyone over her.
And there are plenty who excuse everything Trump does or says. This isn't as one sided as you try to make it. There's 30-40% like you buying anything their candidate says without questioning it. Getting upset at the few choosing not to vote for 1 of the worst 2 choices in us history seems a bit ridiculous.
He might be one of the worst but he is BY FAR not one of two. Not even close.
Those dollars in 2020 were largely Covid relief and it was passed unanimously in Congress. How many things get passed unanimously? It was neither Republican or Democrat legislation. That's not on Trump any more than spending on WW II was on FDR

If we must look for blame, it should be noted that Trump's initial thought was a much more modest package:

There's not much Trump can do if Congress is unanimous in wanting to spend more money

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It wasn't unanimous and he also attacked those who dared challenge the money. Not sure why anyone would be surprised that Trump likes spending money.
It wasn't unanimous and he also attacked those who dared challenge the money. Not sure why anyone would be surprised that Trump likes spending money.
The Covid relief bill I referenced was unanimous. Obviously not all spending was
The Covid relief bill I referenced was unanimous. Obviously not all spending was

The bill was unanimous but it only got that way after the Rs loaded it with pork, the Ds went against it until they got to load it with pork, the Rs added more pork after the Ds did, and Trump's people loaded it with self serving provisions.

It's why less than 10% of it went to actual COVID...
The bill was unanimous but it only got that way after the Rs loaded it with pork, the Ds went against it until they got to load it with pork, the Rs added more pork after the Ds did, and Trump's people loaded it with self serving provisions.

It's why less than 10% of it went to actual COVID...
At least we get to keep 100% of the resulting inflation it caused.
The bill was unanimous but it only got that way after the Rs loaded it with pork, the Ds went against it until they got to load it with pork, the Rs added more pork after the Ds did, and Trump's people loaded it with self serving provisions.

It's why less than 10% of it went to actual COVID...
Fiscal conservatives are a rare breed in Washington today. Neither Kamala or Trump qualify. The only fiscal conservative that comes to my mind is Rand Paul and he enthusiastically endorsed Trump

Biden's proposed budget was massive. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils here

There's very little a President can do to curb spending. The scenario that plays out time and time again is that Republicans want to curb spending and they refuse to raise the debt ceiling. The gov't gets shut down and then it's the Republicans that take a political beating for it. This happened to Trump
Fiscal conservatives are a rare breed in Washington today. Neither Kamala or Trump qualify. The only fiscal conservative that comes to my mind is Rand Paul and he enthusiastically endorsed Trump

Biden's proposed budget was massive. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils here

There's very little a President can do to curb spending. The scenario that plays out time and time again is that Republicans want to curb spending and they refuse to raise the debt ceiling. The gov't gets shut down and then it's the Republicans that take a political beating for it. This happened to Trump
Agreed. It is a vote for a socialist/communist ticket or Trump. One of the two will be in the WH in 2025. One has a wealth redistribution plan using our tax code with steeper tax hikes on Americans. When you look at the facts it is an easy choice.
Fiscal conservatives are a rare breed in Washington today. Neither Kamala or Trump qualify. The only fiscal conservative that comes to my mind is Rand Paul and he enthusiastically endorsed Trump

Biden's proposed budget was massive. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils here

There's very little a President can do to curb spending. The scenario that plays out time and time again is that Republicans want to curb spending and they refuse to raise the debt ceiling. The gov't gets shut down and then it's the Republicans that take a political beating for it. This happened to Trump

Trump is the leader and could have advocated for a focused bill. He didn't. He's not the only one to blame but he deserves a lot of it..

Trump is the lesser of two evils fiscally. Agree there. Rand Paul talks a big fiscal conservative game but he gets in line when it comes to spend...
Fiscal conservatives are a rare breed in Washington today. Neither Kamala or Trump qualify. The only fiscal conservative that comes to my mind is Rand Paul and he enthusiastically endorsed Trump

Biden's proposed budget was massive. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils here

There's very little a President can do to curb spending. The scenario that plays out time and time again is that Republicans want to curb spending and they refuse to raise the debt ceiling. The gov't gets shut down and then it's the Republicans that take a political beating for it. This happened to Trump

None of them are, and for obvious reasons. The private sector would not be able to generate the needed new credit from the federal reserve system to sustain the exponential growth to sustain itself i.e. reset.

There's very little a President can do to curb spending.

There is nothing Congress or the President can do unless they want to purposely reset the system. Eventually the system will not be able to sustain itself anyway as man has no ability to supply or demand growth exponentially very long. The Federal Reserve put the current system into OT with their stick save in 2008, eventually the power needed to sustain the system will continue over the dam walls.

You couldn't give me enough to helm this Titanic.
Fiscal conservatives are a rare breed in Washington today. Neither Kamala or Trump qualify. The only fiscal conservative that comes to my mind is Rand Paul and he enthusiastically endorsed Trump

Biden's proposed budget was massive. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils here

There's very little a President can do to curb spending. The scenario that plays out time and time again is that Republicans want to curb spending and they refuse to raise the debt ceiling. The gov't gets shut down and then it's the Republicans that take a political beating for it. This happened to Trump

About 70% of federal spending consist of interest on debt and entitlements. Those are mandatory expenditures (under current laws) so they only have about 30% of the federal budget to actually cut spending with and they ain't doing that. They ain't cutting defense, special pork barrel crap in their districts or the federal payroll.
About 70% of federal spending consist of interest on debt and entitlements. Those are mandatory expenditures (under current laws) so they only have about 30% of the federal budget to actually cut spending with and they ain't doing that. They ain't cutting defense, special pork barrel crap in their districts or the federal payroll.
A good start would be an attempt to control the growth of spending
A good start would be an attempt to control the growth of spending

Not going to happen, not a damn one of them is going to stand up and say they turned down funds to build a 100 million dollar baby seal nursery in their district to cut growth in spending.
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About 70% of federal spending consist of interest on debt and entitlements. Those are mandatory expenditures (under current laws) so they only have about 30% of the federal budget to actually cut spending with and they ain't doing that. They ain't cutting defense, special pork barrel crap in their districts or the federal payroll.
Agreed. It has taken both parties decades to get to this point and will require both parties committed to reducing spending at the federal level. Thinking that an DC outsider like Trump who came into office in 2017 would be successful right out of the gate is disingenuous at best.

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